How To Survive A Zombie Outbreak

Alright, so I'm sure you've heard of the living dead, zombie apocalypse, and those things that eat you if you get near them right? Well, then I'm assuming you probably don't believe in that stuff do you? Well, to those who don't believe that one day we will be overrun by flesh eating will probably be eaten first. Unless you're willing to take your precious time away from your senseless, illogical ways of surviving the world, and continue reading this Survival Guide. For those who already do believe we are already being overpowered by zombie forces, congratulations. You either don't have any clue what to do, but you know they are among us, and want to read this Survival Guide, or you're an experienced zombie killer, and you're just interested in see my insights on surviving the outbreak. Well thank you to those who are taking the time to read on. I appreciate your patience and hopefully you will use some of this useful advice. But of course before you can use any of what I'm about to tell you I actually have to tell you first. We'll start from the beginning.
  1. Introduction - Knowing When A Zombie Apocalypse Is Among Us
  2. Rule #1: Choose Your Beheading
    Pretty much just the basics on a few weapons you can use to dismember a zombie's head from it's body ^_^