Status: Active

Youth of the Betrayed

01: No-***ing-way

It was a Friday night, and half way through the school year. I sat on the couch in the living room with my best friend Pip, we were watching ‘True Blood’ I’d read the series of books they were based off, just for the fun of it, but Pip, well she was into all this stuff, I’d read all they same books and seen all the same movies as her about all this, but it didn’t take my fancy the way it did hers, she got all excited about this kind of stuff, I was pretty sure she would wish it was real.
We were only up to the first season still, but I couldn’t help but laugh, “What’s so funny Taeya?” Pip asked me, I chuckled a little more before answering her.
“I just wonder how humans would act if this shit actually happened, I mean, you see it all the time in books and shit, human girl gets with vampire and suddenly she seems even sillier than usual, I mean even Dante Valentine looked like a silly damsel with a demon boyfriend” I said.
“Oh! Wouldn’t that just be totally amazing!” she squealed, jumping up and down on the couch. Thankfully my parents were away for the weekend, they were highly Christian as were Pip’s but unlike her family, my rent’s respected the fact that I didn’t share their beliefs but also didn’t shove it in their faces that I didn’t, like some kids we’ve seen, we had a nice arrangement, whereas Pip pretended for her families sake, which is why it’s a good thing that my parents aren’t home, because despite our ‘arrangement’ they still didn’t like me watching this stuff, they didn’t have a problem with me reading it, but watching they highly disapproved of. I just shook my head at her and turned back to the TV, “Seriously, for a spiritualist you have to think something’s out there” she pleaded, my spiritual beliefs got me into some shit with some people, but Pip just used it as a way to think vampires and the supernatural could possibly exist, although she believed none of it herself and I think that if it came down to it and any of this did turn out to be real some day, I think I’d believe it more than she would, but that could just be me.
“I dunno Pip,” I sounded weary and I knew she’d probably start to get all whiny on my tonight, “Just ‘cause I believe in something most people wouldn’t doesn’t mean I’d mess around with it” and it was true, kids had tried to get me to do shit that they see on movies and stuff like that, but just because I believe that there’s something else out there, doesn’t mean I’m stupid enough to mess around with it, I may not know what is out there, but still, it just isn’t shit to mess with, it’s as simple as that.
I woke up on the couch the following night, alone. I figured Pip had gone to work, too bad; she should really take Saturday’s off. I pulled myself off the couch and headed for the back door, stopping by the mantle as a glimpse of a photo of us when we were five caught my eye, I smiled at the memory, it was taken after we’d broken out of a Bible camp, and my parents never sent me again after that. Pip suddenly burst through the door, panting, I looked over her, blonde hair everywhere and chocolate brown eyes filled with information.
“Pip...?” I asked, taking cautious steps closer to my friend.
“Oh my god, have you seen the news tonight?” she panted, she didn’t look scared as such, just a little shaken.
I shook my head, confused, “N-no, should I have?”
She ran past me and flicked the TV on, dropping to the couch, “Come, sit” she beckoned. I moved back to the lounge and sat down next to her, as she intently watched the TV. And let me tell you un-fucking-believable. Shit had seriously hit the fan and not in a good way. The supernatural had indeed relieved themselves and it was freakishly close to ‘True Blood’
“Not-fucking-way” my mouth just about hit the floor, not only were there vampires, but wolves and Psionics and what the fuck?
“I know right?!” Pip looked at me, her face was a cross between excited and scared, “My boss sent me home, well actually he closed up, he didn’t want any ‘other’ races coming in” she rolled her eyes at the ‘other’ races comment, that was what they were calling them. Not even twelve hours and things were already getting in place, it shit was insane!
“Holy shit”
“Okay seriously Taeya, can you say anything other than obscenities?” she asked, she may not be religious, but I still swore far too much for her liking.
“Sorry Pip, it’s like whoa! Y’know? I mean we were just talking about it last night” I felt like I should be going all wide eyed and shit, but yeah.
“I know right!” she exclaimed.
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I've been wanting to post this one for a while now, and finally can!

I'm really excited about it. So this is short, but pretty much just an intro chapter.

I hope you enjoy it, cause I'm having fun writing it.