Status: Active

Youth of the Betrayed

02: Truth Be Told

We sat watching the news for a good half hour, even skipping channels, but nothing changed, it was all the same shit and honestly, it was starting to get ridiculous. I growled and stood up from the couch, heading toward the back door, which lead to the yard, out-skirted by a forest, which usually set my mind at ease.
“Taeya, where are you going?” Pip asked in a small voice, the more we’d watched the more fearful she grew, but I couldn’t sit there and take it any longer, I wasn’t glued to it like her.
“For a walk” I grumbled, pulling my knee length woollen coat on.
“But... you can’t just leave me here” she panicked; I stopped by the door and sighed, adjusting the hood of the coat and pulling my hoodies hood out from underneath it.
“You’ll be fine Pippa, just stay inside okay?” she wasn’t good with panic situations, despite her interests in paranormal and supernatural things, she was always careful and thought things out, whereas I was reckless and impulsive, which is what lead to the next happenings, and I don’t think even the most prepared person would have been fully equip for what happened next.

I’d made it deep into the forest; it was completely dark, maybe around nine PM. I trudged through the long grass, head down and hands shoved into the front pocket of my hoodie.
“Do you really think it to be wise for a little girl to be wandering around in the woods by herself in the dead of night with the current happenings? Big bad wolfie might appear” a voice stopped me in my tracks, I dug my heals into the earth and spun, looking around and seeing nothing at first, I then caught a dark figure only recognizable by its pale skin, pealing himself a way from a tree. Indeed it was a vampire, and freakishly looking like Erik from ‘True Blood’, the hair was the right color and length, only he was somewhat more buff and had piercing ice blue eyes, it could have almost made me weak in the knees, I mean you always hear in stories that the Nosferatu are beautiful creatures, but this is just ridiculous, it can’t all be true – can it?
Usually I would react to being called ‘little girl’, but figured I shouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing that he’d enraged me, inside, despite my raising heart-rate and the sweat dripping down the small of my back and the smell of fear radiating off me, I folded my arms across my chest giving a semi-amused grin, “You reek of fear little girl” he said, taking a step closer, his long leather coat moving with him, he was wearing all black, a black cotton t-shirt hugging his torso, black dress pants and black dress shoes, it really was a nice look for him. For the supposedly undead, he had a lot going for him.
I shook the thought away and tried to focus on what was at hand, any fantasy story would really not be any help, they all said different things about them, therefore making this completely unpredictable, I wouldn’t even be able to fight him off, even only being one step away from a black belt, I was still no match for a vampire and who knew how old this one was, “Can you smell it? Drenching the air along with your blood” he almost chuckled, I wasn’t sure what fear smelt like, but I knew I was afraid and saw no reason to deny that fact, but perhaps he was trying to make me more afraid by bringing it up.
“Is that so?” I asked, raising one brow, “Well I guess you might just have to do something about that then eh?” I probably shouldn’t have been getting smart to a vampire, but it was a defensive thing, and I couldn’t help it, my self-control was few and far between.
He raised a questioning brow back, circling me, “Sarcastic little skin-lover aren’t you?” he said, his voice sounding sadistic from behind me, that probably wasn’t safe, but I was amusing that he was anticipating my movements, so I stayed put and let him make his circuit.
“Perhaps” I replied, trying not to sound bored, if that was one thing I had control over, it was my voice, which, might I add, had gotten me out of a lot of shit in the past, maybe I could dig my way out of this one too... just maybe.
“Funny, you don’t appear to be afraid, but you reek of it like a rotting corpse” he snarled, I stopped myself from jumping with fright, any sane person would have started running by now, so why hadn’t I? I was sane, right? Right...?
“Lovely analogy” I muttered, sounding as disgusted as I felt, people generally referred to me as having an ice heart as no one ever knew how I felt, because I never showed it on the surface and my voice never betrayed me, it was a control that surprised even me, and despite how long Pip had known me, she still couldn’t get a read on me.
“You don’t like my sense of humor?” he sounded only mildly offended, I was guessing just for the sake of this conversation.
“Oh yes, you should be a comedian” I said plainly, portraying boredom, even though I was still wondering how the hell it was that I was still standing here and not running, although I suppose it was probably a good thing, if he intended to kill me, I would be more able to stall this way than if I were attempting to out run him.
“See, there, you are a rather amusing little human” he grinned, moonlight reflecting off his pearly whites. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes, which he probably saw, I did however, manage to repress a sigh. I rolled my neck, portraying even more boredom to him, and I only hoped it was working.
“Are you done toying with me?” I asked, letting my head lazily fall back to where it had been before.
“Toying with you?” his chuckling was cut short, “What? You-you think I’m going to kill you?” he asked.
I shrugged, “Well I didn’t rule it out as a possibility, and you are, after all a child of Lilith” I told him, not sure how much of the myths where actually true.
“Fair point” he sighed, running a marble hand through his blonde hair, “but if it’s any consolation, I am not going to kill you”
“Right well, that raises the next issue of business” I said, semi-joking. His head jerked in my direction, he opened his mouth to say something, I was guessing a smart retort, but I simply shrugged giving a guilty but innocent look.
“Right well get on with it then skin-lover” he said, slumping against a tree, slipping his hands into the pockets of his pants, if he called me that again I might start calling him ‘bloodsucker’ or ‘leech’ maybe even ‘parasite’.
“What is it that you’re doing here?” I asked, letting out a breath, not quite a sigh.
“Scouting the area” he said casually, as if it was something he did regularly, which I suppose for all I know, he could have.
“Right” I muttered.
“What is it that you are doing here, skin-lover” he said, a small grin appearing on his features, showing his teeth again.
“What’s it to you, parasite” I retorted, he made facial expression as though my words hurt him, was that too much? He pushed off the tree and moved so he was standing a good foot in front of me, hands still in his pockets.
“Such harsh words from such a little human” he joked, he leaned in toward me, “Not very lady like, is it?”
“Not sure what time period you’re from mate, but this is the twenty-first century after all, perhaps it would do you some good to remember that every once in a while” there I was again, mouthing off to a being somewhat much, much older than myself.
“Words to the wise from a little girl” he said straightening up, “I am older than your Jesus, and the birth of the religion containing the God you pray too”
I snickered, “A word to the wise is infuriating, and I do not pray to any God” well that at least told me how old he was, a good two thousand years or so.
“So it would seem” he sighed, almost as though he were giving up, “For future reference little girl, I am the head of all supernatural in Montana, you would do wise to remember that” he turned to me with the last sentence, his eyes still catching me, making me hold my breath, for someone supposedly so old, he only looked to be around twenty-four.
“I’ll keep that in mind if I’m ever to encounter another of you” I said, my eyes taking on an evil tinge.
“Indeed you should, others of my kind would not be as merciful as I” he said, his style of speech, seemed more like something from the 19th century.
“Uh huh” I tried not to roll my eyes again, this guy could throw me around like a toy and not even break a sweat in the process, yet I was holding a conversation with the damned thing.
“Tell me skin-lover, what is your age?” he asked.
“What does a parasite such as yourself care?” defensive again, shesh, twice in one night, that can’t be good.
“Okay you really need to stop calling me that” he said, oops, I think I may have pissed him off a little.
“And why is that?” I stared at him and he said nothing, “Okay wait, so let me get this straight, you’re logic is that you can get away with calling me ‘little girl’ and ‘skin-lover’ yet I get to miss out on the past time that is name calling?” wow, that really made little sense.
“How about this: if you tell me your name, I will tell you mine and we both quit the name calling? Hmm?”
I couldn’t help but chuckle, “An ultimatum from a vampire?” I wasn’t sure if he was being serious until I saw his face, “Fine” I sighed, “I’m Taeya, Taeya Morgenstern”
“Pleasure Taeya, I am Sebastian Blaise” he gave a swift, graceful bow, “But please, call me Blaise” that was casual for such an old thing, but if he insisted. I opened my mouth to give a reply when his head jerked up toward the sky, he seemed as though he was listening for something.
“What?” I asked, he said nothing, didn’t even move, “Blaise what is it?” I tried demanding, but it did nothing. Slowly he took steps back toward the darkness.
“Behind you” I heard him say before he disappeared out of my line of sight. I spun on my heels faster than I ever had before.
A tall man, maybe about 6 feet, with a beer belly stepped out into the moonlight, he was unshaved and looked like an utter mess, “Taeya Morgenstern” he said, his voice deep and demanding.
“How-“ I began, but got no further, he took a step closer and I felt someone’s hand clasp over my mouth and a cold, sharp object pressed against my throat, I looked down to see a hunting knife in the hands of my captor, I didn’t scream, and attempted to reach for the switchblade in my pocket, but the unshaven man stepped closer and got it before I did.
“You are to come with us, and I wouldn’t bother to scream or try to escape, it would be unwise and useless, no one will hear you” he said, giving a hard glare, then turning on his heels, the next thing I knew a somewhat heavy object came into contact with my head, well at least I thought it did, I wasn’t sure, I felt in a daze and truth be told, it made it seem as if everything that had just happened was all a dream.
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Chapter two... :-)