Status: Alive and kicking.

The Riddle (The Story of Edward Craig)

When The Shadow Breaks In

After they all went down, someone is heard knocking on the door. Amy ran towards the door, that gave a loud crack and swished open, knocking Amy to the side.

A white-masked man in a leather trench coat gave a fast swing and exposed a shotgun hanging from his back, pointed it at Craig with gloved hands, and then a loud bang was heard.

All of them dropped dead, seemingly. All except Amy, who was knocked behind the door to a small room. She pushed the door, and the man was trapped between the door and the wall.

The man screamed in agony, struggling to break loose of the door, but Amy had all the time she needed to get the fire extinguisher and send it straight onto the man's head, knocking him out.

Amy rushed to his brother's aid. She found him gasping for air.

Craig was fainting. He touched where the sharp pain was coming from, and felt something warm. It was his own blood, he knew it without looking. He looked at Dave and Matt, both panting and screaming of pain. Apparently, what hit them was bird shot, and the distance from where the gun shot was not enough to kill them, but rendered them unable to move, bleeding on the floor.

Amy called 911. Craig faded away.


He was hearing a voice. It seemed so far away.

...Craig, are you alright?

He saw a big light in front of him. He opened his eyes and he was back in his room, looking on that last question. Then he saw someone beside him, a man in white, glimmering. Was it God? Jesus?

He looked down onto his paper.

The disciples go on strike when the leader is killed...

They say the man walks so offensive they killed him...

Levi and Peter make offensive deterrents...

It WAS Jesus!

"CRAIG! Craig, it's Amy. CRAIG!"

He woke up. He was in a hospital, with her sister by her side.

"It's Jesus."
"What are you talking about? You saw Jesus? Oh my god, doctor! Doctor! He's saying wierd stuff! He said he me--"

"No, the answer to the third part of the riddle, it's JESUS!"


But before he thought out what he said, he passed out on the screaming Amy.
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So how did the riddle-solving go?