Status: Alive and kicking.

The Riddle (The Story of Edward Craig)

The First Solution

"I got it! I got it, man. Wake up! Wake up, I got it," said a very excited Dave to a sleeping Craig. Drowsy, he replied.

"Shut up, dude, you're worse than my alarm clock AND my sister."

"I got it, I got the first part."
"Yeah, yeah, you said it five times already. I'm getting up."

Stubbornly, he got up and looked at the monitor.

"So, who is it? Looks like you guys had a long night," he said, seeing the cups of instant coffee in front of the monitor.

"I don't even know why we haven't thought of it before. I checked the 'net, and the only guy whose life matches the description..."

" Abraham Lincoln."

Looking through the printed copy of the riddle, Craig singled out the points.

The father of his nation, the soldier of good...

"He IS named Abraham, plus he was a president of the US. And he was the commander-in-chief during the Civil War. Very good guys, I'm convinced already."

His killing name that destruction soon will hold...

"How about this, guys?"
"There's a brand of shotguns called 'Lincoln'."
"Oh, thanks."

"To the fiery demise off of the articles he wrote..."

"He caused the Civil War through issuing articles or laws like the tariff," Dave replied.

"From the leafy branches from the tree that doesn't grow... This one, I don't get."

"At first, neither did we. But we found out that Abe's family tree was not that tall. Check it here, I saved the website open, 'cause I know you'd ask." Craig bent over to the monitor.

...Lincoln's family tree only had ten members... ...Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith, the last descendant of Lincoln, died at the age of 81 in the 24th of December, 1985 at around 6:05 p.m. ...

Craig nodded. "I guess there's no need to look at the next 4 verses."

"The first thing that gave Abe away was this line here," said Dave, pointing on the piece of paper Craig was holding.

From 7 in the evening where cars are made, his seat explodes as he dies in vain...

"Then, next was the 'father of his nation' thing."

"There's just one line we can't understand. It seems to have no connection with him. Check the highlighted line."

...the bees react as on them fall the gold...

"But we then thought that maybe the slaves were the bees, considering that bees are hard workers. The author of this thing really made it hard for the solver. Took us a night to get it."

"Now that, I see. Anyway I'm coming down for breakfast. Wanna come with?"
"I think Matt and I would be needing sleep more than food."

"Where's Amy? I haven't heard her banging on the door."
"Still asleep, I guess. We talked to her the whole night. She was the one getting us going."
"Dude, your sister is the awesome-est girl. Ever. I'm coming here more often."
"Count me in, Dave, count me in."

"Get your eyes and hands OFF my sister."
♠ ♠ ♠
Did y'all get it right? Honestly?