Status: Alive and kicking.

The Riddle (The Story of Edward Craig)

The Third Question

The riddle was giving him a headache 2 nights in the making. He thought his nerves could pop out all of a sudden and overused brain juice would ooze all over the place. Nevertheless, he still reads the third question.

A short set of clues is needed for the answer
A well-known term does not need any bother
Destroyed talks of peace and enforced prayer
Halted communication and calmness well uttered

People start to riot because of the term
"Levi" and "Peter" make offensive deterrents
They say the man walks so offensive they killed him
They hide in the darkness of lies and detesting

The disciples go on strike when the leader is killed
In a dying notion the name had swooped
The people feel the world is against them
Because the name killed their happiness

What is the name I am talking about?

"Now that is hard," he said to himself.

Dave entered the room, followed by the happy Amy and a panting but smiling Matt. They looked suspicious, as Amy kept looking at Matt so "sassy-ly". Sensing the need to ask, Craig grabbed Dave by the shirt.

"What did you three do?" he whispered.

"Oh, nothing, just eating cereal and watching TV." He heard Amy giggle.

"Then why does Matt look like you guys just had him on a rodeo?"
"Because of what, his hair? His hair has always been curly."
"Not that, why is he smiling and panting?"

He then looked at Amy. "And why are you giggling and giving him that look?"

"Big brother, I have to tell you something, but promise you won't tell Mom."

"What?! You did it with Matt?! Ugh, I knew it! I knew I shouldn't ha--"

"What? I am most certainly not gonna give up my purity for his devil-may-care ass." Then he gave Matt that sassy look again.

"Then what?"

"I was just going to say that I sorta hugged Matt."
"Well, isn't that the same?"

"I didn't mean to hug him, it's because..." Matt coughed. Amy giggled.

"He choked on 3 WHOLE PIECES OF CEREAL!" Then Amy laughed so hard she almost fell to the floor. Her laugh made Dave laugh, then Craig did. Amy's laughter was the loudest and most contagious, so they laughed all the more. Even Matt, the butt of the joke, started to laugh.

"For a second there, I thought..." And on that note Amy laughed hard again. And they all followed, just like what you'd see in a rehabilitation center.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, what is the 3rd word? Take a good long guess, this part is a bit tricky.