Working Backwards


To understand what is happening now, you have to understand what happened before.
The church was filling with those close to the Drummond family. Most of the mourners were quite, giving the little boy the respect that he deserved. Well, for the most part, “I hope you realize what a disgrace to this family you are.” It was obvious that in her mother’s eyes, Faith was dead to her. “This is against everything I have ever taught you!” Instead of being treated like a thirty-five year old mother, Faith was being scolded like a child, and cowering like one too, “Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to go mourn my grandson now.”
Her mother, Ann, turned her back on Faith and walked towards the front pews and sat down to wait for the service to begin. Faith took a deep breath, making an attempt to release the tension that had taken over her neck and shoulders. Fail. She composed herself as best as she could and went to face the doorway again to greet the rest of the mourners…
“Travis was a joyful young spirit, and although he was only nine years old, he put a smile on many people’s faces,” The priest droned on about her son, but she couldn’t sit still enough to pay attention. She was too aware of everything around her- The sniffles of their surrounding friends, her daughter’s icy coolness, and the laser beams that were her mother’s eyes. Squeezing her husband, Matt’s, knee she hoped to get some form of a comforting reaction out of him. None, his eyes remained riveted to the priest, flicking only slightly when the priest moved.
She felt lost at sea, without even the faintest of glimmers of shore to fuel her hope. It was only two weeks ago, their family was trying to celebrate Travis’s birthday even as he was laying motionless in the hospital bed.