Status: finished

The Crystal Door

A world much like my own

There are many stories, some real, many not, but mine is real. I had just moved to a new house, it was a magnificent, grand house. It had hundreds of windows, on each you could see a beautiful scenery. Some looked over the back garden and its colorful flowers, others looked at the front garden with its exotic plants, and the rest showed the lake which sparkled like a jewel in the bright sunlight casting a glow over the house.

Even with these wonderful things I had, I felt alone, very alone. I didn't go to school since I was home-schooled, so naturally, I didn't have any friends; I was a single child all alone in a big house with nobody to play with.

I remember very clearly the day I found it, a crystal door, through it you could see that it lead to the garden. Later that day I was playing in the attic, I was an explorer and the dusty old boxes held treasures for my curious young eyes. Inside a big box I found a very small pretty silver box, it caught my attention since its wasn't dusty like everything else, it sparkled like it had been there only a few minutes while I knew that nobody had been up there in over 20 years. I opened it and inside was the most beautiful key I've seen so far, I immediately knew that it opened the crystal door. It was such a long time ago but these events I remember with perfect clarity. I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me and reached the door in record time. My hand trembled a little as I slowly put the key in the key hole, as I did that I was blinded by a yellow light. When the momentary blindness passed I realized that I could no longer see my garden through the door. Through it I could see a whole new world. I turned the door knob and went in.

At first I was amazed at how beautiful and breathtaking everything was. The sky there was blue while mine was green; the sun there was yellow, while mine was red. It all seemed very strange but I still liked it. I walked around and found a city, almost like my own, but the buildings were symmetrical and taller.

After going there almost everyday I started seeing it; the humans of this wold were evil. Everyday somebody was killed or a catastrophe occurred. They cut down their trees, and left many animals homeless. I could feel and see this planet's pain, planet Earth. The planet was dying and there was nothing I could do about it.It was too much for me, so horrified, I ran back to my world, close the door, locked it and broke the beautiful key. The spell was gone, my garden was visible through the door again, but the memory of that cruelty will always burn in my memory, and it'll hunt me forever. That is why I can tell this event, even though it happened so long ago. I was only six years old when I discovered the horrors of another world.
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I wrote this for an english project. Plz comment and rate.