Status: Working on it.



It was not always like this. Jimmy was not always this crazy. In fact, it all came on rather sudden. The guys were sitting around a table, drinking, smoking and having a good time - as they always did. They were discussing song names and options for the album’s title. The new album that they just so happen to be beginning at the time.

Jimmy stood up tall, proud, strong even. He pointed slowly to each member of the band. A small scowl began to grow on his brow. “Who the fuck are you?” he asked, rudely. They all laughed thinking he was messing around with them. “WELL?” Jimmy yelled, clearly becoming agitated now. Yet, they continued to laugh. They thought it was all some big joke.

For months, Jimmy had been becoming more forgetful - whether it was to do something simple like take the garbage out or something more serious like leaving his front door wide open all night or even leaving his car accidentally running. He would lie by telling himself that he meant to do it and he was in fact sane. This however, he could not explain.

“Jimmy, are you alright?” Matt asked.

“No, no I’m fuckin’ not. Why the fuck are you in my house?”

“You invited us here you crazy man!”

“Why would I invite someone I don’t even know into my home? Explain that Mr. I’ll just sit in This Dude’s House.”

Matt shook his head repeatedly. “You’re fucking mental! Give up the joke now Jimmy, the ‘I don’t know you guys’ act is getting old.”

Jimmy glared at him for ages. He truthfully did not have a clue who any of the men where or why they were in his house. However, somewhere in his mind he vaguely remembered something or other… Nevertheless, he could not dig it out and remember.
Matt was becoming annoyed at his friend, he could not understand what had made Jimmy attempt that act again. ‘Perhaps he’s just drunk,’ he thought.

Gripping onto Jimmy’s arm, Matt muttered, “C’mon man, I think we should get ya to bed. You’re fuckin’ wasted.”

“I am not. Get your hands off me, right now!”

Matt was quickly becoming aware that this was not a joke anymore. “Jimmy?”

“Who’s Jimmy?” Jimmy quickly asked, as he looked into the eyes of Matt, he smirked then let out a manic laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
First proper chapter coming soon (: