My Magical Observations

Dave Bloggs is a young boy from a backwater village in the middle of nowhere. His parents haven't been seen since he was born, his adopted family don't particularly like him, and all of his 'friends' think he's some sort of freak.

In a way, they're right.

When the young Mr. Bloggs recieves a scholarship to the most prestigious academy in the New World, everyone is delighted. The local lad can do good in the big city, far, far away from here.

But when he gets there, he finds himself in a world full of magic, mystery and mayhem. He has to foil plots, save lives, and learn to utilise the most powerful force known to man, all while getting his report on the benefits of logarithm notation over indicies in on time. Not to mention the hormonal werewolf, mad professor and miniature hippopotamus.

Still, nobody said school was easy.
  1. Chapter One - Something in the Beginning
    A short introduction to the Something, a weird man in a hat and Row D.
  2. Chapter Two - Welcome to Unreality
    Dave arrives at House D, I lose my train of thought, and Jonny feels like taking him apart.
  3. Chapter Three - A Matter of Perspective
    Alice speculates and Dave is enlightened, unfortunately for him.
  4. Chapter Four - It's All Very Familiar
    'The kitchen' gains a visitor and Dave enjoys some time in his pyjamas.