Status: As completed as it'll ever be.

'Cause No One Knows You Like I Do.


It's not difficult to place the day this story started. The memory of it still helps me to sleep at night, still makes me smile; still makes me happy.
I was a junior, and it was math class. I don't even remember getting there that morning. I was partially hung-over from the previous night at my cousins wedding, and the 2 o'clock bedtime hadn't helped any. But there I was, in the classroom with everyone else for my first dosage of math that year. My God was I dreading the day ahead.
I can remember the teacher finally making his appearance five minutes into class – trudging in with a foul look on his face that told me he wanted to be here just as much as I and the rest of the class wanted to be. It was the most pointless day of the entire year, and yet here we were. The register was muttered out; a series of names I recognised vaguely from other classes I had had previous years, but none I could ever recall actually knowing. I merely groaned in response to my own name, a snicker rising into the air from my left. I tilted my head, eyes falling upon a blonde and black haired boy who I didn’t recognise.
“Is something funny?” I asked, raising my eyebrows and shooting him a curious look.
“Nothing. It’s just normally girls don’t come into school with blatant a hangover. Or at least, not on the first day back,” he shrugged. I scrunched up my face, too tired to care all that much about how obvious my hangover was. “I’m Jack.” His hand popped out in front of him in the sly way that told me he was still trying to hide his actions from Mr. Grain – the teacher who didn’t look like he cared about anything any more.
“Becca,” I replied. “I’d shake your hand but I’m worried about where it’s been since you last showered.” Had it been any other day, I would have scolded myself for the way I spoke to someone who barely knew me. It was obvious I was like this a lot with the friends I’d known longer, but not with anyone new. To my surprise, he grinned.
“Cruel, but true. It probably would be a good idea to keep away from my hand for the next few hours.” I glanced up at the front before I grinned back at Jack, checking to make sure Mr. Grain had gone back into his stupor.
And that was it. From then on, Jack and I were almost inseparable. He introduced me to his friends and band mates, and I soon became the one girl who went everywhere with all of them. My old friends disappeared into the background somewhere along the line, and I couldn’t ever place when.
That was the start of my story; the next few years were the very beginning of everything.
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Introduction, slow updates for about a month, but after that it should be okay.
I told you I'd get it out eventually. (: