Status: As completed as it'll ever be.

'Cause No One Knows You Like I Do.

It's In The Way That You Fool Everyone.

It had been two weeks since Jack and the guys had left Maryland and it was safe to say that everyone had now returned to a normal state. Neither Kara nor Lisa knew when they planned to return and, for once, neither did I. Jack had been almost silent since he had left; where we had once sent hundreds of texts between us a day, it had now been cut to a few sarcastic remarks a day, making cracks at random people the two of us had seen at any given time. To be honest, it was causing me to miss him a lot quicker than I normally did.
"Hi, can I help?" I asked, fake smile plastered on my face behind the reception desk I spent five days a week sitting at.
"Um, yeah, I have an appointment with the editor?" I barely looked up from the computer as I asked his name and checked his appointment.
"Fourth floor, report to the desk and you'll be shown the way," I smile, once again. In all honesty, my cheeks were beginning to ache.
"One more thing," the man said, as I was about to return to my previous work. "Would it be too forward of me to ask for your number? I'd hate to pass up the chance to maybe take out a pretty girl." For the first time, I paid attention to the man in front of me. He was tall and thin, with messed up, light brown hair, similar to Jack's in all ways except the colour. He was good looking, without a doubt, and I had no reason at all to say no to him, even though, as a general rule, I said no to anyone who asked me out at work.
"Ask me again when you come back down and we'll see."
"I'll hold you to that," he said, before walking toward the lift to my right. Working as the receptionist at a newspaper tended to lead to more requests for my number or a date than normal, but I was never particularly inclined to actually agree and had never once given anyone the chance I had just given him; the chance to ask again.
An hour later, all thoughts but work had been driven from my mind, and I had no inclination to change that until at least lunch time. This is, of course, until my phone buzzed next to my computer.
'Some girl just asked me out. Made me lol.'
Jack. Oh, sweet irony.
'Some guy just asked for my number.'
'And you said no, right?'
'Told him to come back after his meeting lol. He hasn't. :)'
'Good. You know you need my approval. :P'
'Shut up and let me work, idiot boy. <3'

I smiled softly to myself, shaking my head and turning back to my computer.
"So, I think I'm a lttle later than intended, and I was a little worried you'd be gone, but I'm back, just like you wanted." It was the same man as before, finally back, even though I had honestly believed he wouldn't be.
"Still determined for that number then?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
"Hmm, you know, I'm not sure. Give me a second to think... yeah, still determined." I laughed softly.
"Okay, fine." I pulled out a pen and a business card for the newspaper, turning it over and scrawling my number on the back. I handed it over, suppressing a smile as he took it.
"Keep your line free tonight, I'll be calling to arrange that date."
"Well, we'll see. I'm a busy girl," I joked. The man (God only knows his name after all this time) smiled at me.
"Playing hard to get; I like you already." I bit my lip softly to, once again, stop the smile.
"Just shush and leave, I have other people to organise."