Status: As completed as it'll ever be.

'Cause No One Knows You Like I Do.

'Cause No One Knows You Like I Do.

In the two days that had passed since I last spoke to Jack, I had found out two things. The boys were in town for three weeks, and then they were gone until September. Jack had told me neither of those facts. In honesty, it had been Matt who had told me so. He, as an impartial writer who neither cared for nor disliked All Time Low, was set the task of researching and interviewing the band while they were in town. I was not too pleased, but I couldn't say a thing about it to him - he didn't have a clue about Jack and I, nor our conversation on who of the pair to choose, and I intended to keep it that way until Jack proved how much faith he had in he and I.
"Becca, wake up in there," Matt said, waving a hand in front of my face to snap me out of yet another daydream. It was Monday, obviously, and during my lunch break. Matt was set to interview the guys in an hours time and had taken me to lunch beforehand to calm himself; he was a little new to interviewing anyone more famous than the fireman who rescued a cat from a tree. How he got this far, I'll never know.
Scratch that, that was mean.
"Sorry, I was in a world of my own," I smiled, taking a sip of water.
"Are you okay? You haven't been all there these past couple of days," he frowned. See, and this is why I found him cute. If it had been Jack, he would have ju- no, I won't compare them to each other. Jack is Jack and Matt is Matt. They're separate. Their only link is me. And this interview.
"I'm fine, honest. Just thinking about old friends, that's all." He frowned again but didn't press it.
"I have to go anyway, I need to get over to Cockeysville and find the place they want to meet at," he rolled his eyes. I knew where they'd be going. The guys abused interviews for free food at their favourite diner and this would be no different.
A few hours later, I was finally home. Back in Cockeysville where things seemed a little clearer. But only a little. I hadn't heard how the interview had gone, and figured that Matt was busy writing it up and Jack hadn't realised it was him he'd seen in my apartment a week and a half ago. Or rather, I was hoping.
'Hey, Jack, are you there?'
While I hadn't spoken to Jack in two days, it didn't mean I didn't miss the boy to high hell. He was the funniest part of my day, and I'd missed it.
'Depends what you mean by 'here'.'
'I mean able to text.'
'A little.'
'Don't bullshit me with crappy replies. Either talk properly or not at all. I've missed you, dick.'
'I'm busy, Bec.'

Trying to get Jack out of his mood was almost impossible and I couldn't handle it. He used to be the one getting me out of my moods, I'm always so useless when it comes to his. He hides them far too well and never allows me back in until he's patched himself back up.
'How'd the interview go? :)'
'I think you'll see the effects of it later. People are a little overstimulated. I'll see you in five. x'

To say I was curious would be to downplay it. A thousand scenarios ran through my head, good and bad, though which of those turned out to be true I'd find out soon. Or which ridiculous scenario I hadn't thought of it turned out to be.
"Becca? You here?"
"In here, Matt!" I called from the living room, curled up on the sofa waiting for him with, no surprise, a cup of tea. I'm addicted to this stuff. As he walked into the room, I saw exactly what he meant. Forming around his eye was a rather large, purple bruise, and their was a cut on his lip. "What the hell happened?!" I screeched, jumping up and running over to him.
"All Time Low have crazy fans, that's what." He ushered me back onto the sofa and sat down next to me, placing my legs over his. "So, we got out of the diner they wanted the interview in, and there's just this mob of teenage girls outside.. waiting for them. And, well, I may have gotten caught in the crossfire of them launching themselves at Jack and Alex." And then, he laughed. He actually laughed. I was sat here thinking about how Jack must know who he is and he must have gone.. well, okay, he must have gone into over-protective Jack mode, but instead, some teeny bopper got him while trying to come onto my boys? My Jack? My stomach bubbled away in anger. Some girls launching themselves at Jack hit Matt.
"Teenagers are crazy and obsessive," I said, forcing a laugh. The strange thing was, Matt wouldn't see that. I sit with him all the time and he still doesn't notice when I'm faking a laugh and when I'm genuinely amused. It was really weird.
"And, the best thing ever happened. You'll actually never guess." I shrugged, indicating that he should carry on.
"They invited me to cover their section of Warped. And, after I mentioned I had a girlfriend, they told me to bring you along!"
I think that was the time my world stopped spinning.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've only written to chapter twelve, and this is almost over.
I'm not going to miss it, it was difficult to write.
Also, if anyone wants me to make another one-shot featuring Alex and Jasey, or even make the stories into a trilogy, just drop a comment here, PM me, or comment on my profile, and let me know. Also, let me know if you think it should just be left. Thanks.