The Dark Lands: Londern


Welcome to LONDERN, known by residents as The Better Capital. Everyone’s heard of London, capital city of England. But what pretty much everyone hasn’t heard of is Londern, capital of the Dark Lands. Only, the Dark Lands aren’t a country or a place, it’s everywhere, maybe even in your very town or down your street.
The point is, almost no-one knows about it and when you are chosen, sometimes even taken you awaken to a shock beyond all others, and to be honest. You probably won’t even survive to be honest.
But, what will happen if you do wake up, all alone in a strange place full of evil beings, 5000 miles below London. 5000 miles below anyone remotely likely to help you escape again?

It started with a letter; it led to a mistake and a strange, evil city. But, where will it end?
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Just something I've been beginning to work on recently =)


(c) lost_in_my_mind 2010