I Won't Apologize


“Who the heck is knocking on our door?” Flora asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked over towards the door checking out who was there through the peep hole. I chuckled when I saw Xander standing there with a huge box of pizza, a 2 liter of Pepsi and some cups. I opened the door and quickly grabbed the Pepsi out of his hand.

“Why hello to you too” Xander chuckled.

“Sorry I haven’t had Pepsi at all today so I can feel the withdrawal effect already” I said taking a seat on the couch.

“Well then maybe it’s time that we talked about your little problem. Ry your addiction to Pepsi it’s not healthy, it’s slowly killing you I say this as a friend that wants you around for many years to come. I think you should go find some help. Maybe Dr. Drew can help you” Xander said seriously.

After about a minute we both couldn’t keep a straight face and started laughing uncontrollably.

“Oh that was a good one” I said as I was calming down.

“I know I didn’t think I could say that with a straight face. But seriously Ry you have this weird addiction to Pepsi like most people have to crack. It’s worse than our addiction to cigarettes” Xander said.

“What’s worse than your addiction to cigarettes?” Flora asked finally coming out of her room.

“Hey X” she said sitting down on the chair across the couch.

“Ryan’s addiction to Pepsi” Xander said quickly.

“Oh yea you need help from Dr. Drew with that” Flora said.

I simply rolled my eyes and chuckled. Everyone made fun of me saying that I had a bad addiction to Pepsi and that I needed to see Dr. Drew since they never saw me without some sort of Pepsi product in my hand drinking it at one point every day.

“Whatever you guys. So how’s your room Xander?” I asked pouring myself a cup of Pepsi and grabbing a slice of pizza.

“It’s good, it’s kind of like this room except with one less room and two people to each room”

“So how mare mour moommates?” Flora asked with a mouth full of pizza.

“What?” Xander chuckled.

“She said how are your roommates?” I answered for Flora who just nodded her head and pointed taking another bite of her pizza.

“How…never mind you two are connected that’s how you knew what she said. They are ok they are all on the football team so I kind of feel out of place around them.”

“Xander you’re on the soccer team how do you feel out of place around them? You’re all jocks” I said dumbfounded.

“I know but I play a different sport then they do”

“That makes no difference, by the end of this year you will be close friends with them and you’ll go to all their games all painted in red and black while they’ll go to all your games painted in red and black”

“She’s right” Flora said finally finished eating.

“She can talk” Xander chuckled.

We sat and talked to Xander a bit more and made plans to hang out tomorrow night when we were finished unpacking. He left and Flora and I immediately retreated to our rooms put on some music and started unpacking all of our belonging and making the rooms to our licking. We must have been our own little worlds because we didn’t hear when someone was calling for help out in the living room for the past couple of minutes. I stopped what I was doing and walked out towards the living room. I noticed a girl struggling with a bunch of boxes so I quickly walked over and helped her.

“Thank you so much those boxes were heavy and my stupid brother just left me with them and walked away back to his own room” she said with a smile.

“No problem, I’m sorry I didn’t come out here sooner but I was so wrapped up with unpacking. I’m Ryan by the way.” I said walking her boxes over towards the empty room.

“Sorry that you are all the way over here by the kitchen” I said placing her boxes down.

“I’m Brie and its fine I usually wake up like fifty times to drink something at night so this is perfect” she smiled at me.

“Perfect” I giggled.

“So then I gather that our other roommate is here too?” Brie asked, “How is she?”

“Yea she is here and she is pretty cool if I do say so myself,” I chuckled, “she is my best friend I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if we walked into her room and said hello” I said to Brie motioning her to follow me to Flora’s room. “I hope you don’t mind cursing because between Flora and me we curse like 10 drunken sailors.”

I could tell that Brie didn’t like what I just said. “Well my brother curses like one too and I can handle it but I really don’t like it” she said softly.

“Ok so then we’ll try and not curse around you and if they slip out I’m sorry in advance” I said to her sincerely as I opened Flora’s door.

Flora was dancing around to Ke$ha’s song Tik Tok. “And now the dudes are lining up ‘cause they hear we got swagger but we kick them to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger” Flora sung.

“Mick Jagger, Flo really? Why should they look like Mick Jagger he’s…If they should look like any old rocker they should look like Jon Bon Jovi now he is one sexy old rock star not like Mick Jagger…ow what was that for Flo?” I asked when Flora smacked my arm.

“Don’t diss on the song I didn’t write it. Who is this?” Flora asked.

“Ah fine and this is Brie our other roommate” I said rubbing my arm.
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I got 2 subscribers yay! That made me happy..but you know what would make me even happier is if you guys commented and tell me how you like the story so far. That would make my day so please wont you comment? Thanks ☻♥