I Won't Apologize

Freshman 15

“Yay you’re here Finally!” Flora said clapping her hands jumping up and down.

“Yes I am it’s nice to meet you” Brie chuckled extending her hand.

“It’s nice to meet you too, I can tell that we are going to get along just fine already because I fucking love your style” Flora said shaking Brie’s hand.

I saw Brie cringe slightly when Flora cursed and I sent Flora a look that told her not to curse again. She looked at me oddly before nodding her head in understandment and then looked over at Brie.

“So have you brought all of your boxes in?” Flora asked.

“Yea I did thanks to Ryan” Brie said smiling over at me.

“No problem roomie” I smiled back at her.

We moved into the living room and started talking getting to know each other since we were going to be living together for the next year. Brie clicked instantly with Flora and I so we knew that this year was going to be a blast. After about a couple hours of talking we decided that we should unpack a bit more and then head out to dinner in one of the many school cafeterias. I had just gotten done unpacking all of my things and arranging it the way that I wanted it inside my room when Flora and Brie knocked on my door saying that they were hungry and wanted to leave.

There were so many different cafeterias on campus that it was impossible to choose which one that we wanted to go and eat at. Once we finally decided we walked over to this cafeteria called Spartan club that had Chick-Fil-A, a place called 180 grill, Firehouse subs, a salad bar and a Cuban food kiosk for dinner.

“Oh My God do you see this place” Brie said excitedly looking at all the restaurants.

“I know it’s like I died and went to food heaven, ah yay” Flora said before running over to Chick-Fil-A.

“This place is amazing ah and they have Pepsi this is in fact heaven” I giggled walking over to Firehouse subs with Brie.

Brie just giggled while she watched me order my Firehouse sub and an extra large Pepsi.

“So you have an older brother?” Brie asked me after she ordered her food.

“Yea I do, He’s in the Marines overseas right now” I answered her.

“Oh” she said awkwardly.

I let out a small chuckle at her response because whenever I tell anyone that my brother is overseas in the Marines they always give me the same awkward oh response. After hearing that response for the first five times it never failed to make me chuckle upon hearing it. I understood that since there is a war going on right now that most people aren’t really excited to hear that someone is in the military overseas because then their mind goes to thinking about that person getting shot at, however I think that they shouldn’t automatically go there and that they should be happy that someone is overseas in the military fighting for them plus they don’t really know the person to give an awkward response like that. Then again that’s just my thoughts on the subject.

“Why are you laughing?”

“It’s just that you said the same thing in the same exact way that everyone says when I tell them that” I told her walking over to the counter getting my food when my number was called.

“Well what am I supposed to say?” she asked grabbing her food after me.

“I don’t know whatever let’s just get off this subject, so your brother goes here too?”

“Yea that freaking jerkoff, he complained that we never spent enough time together and when I told him that I got into this school he was kind of happy and then when we get here he treats me like I don’t exist”

“Whatever his loss is our gain” I smiled at her.

We sat down at a small table and started eating with Flora coming over a few second later. During dinner we talked a bit more finding out that both Brie and I were both Criminology majors so that meant that we were probably going to have the same classes with each other, which made us both happy that we were going to know someone in the class.

“Dude the food here is freaking delicious. I am so going to gain that freshman 15 that everyone talks about” Flora said getting up and throwing her food away with the rest of us following her.

“No you are not because I won’t let you” I smiled.

“Right because you will turn all sergeant marine on me and force me to work out, as long as I don’t die I am all for it” Flora giggled.

“Deal” I smiled.

“Count me in on that because I am not looking to get fat” Brie added walking up too our door and opening it.

“We so need to go shopping this weekend to fix up this common room because it is just so plain compared to all of our rooms” I said walking in.

“Ah yay I love shopping let’s do it” Flora giggled jumping up and down clapping her hands.

“Sweet but one question how would we go? I don’t have a car do you?” Brie asked.

“Yes I do a very sweet and sexy orange 1969 z28 Camaro with white racing stripes going down the middle named Giles” I grinned.

“I am so glad to hear that” Brie giggled.

“So I love you two but I’ve already spent enough time with you both bye” Flora yelled randomly before shutting her door.
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I hated the freshman 15! You get so caught up with all the different types of foods that are on campus you forget to watch what you eat...I still haven't lost the weight that I gained and I am almost on my 3rd year in college. OMG I felt like Dog the Bounty Hunter this weekend with the sheriffs office since i had to do a ride along it was amazing. Anywho please comment telling me what you think of my story so far...I'd really appreciate it since I did lose a subscriber and really want to know how I'm doing =[