Status: Active but slow


Getting Away

Now I did what any other girl would do in this position.

I kicked him in the nads.

He doubled over behind me, giving me the opportunity to run.

I jumped from the roof, making what would have been a smooth landing had it not been for my damn arm.

I buckled under the pain, failing as I landed, probably breaking my arm even more.

I ran as fast as my legs could handle, so fast that the scenery around me began to blur.

I soon realized though, it wasn't from the running.

It was from the booze.

I had hit the ground before I had realized it, my legs having failed me.

As did my senses as I passed out, my vision going to blurry, barley there, then black.

The last thing I saw was a silhouette of a man.



I looked down at the girl I once loved.

The girl I had believed to be dead.

The girl I was going to protect, unlike last time.
♠ ♠ ♠
so sorry this is moving so slow guys. :/ I've got a lot going on, other than writer's block that is. (tehe) :3

comment please!!! :D