Status: Active, may take a little while to get going as I have exams.

I Might Be Holding Your Hand, but I'm Holding It Loose.

I'm So Glad You Have A One-Track Mind Like Me.

“I’ve never really seen you cry before, Brendon.” she said, sitting next to him and licking her lips. “All these years I’ve known you and barely any tears have fallen from those honey orbs of yours.”
“We all have our stages,” he sniffed, licking his lips too. “I wish you’d stop making a scene. This has been the most painful week of my life. Leave Rebecca alone, alright? It really affects her, all those insults you fire,”
“Excuse me? Out of the two of us who has been the most rude and derogatory? She’s horrible to you as well. I don’t understand why you stick with her,”
He smirked and let out a bitter snigger. “You’ve blatantly had a better relationship history. Either you’ve worked your way through every single guy known to man so have moved to women, or are so God damned shit with men that you’ve had to resort to women. I’m going to go with the former,”
“Oh I bet you feel good now. You’ve been saving that beauty up all day.”
He blushed lightly because it was true.
“Both of your reasons are wrong. So suck on that,”
He sighed and extended his arm, ushering for her to come under his wing. She obliged and scooted closer, tucking herself into his side as his arm draped around her shoulders.
“You even smell differently. I bet she’s got you wearing some repugnant, poncy cologne,”
“I chose it myself,” he mumbled, stroking her arm delicately, letting his fingers linger.
“Times have changed, Emma. Rebecca and I are going to get married and have kids. When my music fails I can become a music teacher, in order to support my family. Everything will be fine,”
“That it may be but it’ll be average. You’re not an average person, Brendon. You like to be sporadic and occasionally, things won’t work out, but that’s okay because you’re strong enough to deal with it. You can pick yourself up, dust yourself down and try again. Nothing brings you down,” she smiled, giving his arm a little friendly punch.
“If that’s so true, why do I feel down all the time?”
“Something is preventing you from standing back up and sorting yourself out.”
He sighed, pushing his eyebrows together. “And you think that thing is Rebecca,”
“No. I think she’s a contributing factor but I don’t think she’s the main reason,” she said quietly, shaking her head, standing up and extending her arm to help him up too. He took it and stood up limply. Emma gave his pathetic body a once over and suddenly pulled him into a tight hug. He wasn’t expecting it at all, so the wind was knocked out of him, but he soon hugged back just as tightly, if not tighter. He hid his swollen face in her neck and rubbed her back softly.
Emma wanted to help him out of this... depression he was in, but wasn’t quite sure how to do it. She could try and boost his currently deflated ego, or take him back down memory lane to try and inject the old Brendon back into him. Either way she just wanted him back. She would be devastated at the end of this if it didn’t result in him coming back to her, but she could accept it if meant he returned to his previous state.
“Ezme, are you crying?” he asked softly, releasing her from the hug but still in her close proximity.
She touched her eyes, which until now she hadn’t noticed were damp with disappointment.
“I suppose I am,” she said, letting out a choked laugh.
“Why?” he frowned, giving her a shoulder a light squeeze.
“I missed you. I missed my Brendon. And I’m still missing him because I don’t know where he’s gone,”
“I’m not yours. I’m not ‘your Brendon’.”
“Yes, but you were,” she scowled, turning her back and rushing out of the studio. They were having a genuinely sentimental moment, and once again he has to ruin it. She felt like she was going to be sick and the feeling only worsened when she saw Rebecca waiting outside.
“He told you to go back to the hotel,” she growled.
“He tells me to do a lot of things, but it’s not like I’m going to listen,”
“What did you to him? Why is he like this now? Why?”
“I’ve no idea what you’re on about,” scoffed Rebecca.
“Of course you don’t. The pole that’s firmly wedged up your ass must be blinding you from something. It’s preventing you from seeing what’s really in front of you...” she sighed and pulled her hair out of its loose ponytail.
“I know exactly what’s in front of me darling, I believe it’s a sin called jealousy,”
Brendon came out of the building, looking sullen but was alert of what was happening and instinctively wrapped his arms around Emma’s waist from behind, in case she would launch herself at Rebecca.
“No,” he whispered, sending her chills. Emma sighed, breathed out and nodded.
“Why are you hugging that beast, Brendon?” shouted Rebecca. From where she was standing, as Emma had not launched, it looked like a hug from behind between the two.

“Don’t be so rude Rebecca,” he frowned.

Both girls’ jaws dropped.

“She is nice if you get to know her and I wish you two would stop fighting, because you’re going to be seeing each other a lot, until the record is finished,” he nodded decisively.
“I have no intention of befriending that demon,” spat Rebecca.
“Alright.” he shrugged. “Didn’t I tell you to go back to the hotel? Yeah, I did. So that’s where you should be while I sort out these business issues, okay?”
“If I found out the two of you have had sex I’ll-”
“Oh bless. Sweetie, if we did, you wouldn’t find out. So don’t worry about that.” smirked Emma, causing Brendon to press his lips tightly together, so he didn’t laugh too.
“Brendon! Are you going to let her talk to me like that?” she bitched, hand on hip.
“Hannah, that wasn’t nice. Please apologize to Rebecca.”
She licked her lips and sighed, but obliged because Brendon’s arms were still wrapped around her. “I’m sorry Rebecca,” she said half-heartedly, trying to force out a genuinely sorry expression. It proved almost impossible.
“Alright. I’ll see you back at the hotel Bren?”
“Yes of course love.” he nodded, smiling, giving Emma’s hip a little squeeze as if to say ‘thank you’. It was then she realized that she crumbled under his touch, as he did under Rebecca’s. She didn’t want to be the weak one, she wasn’t used to that title, but she had a sickly feeling that it would be around for a while.
♠ ♠ ♠
The next one is where it really gets exciting ;D
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