Status: Active, may take a little while to get going as I have exams.

I Might Be Holding Your Hand, but I'm Holding It Loose.

The way you move ain't fair, y'know.

Brendon snivelled as Rebecca held him in a tight embrace, rocking him back and forwards slightly like an infant. He twirled a string from her shirt around in his fingers, letting out a broken sigh as she rubbed up and down his toned arm.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong yet?” she asked, looking directly into his eyes.
“There’s a lot to tell,” he mumbled truthfully, adjusting his position so he was sat upright and facing her. He held her hands out in front of them.
“What have you done?” she whispered. “I was told you were ill...”
“We’re getting married, right? Which means I’m spending the rest of my life with you. So there’s a few things you should know,”
“Oh, Bren...” she frowned and linked her fingers with his in an awkward grip. Their hands didn’t quite fit together correctly. It’d always been that way but they looked past that.
“I’m gay. I mean, I was gay. In high school. I had a boyfriend and we went out for a pretty long time. I felt I should tell you,” he blushed, hiding his face, cowering.
“Are you clean now?”


Emma scoffed as she listened in on their conversation through the microphone in the booth. The pair were too cooped up in their love affair to notice the red flashing light, saying ‘live’ right above them. They wouldn’t know she was listening.
“Looks like she automatically hates you, too,” sighed Spencer.
“Hello, who said they were a lesbian? Therefore who is unclean?”
“Fuck,” she mumbled, slamming a hand to her forehead. “I wasn’t to know she was a homophobe... but I assumed she would be the jealous type. It’s a lose-lose situation,”

She sighed heavily and tuned back in.

“What do you mean by clean?” he asked quietly, looking up at her.
“Have you stopped having such sinful thoughts?”
“Sweetie I-”
“No!” she shouted, standing up and gripping her face. “How could you Brendon? How could you embarrass me like this? How many people know?”
“Rebecca, please, I didn’t want there to be anything hidden between us,” he whispered, the word almost dying as they left his tongue. He was a defeated man and he, unfortunately, knew it.
“Did you two ever have intercourse?”
He nodded, gulping back his emotions.
“Oh my goodness...” she gasped, covering her mouth. “It’s bad enough you have with women, but this. What happened to my Brendon?”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, standing up and trying to usher her into a hug. She backed away from him, not wanting to be touched by someone so disgraceful. The man she loved could barely be classified as a man. He was a, a...
“Faggot.” she cursed under her breath but he heard it loud and clear. It stung him like a bullet in the heart, being forced in further as he saw the look her face wore.
“I know,” he accepted, sniffing as a last attempt to keep back his tears. “I know. I love you now Rebecca, you’re the only person I’ll love truly. That’s why you’re wearing that ring,”
The tears fell.

Emma couldn’t take what was being dished out to Brendon any longer and walked into the booth, a scowl across her face. Sure, he was pretty awful to her, but she could take it knowing that the only reason behind it was because of this homophobic, controlling bitch.
“You want to try saying that again?” she tested.
“Oh, what? Faggot? I forgot you were one of them too. I need some air,”
Brendon looked up at Emma in desperation, pleading for her to leave. He knew how feisty she could get in situations like these. He also know she only did it with good reason.
“Look here, Becky, you’ve no right to say what you did. Your fiancé is crying and you have the nerve to kick him when he’s down?”
“He cries all the time, it doesn’t matter,” she said nonchalantly.
“If he cries all the time then surely something is upsetting him! Did you ever stop and think to ask him what’s wrong? Maybe sit down and listen to him?”
“I said I need some air,” she repeated, rudely pushing past Emma, but Emma stuck out her arm to prevent her from leaving the booth. She was at least half a foot taller than Rebecca.
“And I said you should stay here and listen to Brendon. He loves you enough to tell you something he’s obviously worried about. Why he loves you, I’ve no idea, as from what I’ve seen you’re a scheming little cow.”

Rebecca’s and Brendon’s jaw dropped whilst Spencer held back laughter and the urge to join in with Emma.

“I’m a nice person and I’m accepting. Unfortunately so is he, allegedly, and he accepts everything you spout from those thin lips of yours. I’d suggest you apologize to him and actually give a damn about the man you’re spending the rest of your life with.”

Rebecca looked from Brendon to Emma to the floor, then back to Brendon, urging for him to say something with her glare.

“You have no right to speak to her like that,” he uttered, standing up and wrapping his arm around Rebecca’s waist. “It was a bad, sinful part of my life and I should have never brought it up. Baby why do you always have to be so smart?” he smiled, kissing her neck.
“I’m not smart Bren...” she giggled and held his face, kissing his lips softly.
“Yes you are, you’re so intelligent, and caring, and gorgeous...” he trailed off, purring and kissing behind her ears and down her neck. She giggled and pushed him off.
“You’re so naughty!”
“You love it,” he laughed and hugged her tightly. “Honeymoon will be fun, hey?”
“Hush you,” she smiled, standing up on tip toes to kiss his lips tenderly.

“I never had to stand up tall. Our lips used to meet perfectly.” whispered Emma, closing the door behind her and sinking down to the floor, letting Spencer’s warm, comforting arms envelop her.
“You’re wrong,” she said to him.
“How so?” asked the drummer, sweeping her hair out of her face, smiling.
“They are perfect for each other.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Over half way through my exams now. By one exam but that doesn't matter (:

I love all of you who have commented. You're all beautiful people.
Imagine me saying that in an Italian accent and kissing my pinched fingers like they do.

How do you think the story will pan out?