Status: Active, may take a little while to get going as I have exams.

I Might Be Holding Your Hand, but I'm Holding It Loose.

Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do.

“I’m seriously contemplating becoming a lesbian,” said Emma as she lay in between Spencer’s arms, on his couch in his apartment. They were watching Inglorious Basterds.
“Why is that?” he chuckled, sitting up.
“Because it would make them both feel incredibly uncomfortable. Imagine their faces if I was to walk in and suddenly make out with a girl,”
“She would look at you in disgust and he would be trying his very best not to get an erection,”
“Really?” she asked, sitting up abruptly. “He would find it a turn on?”
“Why are you getting so excited about this?” he questioned and paused the movie, then his mouth dropped. “You never got over him, did you,”
“Of course I did. I moved on and I’ve had happier relationships than I had ever had with him,”
“That’s a lie.” he said, raising an eyebrow. She swore at him. “If you had gotten over him then you wouldn’t be here right now. Or, you’d hate his guts and be determined to ensure they were smeared on a wall somewhere. I know how you work, Em. Hard exterior, mushy mushy inside,”
“Mushy mushy?” she laughed. “Really Spencer?”
“Mush,” he agreed, smiling and prodding her stomach lightly. “I know I asked you to help him but you wouldn’t do it unless you thought you could get him back, am I right?”
“No,” she mumbled, looking at her feet. He sighed and pulled her into a tight hug.
“Oh, Em.” he cooed. “You’re better than him,”
“That’s good because I don’t want him. I’m twenty-two years old, I know what I want and what I don’t want,”
“I never said you didn’t,” he sighed and kissed her forehead. They’d been the best of friends since the break up, but hadn’t told Brendon because if they ever crossed paths it would have been awkward. Spencer was like her new Brendon. He was kind, considerate and always knew when something was wrong. They’d hug then go do something to lift the mood. Which usually involved alcohol and/or the beach. They’d even kissed once but they both knew a relationship between them wasn’t meant to be.
“You know what, this is pathetic.” she suddenly decided and bolted up from the sofa, dusting herself down. “I’m not going to mope around. Life isn’t for things like this,” she smiled and clapped her hands together. “We, my dear bearded friend, are going to go out tonight,”
“Good Lord,” he laughed. When she had a plan it was usually a lot of fun but could get messy.
“You know how I love you more than anyone Spencer?”
“No!” he automatically said, jumping up and running to the kitchen for cover. “No! I will not do it!”
She ran after him. “You don’t even know what I’m going to ask yet!”
“Oh yes I do sweet cheeks,” he smirked and hoisted himself up onto the kitchen counter. “And I refuse. No matter how much you love me or how many cases of beer you buy, I refuse.”
“Spencer,” she whined. “All I want to do is go to a gay bar to meet some hot lesbian chick... and you can be my companion for the night! You’ll have to be gay of course but-”
“Read these lips – no.”
“Please! Do you want me to get back together with Brendon or not?” she asked, a hand on her hip.
“So you confess you still want him?” he smirked.
“You knew that was going to happen!” she squealed. “You knew that by all this happening, I would... oh you little bastard.”
“What can I say, I’m a maestro at these kind of things,” he laughed and ushered for her to come closer so they could hug. She stayed put, with her hand still on her hip.
“It’s okay to admit to things sometimes Emma,” he smiled comfortingly. “If you admit it then I will join you. Deal?”
She rolled her eyes and lifted herself up on to the island opposite Spencer, leaning backwards, leaning on her hands. “I guess so...”
“Don’t go in that position to shove your breasts at me. I can’t be swayed like that,” he chuckled and she laughed with him.
“You know this is how I always sit,”
“Yes, and I also know that if you ask any guy within your close proximity to do you a favor they’ll do it. Why? Because they’re too busy already, absorbed in your breasticles,”
“That is hardly fair,” she smiled, sitting up and crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m not a piece of meat,”
“Come on, you love the attention,”
“Okay, fine... I do. And I also admit that I, maybe, still quite like Brendon even though he’s a complete douche now. While I’m at it I’ll also admit that I think he looks pretty damn gorgeous and my heart broke a bit when he ignored me after I stood up for him. It sickens me to think of him sleeping with her like he said... on their honeymoon. It sickens me to even think of him on a honeymoon, because hell, that means he’s married. Brendon can’t get married. Even if he could, not to her, she’s hurting him Spencer. She’s killing him and all I want is for him to be happy. Blatantly he’s not.”
Spencer looked straight in her eyes, smiling and extending his arm to hold her hand. “I’m proud of you love. I know that must have taken a lot for you to say that,”
She nodded solemnly. She hated to actually address the matter when it came to this, because she knew he deserved to be treated like this after what he did. She knew that she shouldn’t still have feelings for him, but she did. She knew all of this.
“Come on,” he smiled and ruffled her hair. “Let’s go get gayed up.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Shout out to Gir for guessing completely correctly. Damn it I'm too predictable.
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