Status: Done.

It's a Syn Loving You


You guessed it – I woke up next to Brian.

With him in only boxers.

I was luckily still in my clothes from last night, and it didn’t look like they’d been taken off.

But I was lying next to BRIAN.

A few days after having woken up next to Brian after the party, he started sleeping next to me in the big bed the whole band had to share.

I always slept in between Zacky and Matt (and occasionally Jimmy), but now Brian was making sure he was next to me.

Because I snuggled up to Zacky, he never left my side during the nights to sleep next to anyone else, so it became normal for me to be snuggled up in between the 2 guitarists.

But I tried to stay as far away as possible from Brian and as close as possible to Zacky.

I didn’t hate Brian or anything, I just wasn’t meant to like him.

Not like you can hold a grudge against someone for getting you a detention at high school for too long...

I had had a long day, and a restless night.

It was early in the morning and I still hadn’t gotten any sleep ‘cause the van smelt so bad, I felt sick, and someone was snoring loudly.

I sighed.

This was pointless.

I opened my eyes to find Brian was awake and staring at me funny.

“Creep,” I said quietly, being careful to not wake anyone else up.

He frowned and I rolled over and put my arm around Zacky, cuddling up to him. His arm automatically fell over my shoulders, even though he was in a deep sleep.

“Why are you being a bitch to me?” Hot breath tickled my ear and I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not.”

“You are too!” he hissed and I leaned back slightly so I could see him.

“How?” I demanded, slightly louder now that I wasn’t facing Zacky.

“I show interest in you, and you back off completely and act like you still hate me!” he retorted angrily, but keeping his voice low.

“I don’t hate you...” I whispered very quietly, hoping he didn’t hear me.

Of course, he did.

“So what’s your problem?” he inquired and I looked away, back at Zacky.

He’d grown a small mustache recently and it looked totally cute, especially when he was sleeping.

“Zacky?” he guessed and I shook my head.

“I guess I just don’t know how to act around you. You confuse me.”

“Sorry...” he apologized sweetly then paused. “Eva?”


“I really like you...” he admitted and my eyes shot back at him. “I want you to hug me, not Zacky.”


He was serious.

“I know you two are ‘friends with benefits’, but you’re still single...” he said shyly and I smiled. The cocky Synyster Gates was changing into the sometimes shy Brian Haner who wasn’t always a rock star.

“Uh... Can we talk about this tomorrow?” I asked, trying to avoid the topic, and he sighed.

“Sure.” He sounded awfully disappointed and annoyed at me.

He turned over, moving closer to Jimmy who had slept through our conversation.

Maybe him moving away was his way of showing he didn’t actually want to talk about this tomorrow. I dunno.

I moved closer to Zacky and snuggled my head into him.

10 seconds later, Brian put his arm around my waist.

He had moved closer to me and seemed quite happy to be holding me.

I did my best to ignore it and not attach any emotions to it.

A minute later, I was sound asleep.

During the night, I somehow let go of Zacky and cuddled right up into Brian.

Everyone gave me shit about it, but for once, I didn’t care.

Neither did Brian.

We continued our conversation later that day at our lunch break.

It became the sweetest thing any male had ever done for me my whole life...