Status: Done.

It's a Syn Loving You


Just imagine being the perfect student at high school.

It’s your last year and you have a perfect record.

Then some idiot gets you a detention with him.

You’d be very pissed off at that certain idiot...

“Take a seat and begin writing out the school rules,” the teacher on detention duty on Friday’s said. There were mainly younger students, and only a few seniors, including myself and Brian.

I sat at the back.

This was shameful for me.

I buried my head in my hands, avoiding the stares from a few late students.

“Hey,” a male voice said and I turned to my left. I was instantly let down. Brian.

“Go away. I still hate you,” I said to him as he sat down and picked up his pen. He started writing the rules, barely looking at the piece of paper with them on it provided for us if we didn’t know them off by heart.

Suppose he had had enough detentions to know the rules well.

I started to write out the rules also.

“This is a joke...” I muttered to myself after the first rule had been inked onto my paper. What a pathetic way to punish people for talking in class...

“Tell me about it...” Brian whispered back. He paused. “What kinda music do you like?”

I was reminded of the guitar he had drawn.

Perhaps he played guitar?

“Loud stuff,” I said in a hushed voice.


What was I doing?

Why was I talking back to him? I didn’t like him. He was annoying me. He was the reason why I was currently at a detention.

“Awesome. Me too. What bands or people was what I was kinda asking before, not the volume level,” he said quietly.

A small grin appeared on my face. That was kinda funny...

I listed a few bands that he obviously approved of.

“You?” I questioned and he stated a few that I had said and a few others that I had heard of.

“Are you a virgin?” he randomly asked me after being silent for 10 minutes.

I had almost finished my rules.

He had finished his ones, just hadn’t put his hand up to say he’s finished yet.

“That’s none of your business!” I retorted back, just a tad louder than I had expected. I saw the teacher look up at us and I put my head back down and finished writing the last rule down. Why did he have to keep on pissing me off?

“Just asking...” he said as he put his hand up. The teacher walked over to our desk and checked over his piece of paper.

I put my hand up too.

Brian was dismissed.

He picked up his bag as the teacher picked up my piece of paper. Brian slowly headed out of the classroom, his bag barely slung over his shoulder.

“Alright, you can go too, Eva,” the teacher said and I rushed out of the class.

NEVER again, did I want to be stuck in there, especially with Brian!

I squeaked.

I had turned the corner out of the classroom so fast and almost crashed into Brian.

“Hello again,” Brian said, acting as if he wasn’t talking to me 30 seconds ago and this was the first time we had talked since Biology.

I sighed loudly, hoping he would get the hint.

I kept on walking down the corridor, ignoring him.

“Eva!” he called out VERY loudly. I had no choice but to stop and turn around. I couldn’t pretend I didn’t hear that.

“What?” I said, turning around slowly on my heels to face him.

“What are you doing now?” he asked me.

“Going home,” I replied, turning back around and continuing to walk.

I heard his heavy footsteps following me and after a couple of seconds he was by my side.

“Can I come?” he asked me innocently.

“Um... Let me think about that... No.”

We kept on walking together.

“You have pretty hair,” he said and I laughed.


“Is it naturally black?” he inquired.

“Yes,” I said and then conned on to what he was up to. “I’m not sleeping with you.”

“Aye?” he said, obviously confused.

“Usually you ignore me. But now... First you ask me if I’m a virgin, and now you’re complimenting me,” I said, shoving the door open and stepping outside. “I’m not stupid.”

“Wow, you got the wrong idea...” he said and I felt relieved. He was already a bad influence on me. “I’m just trying to be nice...”

“Whatever,” I said, walking down a footpath, heading out of the empty school.

“Besides, I wouldn’t sleep with you if you were the last girl on earth!” he suddenly said, almost shouting, and I stopped walking.

Don’t know why I did that...

I saw a group of his friends waiting for him under a tree, smoking. He headed over to them, completely ignoring me.

They jeered and teased him again.

“God, she can be such a fuckin’ bitch!” he shouted, loud enough so I could hear. What an arsehole.

I continued walking.

Unfortunately, I had to walk right past them to get on the road that leads to my house.

Brian took a cigarette from one of his friends, and a big whiff of smoke passed me as I got closer to them.

I felt like adjusting my skirt, my tie, my blazer, my bag, my hair, making sure everything was in order.

I controlled myself.

Just don’t look at them.

They’ll ignore you if you ignore them.

“Hey Eva! Come have a smoke!” one of them shouted. Wow. That ignoring them plan didn’t work...

“Dude! Don’t say that!” Brian yelled at his buddy, even though they were sitting right next to each other.

“Why not? She’s your new friend!” his mate said back, loud enough for me to hear it.

I was NOT his friend.

I couldn’t be friends with the guy who had made me get my first and only detention ever.

“Get lost, man,” Brian said, taking in a mouthful of smoke. Ew. How could anyone want to do that?

“Hey! Just come hang out with us then!” another guy suggested. Well at least he looked nice enough.

I was going to keep on walking home, but then I got reminded of something that Miranda had told me.

She had said that at parties, she would just approach people, get them talking. And before you knew it, you’re friends with them.

Just one of her little secrets to her successful social life.

Which I desperately needed.

So I forced myself to walk over to join the boys.

All that hatred I had for Brian seemed to be ignored as I tried to make a fresh start.

It seemed like such a bad idea at the time, but ended up being a great decision...