Status: Done.

It's a Syn Loving You

I'm Sorry

I constantly thought about Brian as Zacky drove me home.

When I got out of his car, Brian was still racing around in my mind.

It was ridiculous.

I couldn’t control myself.

And it was pissing me off...

Zacky waited in his car, leaving it running, as I walked up to my front door.

I put my hand in my back pocket and searched around for my key.

I couldn’t find it.

What the hell?

I found my spare key and opened the door, wondering what on earth could have happened to my normal one.

I pushed the door open, stepped inside, waved goodbye to Zacky, then shut and locked the door behind me.

I turned on the light and turned around, about to welcome my empty, boring, lonely home.

I jumped as I saw someone sitting at my table. I swear I nearly hit the roof!

I started to panic, but then the person turned around and I saw it was only Brian.

“What the hell dude? You gave me such a fright!” I almost yelled at him as I clutched my heart which was beating like crazy.

I slowed my breathing down, trying to relax and calm down. It wasn’t a murderer or rapist. Just Brian.

“Sorry...” he mumbled, standing up.

“Wait, how’d you get in?” I asked as he picked something off my table.

I walked towards him as he walked towards me. I noticed the bunch of red roses he had in his hands.

“I stole your key. Sorry, again...” he explained as we met halfway.

I stared into those gorgeous brown eyes and he held out the bunch of roses to me.

I paused, wondering whether or not I should take them.

I did, of course. It’s not every day a handsome man offers you red roses...

“Thanks,” I whispered to him as his hands flopped to his side, useless now.

Then he leant in and kissed me again. Just quickly, and just once. But it was a kiss.

He pulled away, his lips barely parted from mine.

“How many times do you want me to say I’m sorry?” he asked in a sweet voice and I grinned.

“How many roses can you buy me?” I joked and he took one of my hands in his.

He led me to my bedroom, which puzzled me even more.

“I’m not having sex with you,” I told him, but he shook his head as he opened the door.

Inside, he had put lots of candles and lots of roses and rose petals.

It was as if my bedroom belonged in a movie.

I was stunned; it was completely breathtaking. I was speechless.

That was a lot of roses... (and a lot of ‘I’m sorry’s...)

“I’m sorry, Eva, I really am...” he said. I almost dropped my bunch of roses in shock, still taking in my room.

“Brian...” I began, but he interrupted me.

“Remember the first day we talked? In Biology?”


“You said you hated me, and I said that you wouldn’t hate me for long, because every girl ends up loving me...” he continued and I remembered back to that day. “I swear you loved me.”

“Once upon a time,” I said sarcastically. “You cheated on me.”

“Because every girl ends up loving me...” he said and I rolled my eyes. “But that doesn’t mean that I love them back. I’ve only ever loved one girl before, and that’s you. You can’t leave me for good Eva. I need you.”

“You expect me to believe that?” I questioned, sort of laughing at his attempt to win me back.

“I’m not joking, and I swear I’m sober and not making this up,” he said, holding his hands up to say he was clean.

I looked down at my roses, thinking about what he’d just said.

“Please... I’ll do whatever you want me to...” he mumbled, and then took me into a massive bear hug against my will.

“I can’t...” I muttered and he let go of me, his face still seeming really depressed.

“You can’t what?” he asked sadly.

“I can’t get back with you. I’m sorry, Brian, but you fucked up,” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

“No... Babe... Don’t say that...”

“Don’t call me babe. And get out of my house,” I said, trying to say it strongly, but I knew it came out weak.

“Eva... You don’t want to do this...” he continued to try to convince me to take him back. “It’s not meant to be like this. You’re meant to take me back!”

He started to get frustrated with himself, not being able to handle the fact that it hadn’t worked out the way he’d planned.

“I’m not meant to do anything!” I hissed at him while watching his eyes. At the moment, they were a window into his head, and I could see the confusion and sadness spinning around on his mind.

Poor guy.

“Why are you still holding my roses then?” he suddenly asked as he looked at my hands.

“I- Uh...” I stuttered, not expecting that.

Why was I still holding onto his roses?

“I don’t really know, to be honest,” I replied quietly as I continued to think about it.

“I’ve never given you a bunch of red roses before, and I’m really sorry about that. I should’ve done that before,” he started but I interrupted him.

“Don’t apologize, okay? It’s in the past. Let it go,” I said as I looked at my bunch of red roses more carefully.

In the middle, there was a small burgundy one.

That brought back memories.

I felt tears come to my eyes as I remembered back to the day that he’d asked me out, using a rose exactly like that one to get his answer.

If it wasn’t for that rose, I wouldn’t have taken a risk and said that I liked him, and therefore he wouldn’t have asked me out.

I was too busy remembering that day that I hadn’t noticed he’d brought his hands up to my chest.

Before I could say or do anything, he put one hand on the base of my neck and used the other to pull away the neck of my top.

I felt his hands on my skin again, and I shivered slightly.

His fingers slipped underneath the necklace I was wearing and he brought it out from under my shirt where it had been hiding for a month.

“Why do you still have my necklace on?” he asked softly, still holding the beautiful amethyst necklace in his hands against my torso.

I was speechless.

I could barely breathe.

He let go of the necklace, setting it nicely above my top. Then he hugged me again.

I just cried into his chest, hugging him back...

Shortly after, I kissed Brian.

I’d missed him like hell (and the rest of Avenged too).

And like he’d pointed out, I still wore the necklace he’d given me on the day we became boyfriend and girlfriend.

Surely that meant something?

I just couldn’t figure myself out at the moment.

Brian stayed the night.

We laid in my bed holding each other close as we stared at the candles and roses.

I never realised that Brian could be such a romantic.

I also never realised how strong our love was...
♠ ♠ ♠
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