Status: Done.

It's a Syn Loving You

The News

Brian had been attempting to make our relationship work.

So had I.

But then it seemed like he was giving up again and I started to as well.

Until I visited the doctor and received some news I thought I’d never hear...

“You’re pregnant,” the doctor stated and my jaw dropped.

I swear it nearly hit the ground.

“I’m what?” I questioned, still in massive shock.

“You’re pregnant,” the doctor repeated and I leaned back in my chair, closing my eyes and taking in the news.

That explains my missed period.

That explains my nausea that I’ve been experiencing.

That explains Brian thinking my breasts had gotten bigger and why I was filling out my bra better.

That explains why I was constantly going to the toilet.

I was pregnant.

I was pregnant.
“Oh shit...” I mumbled as I put my head into my hands.

After a few more minutes of talking with the doctor, I left his office to find Matt outside waiting nervously. Thank God I didn’t bring Brian...

“You okay?” he asked sincerely, but I didn’t say anything.

He put his arm around my shoulders and led me out of the hospital gently. We both remained quiet.

He took me a few blocks away where the tour bus was waiting for us.

“Are you okay?” he asked me seriously before we got back on to continue travelling.

He stared into my eyes as we stood still, waiting for my answer.

“I don’t know...” I replied honestly.

“I’m here for you,” he told me and I nodded.

“I know...” I barely whispered and then he let me get back onto the bus.

I walked straight past everyone and headed to the back for some peace and quiet.

Matt stayed with the rest of the band, probably to tell them that he didn’t know what was wrong with me.

I sat down and waited for someone to come and talk to me. I knew it wouldn’t be too long before someone did.

Sure enough, Zacky walked in about 5 minutes after I’d gotten comfortable on the seat.

“So, what mysterious disease have you got?” he joked and I attempted a smile.

Truth was, he was way off with the whole disease thing. This was worse in my opinion.

I had another human growing inside of me.

It shared my DNA.

And Brian’s.

“Come on, it can’t be that bad...” he said in a lame attempt to make me feel a bit better.

He sat down next to me and gave me a hug.

“You’re not going to tell me, are you?” he questioned and I shook my head.

“Can you get Brian for me?” I asked quietly.

“That serious huh?” He tried to keep me talking, but when I didn’t reply, he just stood up and left.

Brian walked in soon after.

He sat down next to me, where Zacky had just been. His arm naturally went around my shoulders.

It didn’t seem like he cared, though.

It was natural for him; he automatically put his arm around me. It wasn’t him comforting me in my time of need.

“Brian?” I asked once I realised he wasn’t going to say anything to me.

“That’s me,” he said, looking up from the ground and into my eyes.

“I’m pregnant,” I told him.

“What?” he asked in disbelief, his mouth falling into an ‘O’ shape.

“I’m not kidding.”

“Oh my God...” he muttered, removing his arm from across my shoulders and hugging himself instead.

We sat in silence, both contemplating the situation.

“So, it’s mine, right?” he questioned after a while.

“Of course it is,” I answered silently and truthfully.

“Oh... my... God...” he said while staring at the floor.

Once again, we sat in silence.

“It’s bad timing huh?” I asked him once the situation became just a tad too awkward for my liking.

“What do you mean?” he retorted, looking up at me.

“Just when we were falling apart again... Let’s face it, we were both giving up on this relationship again,” I said and he looked away again, but this time shamefully. He knew it was the truth.

“Eva, we can work this out...” he told me, realising where I was going with this.

“Brian, I think I want an abortion,” I whispered and he suddenly engulfed me with a hug.

“You can’t!” he begged, taking me by surprise.

“Why not? It’s in my body!” I countered and he squeezed me tighter.

“Eva, I’ve always wanted to start a family with a girl who I love. Don’t make me lose this opportunity,” he pleaded while giving me the puppy dog eyes that were irresistible.

“Well you’re not a good enough father. I’m doing the poor kid justice here,” I retorted, getting tears in my eyes as I realised it was the truth.

Brian wasn’t ready to be a father.

I wasn’t ready to be a mother.

This was just going to be a disaster, especially with our relationship in the condition it’s in.

“I’ll be a good father...” Brian mumbled, sounding extremely hurt that I’d called him a shit one. “Let me prove it to you?”

“You’ve had too many chances already,” I told him strictly. I couldn’t keep on giving in to him.

“I will be the best fuckin’ father to that baby if it’s the last thing I do,” he said extremely forcefully while staring deeply into my eyes.

I could tell he meant it.

“You’ll get your act together?” I asked carefully, wondering if this was what we needed to get our relationship working again, but this time working forever.

“I promise, babe. I want this child with you,” he said sincerely as he put his hand gently on my stomach. “I want to start a family with you.”

He kissed me once on the lips and it felt like he really meant it.

“I love you, Eva,” he told me and I nodded.

I couldn’t say it back to him though.

I was speechless and overwhelmed...

Brian promised to get his act together.

He did, too.

It started with a simple making me breakfast the next morning, and soon evolved into lots of other simple yet sweet and caring things, including amazing shoulder massages.

He really wanted to prove to me that he could do this.

That he was going to be a good father.

And boyfriend.

Not husband.

We weren’t technically a family yet...
♠ ♠ ♠
Well I'm glad I haven't lost readers since I got quite a few comments last chapter. This chapter is for those who commented :) Thanks so much.

What do you guys think about the news?