Status: Done.

It's a Syn Loving You

Baby Talk

I talked to Matt, alone, a few days later.

We were close, and I needed an honest opinion on what I should do.

Besides, he should know Brian better than me.

He should know if Brian’s words are the truth or not.

Little did I know, I was going to get a life-changing surprise after our talk...

“So what’s up?” Matt asked and I glanced up at him nervously.

I still wasn’t too sure if I wanted to do this, but I trusted him to tell me the truth.

“I’m pregnant,” I stated and Matt’s eyes widened. That was the only noticeable reaction.

“To Brian?” he asked, just making sure.

We were alone in the tour bus – everyone else was out getting some decent food.

“Yeah. And he wants to keep it,” I replied.

He must’ve sensed my uncertainty on the situation.

“And what do you want to do?” he questioned, trying to get the full story.

“Not keep it because I don’t think that Brian will shape up and be a good father. I mean, look what he’s done to me over the years! How on earth is a baby going to make him change and be a better man?” I exclaimed, getting frustrated with my position.

I loved Brian, and I did want to start a family, just maybe not with him, and when the time was right.

“You guys are so weird... Your relationship goes on a rollercoaster, having your peaks and having your lows, but you’re still on the rollercoaster come the end of the day. Why? You, for one, seem to think it’s not worth it anymore. Why are you still with him?” Matt asked, making me think.

Why was I still with Brian?

“I don’t know...” I stuttered, surprised that that question had been asked.

“You still have hope for you two huh? You still love him, even when he starts to give up,” Matt continued and I shrugged.

“Well... Maybe we just need something like this to really pull us together...” I mumbled, realising I did still have hope for me and Brian.

I would probably love him no matter what.

“Does he love me?” I asked Matt. “Honestly.”

“Honestly? Yeah, he does,” Matt answered, and I could tell he was being sincere about it.

“He promised me that he would get his act together so he could have this baby... Do I believe him? Do you think he loves me enough to do so? I mean, you’re an outsider, you can be honest about what you see,” I said and he nodded.

“I haven’t exactly talked to him about starting a family... It’s not every day topic for us guys,” he said with a small laugh. “But I’d say he means it. I think he is willing to change, ‘cause he really loves you Eva.”

“But it’s a baby... I don’t wanna be a single Mom. I dunno if I could even have it on tour, and we all know I love you guys too much to leave you,” I continued. “I’m sorry; I have too many unanswered questions...”

“It’s okay. But you do realise that the band will let you go home to raise your baby and we’d make sure Brian went home at least once a week to help. Besides, tour might finish before it’s born, then you’ll have Brian all to yourself and the baby,” Matt said and I shrugged.

“I dunno... We’re not even fully committed. He could just totally ditch me and there would be nothing I could do about it...” I said slowly aloud, coming to my own realisation. “Oh God...”

Matt gave me a small smile, knowing that I’d just realised that.

“It’s a risk. But if he did leave you, he’d have me and Zacky hunting him down with very sharp knives...” Matt attempted to make me smile, but of course I didn’t.

I remained quiet, so he moved closer to me and hugged me.

“I’m just so confused... I dunno what to do...” I mumbled into his shoulder.

“I don’t know what’s best for you either...” he whispered into my ear.

He gave me a kiss on my cheek and pulled out of our hug, leaving his arm around my shoulders in a comforting way.

“But I think Brian’s being truthful. He’s always been serious about you, and I doubt he’s ever lied to you,” Matt said, making my stomach feel a tad funny.

Or maybe that was the baby...

Brian walked in and saw us straight away, getting a strange look on his face.

“Hey guys,” he said slightly nervously as Jimmy burst in through the door behind him.

“Do it!” he hissed and Brian looked at the ground, shifting his feet.

“Are you sure?” he whispered back, sounding like he was questioning himself rather than The Rev.

“You do it now or I’ll do it for you,” Jimmy said. Then he whispered something in Brian’s ear so quietly I could barely hear, but I’m sure it was, “Prove to her that you fuckin’ love her!”

Brian shuffled over to me.

Then he knelt down on one knee.

“Oh...” Matt said quietly, taking his arm off me quickly.

“Eva...” Brian said as he pulled out a little box out of his jersey’s pocket. “Will you marry me?”

He opened the little box.

There sat a little diamond ring.

“Are you serious?” I asked, completely shocked with his proposal.

“I am. I want to be family with you Eva,” he said, looking into my eyes.

I looked over to Jimmy, hoping he’d help me out.


I looked at Matt.

He was watching me and shrugged at me when I looked at him for help. It was like we hadn’t just had that serious talk together.

I looked back at my boyfriend who was still kneeling on the ground.

“Can you hurry up? My leg’s getting sore,” he said and I giggled.

Jimmy and Matt both slapped their hands against their foreheads, probably thinking ‘way to go, Brian. Kill your proposal’.

“I guess so...” I mumbled and Brian winced in pain.

“Really?” he asked, gasping for breath as he stood up with a grin.

“I didn’t say you could stand up,” I told him and his smile disappeared. “Kidding...”

Then he bombarded me with a hug.

He then sat on the other side of me and put the ring on my finger...

Yes, Brian put an engagement ring on my ring finger.

I was going to get married to Brian.

Maybe the baby was the thing that was going to make us stronger.

I mean, it had made Brian propose to me.

Surely it was only going to continue to do great things for me?

And good things for my relationship with Brian.

With my fiancé...
♠ ♠ ♠
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