Status: Done.

It's a Syn Loving You


So I have a bunch of NEW friends.

I have a NEW boyfriend.

I just needed a NEW home life...

“Where have you been?” my little brother hissed at me as I walked past the lounge.

“Party. Why?”

“You’re in the shit,” he hissed, turning back to the TV.

That wasn’t good.

I kept on walking, slowly and quietly, trying to get to my room without him noticing.

It didn’t work.

“Where have you been?” Those words were repeated, but this time by my father. Damn. I turned and saw him standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

“At a party.”

“With who?” He was slurring a bit, so it was obvious he had been drinking all morning. Not like that was new news, though...

“My new friends,” I replied, anxious to leave.

Why didn’t I lie?

I couldn’t.

I’m a shit liar.

Just like my mother.

“Who are they?” he continued and I listed a few names. “Huh. Don’t know them."

“Well duh, they’re my new friends,” I said, instantly regretting it as soon as it came out of my mouth...

“What did you say?” he shouted and I flinched a bit.

“Nothing,” I whispered. Shit. Why did I have to say that?

“Like bloody hell you did!” he yelled and stumbled over towards me.

Please! Leave me alone! I haven’t done anything wrong!

Pity I could only think it and not say it.

He punched me across my face. I felt blood in my mouth almost instantly. I ran my tongue over my teeth (a nasty habit I do every time someone touches my face), checking that every tooth was still there. They were, so I assumed my lip was bleeding.

I had slammed backwards into the wall and turned slightly to my side because of the punch.

Another punch connected with the side of my face, which would no doubt lead to a black eye.

“You’re a liar! What did I say about lying to me?” he shouted as he kicked my legs, then slammed something bloody hard into my back.

I screamed out in pain. That was gonna bruise. Badly.

“Who’s that guy who dropped you off? You’re boyfriend?” he screeched at me as I crumpled to the floor against the wall.

“Does it matter?” I yelled back as he grabbed my wrist very hard. He had seen the leather wristband that I was wearing, the one that Matt had gave to me.

“What’s this?” I ignored him as he stared at it for a few seconds, letting it register in his small brain. “I need to have a word to your mother about this guy you’re fucking...”

My hand was thrown back down onto me as he stormed off. Back into the kitchen to drink more beer, no doubt.

I picked myself up off the ground and stumbled into my room, shutting and locking the door behind myself.

I opened up my closet and went straight up to the top shelf, reaching behind boxes and old clothes to find what I wanted.

My emergency bag. For when it gets tough.

It was filled with two sets of clothes, spare shoes, money and a few other belongings.

I took it down, then shut my closet again, feeling my body ache all over.

And then I left.

I jumped out through my window and when I landed, I shivered in pain. My whole body got a jolt, especially where I was recently hit. I wiped some blood away from my mouth and I started walking out to the street, crying. Well, limping.

I caught a cab to Miranda’s house, but as I pulled up outside her house, I noticed her car was gone. She was probably out on a date with Jared. So I asked the driver to take me to Matt’s house. He was the last person I had left.

I saw him in his bedroom (the curtains were open now) so I paid the driver and got out, taking my one bag with me. Matt didn’t see me making my way to his doorstep. I knocked as loudly as I could without hurting myself anymore.

I leaned against the doorway. All my strength had disappeared.

“Can someone get that?” I heard Matt yelling. Then I heard the familiar voices coming from the lounge. The party hadn’t ended for some of those guys.

Footsteps coming closer.

A laugh.


Not exactly the person I wanted to see right now.

“Holy shit! What happened to you?” he exclaimed after opening the door and seeing the blood. Maybe my eye was bruising already. Maybe I looked horrible from crying so much on the way here. I wasn’t too sure. “Matt! Get your ass down here now!” He was yelling upstairs to Matt, but didn’t once take his eyes off me. Was he... worried about me?

“What’s the emergency?” Matt joked cheerily from at the back of the hallway. “Oh shit! Are you okay? What happened?” He practically ran down the rest of his hallway to embrace me in a gigantic hug. Which obviously hurt me.

“Ow!” I squealed while wincing in great pain and he quickly let me go.

“Come in,” he said urgently, keeping an arm around me, but slightly awkwardly. He obviously didn’t want to hurt me.

“Get some ice, would ya?” he asked Brian who quickly walked away.

“Can I trust you?” I whispered in fear to Matt who nodded.

“Yeah, of course,” he answered as I stumbled a bit. “What happened?”

I didn’t answer as Matt gently sat me down in living room.

Brian had returned with some ice for my lip.

Zack gaped at me.

“I’m gonna go now,” another guy said and he stood up to leave. Another one followed.

It left me with Matt, Brian and Zack.

Matt had sat down next to me as was gently pushing my hair out of my face. Some of it had stuck to my face, due to me crying. He also took my bag off me and sat it on the floor in front of us.

Zack sat quietly and patiently in his chair, waiting for me to say something.

Brian sat down in another chair, leaning forward, also waiting.

I just cried.

Of course I eventually stopped crying.

And when I did, I put so much trust in those 3 guys.

I told them everything that had happened.

And suddenly they were my 3 NEW best friends...