Status: Done.

It's a Syn Loving You


They made me go to the hospital.

Suddenly, they all cared for me and didn’t let me go back to my broken home that night.

It was the night that I went back that things really changed for me.

Once again, I was beaten badly.

Once again, I crawled back to Matt’s house.

And once again, he cared for me.

That time, the hospital wouldn’t let me go back to my house.

A social worker came and talked to me.

And I was told I was to leave the area...

“I can’t tell you where I’m going,” I answered Matt, tears welling up in my eyes. He had been so good to me and I wanted to remain in touch with him. Yet I couldn’t.

“This isn’t fair...” he sighed, looking at the ground.

“I know... I promise I’ll come back one day,” I said as I noticed the tears in his eyes too.

“Fuck. This is harder than I thought,” he admitted and I nodded, agreeing completely with him.

“Like I said, I will come find you one day,” I reassured him as he pulled me into a tight hug. I began to wonder if he was going to let me go. “Can I go say goodbye to Zacky and Brian? I gotta leave in about 5 minutes.”

“Of course.”

We walked out of his room and down into the lounge where they were waiting. Matt had called them up earlier and both had come to say goodbye.

“Eva! I’m gonna miss you so much!” Zacky said as he bombarded me with a massive, friendly hug.

I started crying.

“Gee, thanks Zacky!” Matt said sarcastically, hugging me from behind as I wept on Zacky’s shoulder.

Brian walked over to us and took my left arm off Zacky. He ducked his head under it and put his arms around me, holding me tightly and very close to him.

I cried on both Brian and Zacky’s shoulders.

Matt cried on mine. His grip on me was the tightest.

That made me cry even more.

A car tooted outside Matt’s house.

“I promise, I will come back for you guys,” I said through my tears as I let go of them.

I gave Matt an extra large hug and kissed him once. He held my chin in his hands and looked me directly in my eyes.

“I love you,” he said.

“I love you, too,” I said and another tear rolled down his cheek. I got another kiss from him.

“But I can’t see you out. Otherwise I’m gonna be such a mess. Not a great last impression...” He let go of me and I looked at the ground.

“We’ll be waiting for you,” Zacky said, also hugging me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you. For everything. I mean it guys,” I said as Matt leaned against a wall, making a large thumping noise. He was pissed off.

“You alright, man?” Zacky asked, walking over to him. Matt was just glaring evilly at the ground.

“I’ll take you out,” Brian said, nodding his head towards the door.

I took one last look at Matt and Zacky before I followed Brian away down the hallway.

“Take care of him, won’t you?” I asked as I heard Matt swearing and thumping against the wall. Probably punching it. “He did the right thing.”

“I will,” Brian promised as we reached the door. He hugged me again and as we pulled out of it I kissed him on the cheek too.

“Thanks for the detention,” I said, realising that I would never have dreamed of the day I was kissing the idiot in my class on the cheek. He smiled.

“No problem. Any time.”

“I’d better get going,” I said as I wiped my cheek, trying to dry it.



He leaned in and kissed me.

On the lips.

“Brian?” I whispered. His face was only an inch away from mine.


“What was that for?”

He shrugged.

“You’d better get going,” he said with a small smile as he opened the door. I looked out to see my social worker in the car that was running outside.

“Yeah...” I sighed, stepping outside. “Oh, can you give this to Matt for me?”

I pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to Brian.

I had drawn a skull with bat wings on it, especially for Matt.

Underneath it, I had written that I loved him and I was coming back for him.

I had signed it as ‘Eva Shadows’, taking his stage last name and adding to the end of mine. I hoped it would make him smile.

“Well, I’ll see you later,” I said and I turned around. I walked down to the car and got in.

I drove away from Matt’s house, seeing all 3 of them standing in the doorway staring.

Leaving them sucked so much I can’t explain it.

I cried all the way to the airport.

I was hurt.

The only hope I had was that I was certain I would see them again one day.

But whether or not I actually was going to remained a mystery to me at that point...