Status: Planning out where this story is going, hopefully writing again soon!

Diary of Me

A typical thursday morning

I awoke to the sound of my mothers voice yelling for me to wake up. Is it so hard for her to realize growing girls need their sleep? She's been in my place before, show some sympathy.
I quickly shouted back that I was getting up before she entered my room to continue to yell at such an early hour as 6 am.

Slowly but surely making my way into the bathroom I turned on the steaming water to wash away what was left of yesterday to prepare for a new day.

Doing the neccesarities such as putting on the little makeup I wore and throwing some mousse in my already very curly brown hair to contain the frizz and poofiness I grabbed my favorite purple tote bag, my car keys, and a water bottle from the kitchen waving goodbye to my mother and little brother, I hopped in my car and drove myself to start my dreaded day at a little place I like to call hell on earth, a.k.a school.

Typically I would drive to school on my own, park in the usual area near my bestfriend Roxy's car and walk into the school with her, but today was a bit different. Roxy's car recently broke down so being the great friend that I am, I offered to drive her to school until her car was fixed.

Roxy is the best person I know.
She's a 5'5 brunette with slighty red-blonde highlights and a calm personality.
We officially met our freshmen year. We both had no place to sit at lunch seeing as our friends weren't at that lunch since our school has a very confusing three lunch system.
We soon found out we had two classes together and quickly bonded. She was into the same things as I am and so on. We've been very close ever sense.

I picked up Roxy at her apartment located in the heart of Massachusetts; Boston. I lived only a few blocks away but with all the traffic it still took me a while to get to her apartment.

She greeted me cheerfully, she was always able to wake up early and be able to be in a good mood. When I on the other hand was in no way, shape, or form a morning person.
I said a quick hello and turned up the music to avoid morning conversation, which she always understood, knowing not to get on my bad side in the morning.

We arrived at school with approximately 9 minutes to spare. Grabbing a coffee from the cafeteria lady working at the front desk of the school, located when you first walk into the atrium, and handing her my two bucks I hurried up three flights of stairs and down a hall to enter the hallway containing my locker. Grabbing what I needed for my first class of the day I took my time walking down the hall to stand with my friends, again not in the mood to have morning conversations.

Apon arriving to them we exchanged greetings and continued on with conversations with various people in the group for the next couple of minutes until the dreaded bell rang. Walking to class with the few friends I had in that class, I casually scoped the halls for Jake, the current person to catch my eye. He has always been a good friend of Roxy's, so she introduced us and we text often. Except this week he's been a bit different. Or maybe it's just me. I tend to over react.
After looking and not seeing Jake I continued to class taking my seat and awaiting the arrival of the bell which came soon after settleing in. Beginning class and trying my hardest not to fall asleep.
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Thoughts would be beyond awesome!(: