Status: Planning out where this story is going, hopefully writing again soon!

Diary of Me


After Thursday morning dragged on the rest of the day flew by into Friday. Waking up and doing the usual routine, picking up Roxy again I went threw another day of school. Except this day was Friday. Friday always means party night. Typical teenagers doing what typical teenagers do. Drink, smoke, and rebel against today's race of adults.
Life is so typical.
There's never anything new or beyond exciting.
Sure, we have fun but what is fun when your always doing the same thing, in the same place pretty much weekly.
It gets dull and exhausting.
Getting away from this dumb town and doing something unusual would be the highlight of my life.
Sure, Boston's fun and hectic and I love that about it but you get used to it.
My family doesn't travel.
We don't go on vacations.
We do the typical every day.
It's a boring ass life.
But we make fun out of what we have.

Driving to our friend Drew's Roxy and I blasted Autumn by Sparks the Rescue as it poured from my speakers. Drew is a good friend of Roxy's boyfriend so we all became friends and do the typical weekend thing together.

Someone supplied the alcohol and someone else supplied the pot and we all threw down so we could get shit faced without having to worry about restrictions about how much we could have without someone bitching at us for not paying anything.

Apon arriving to Drew's we entered his house without knocking since his parents weren't home and everyone was down stairs and wouldn't of heard the knock anyway. We made our way to the basement to great all the familiar faces already with beer in hand, the bruins game blasting from the tv's speakers and the guys yelling when something doesn't go their way.
Okay, I might of over reacted before, this isn't that dull and boring. It's actually quite fun.
The only boring part is not switching it up and doing something else sometimes, not going anywhere new.

Roxy and I gave 5 bucks to Evan who supplied the alcohol, grabbed a beer from the mini fridge in the corner and sat down with our friends to continue a night much like the rest.
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Okay so I know it's slow and boring right now, but it will progress. Drama and exciting things are soon to come. Get pumped :D
Be a tree hugger<3