Boyfriend's Ex Best Friend

Boyfriend's Ex Best Friend Chapter 7

Then next morning I woke up around nine and walked into the living room.
The girls were gone already. They had morning class and I had evening classes.
I grabbed a bowl and made myself a bowl of cereal. I sat on the sofa and turned on the T.V.
I had two hours before class to kill.
I turned off the T.V. and turned on the radio.
I went through my clothes trying to find something to wear.
It was my first day and I wanted to look good.
I pulled out a black skirt put it on my bed.
Now what top? I thought as I looked through my closet.
“Prefect,” I smiled as I pulled out a top. It was a light blue long sleeve shirt that fell off my shoulders. I changed into my skirt and pulled on a white tank top then the blue shirt.
I played with my hair and put on a little make up.
I packed my bags and got ready for today.
Before I left for my class I went to the cafeteria to grab something. My class starts at around lunch time and I didn’t want to be hungry.
I entered the cafeteria and walked into the line.
“Violet,” I turned around to see Matt.
“Hey, Matt, what’s up?” I asked smiling.
“Nothing, I was about to go to class,”
“Cool, ready for the college life?”
“No,” I laughed.
“It’s not so bad,”
“So they say,” I said swiping my card.
“Well, where are you going?”
“Um, the second floor room 223,”
“I’ll take you there,”
“You sure, I don’t want you to be late,”
“Don’t worry about me,” he said putting his arm around my shoulders. “You’re going to need a guide,”
“True,” I smiled.
Matt and I walked to my class, which was across campus.
“Here we are,” Matt said.
“Thanks,” I smiled.
“I’ll meet you here,”
“You don’t need to,”
“No, I want to,”
I smiled. “Okay,” I walked away from Matt and to the door.
“Hey Vi,”
“You look great,”
I smiled. “Thanks,”
“Bye,” I said opening the door to my class.
After class Matt was there just as promised.
“How was it?”
“Long,” I muttered.
“Come on,”
“Fine, I like it, it should be fun class,”
“Where to next,” Matt asked taking my schedule. “You only have four classes? Lucky?”
“I guess,”
“What do you want to be?”
“A kindergarten teacher,”
“Yeah, I like little kids,”
“Sounds great,”
“What about you, what are your plans?”
“I don’t know yet,”
“That’s cool too,”
“Not knowing is part of the fun,” he smiled.
“Here’s your class my dear,”
“Thanks, and don’t call me ‘my dear’,”
“Deal, pick you up after class,”
“Yeah,” I walked into the room and sat down.
After three classes I had a two hour break until my next one.
I spent my two hours with Matt at the lounge.
It seems that high school was behind us, just like I wanted.
After all my classes Matt walked me back to my dorm.
The Max and Lynn were there. Danni had a class.
We talked about our day as we waited for Danni.
Once she came we all went to the cafeteria for dinner.
The boys joined us again and we talked had a good time.
“Matt!” we all looked up to see Maya.
“Maya?” he asked.
“Hi,” she smiled and gave him a hug. “Oh, wow, Alex, Jerry and Violet, it’s like a high school reunion,” she smiled giving us all hugs.
“Yeah,” we said uncomfortably.
“Can I sit?” she asked.
“Sure,” Matt said.
Maya grabbed a chair and sat right in the middle of me and Matt.
“Um, Maya, this is our dorm mate, Vince and these are Violet’s dorm mates, Danni, Max and Lynn,”
“Nice to meet you,” she smiled.
“Likewise,” they all said
“So, Maya, what brings you here?” Jerry asked.
“I’ve been school hopping, trying to fine the right school,”
“Oh, so you choose this one?” Alex asked.
“Yeah, school number six,” she giggled. “Hopefully, the last,”
“Or not,” Matt mumbled.
“I’ll be right back,” I said.
“I’ll go with you,” Maya offered.
“Okay?” I said walking over to where the drinks are.
Once we reached the drink machine I pressed the button for lemonade and watched it pure into the cup.
“Listen, Violet, the only reason why I’m hear is to get my man back and I don’t want you in the way. Your stole him once and I will not let you steal him again. So stay away from him,” she said with hate in her voice
“Get this through your head, Maya, I’m dating Josh and I have no intention of leaving him for Matt,” I said in the same cold voice she used.
“This can change,”
“Not with my will power,”
“We’ll see,” she said walking away.
I followed her.
The war has begun.

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