

Why must my parents want so much from me? Why do they want me to be so perfect? That’s what I asked myself while gazing at the clouds. I’m 15 years old and my parents have made sure that I got straight A’s, took extra classes, play soccer and baseball, and learn piano, violin, the harp, and the flute since I was 5. Don’t get me wrong it’s nice to have a background like this but it’s not me… I’m not who they want me to be nor do I want to be. The things I enjoy is rock music, hanging with my real friends (not those snotty brats!), playing my electric guitar that my parents don’t know about, and playing with my band at night. It’s just not right to live a false life in my opinion. But no my parents, well mostly my mom, wants me to go to Harvard and start a huge family. Ugh it makes me sick! I mean what parents go searching for a husband for you!?!?! Yeah that’s right they’re looking for a husband for me. I just want to disappear. At least tonight I have a gig at the hottest club in town, Blaze, with my band. But at the moment I’m with my stupid piano instructor Jane. I really DON'T want to be here.

I grabbed my guitar and placed it on my garage roof. I quietly stepped onto it and jumped down from the roof onto the soft grass. I saw Matt’s car in the distance and ran to it.
“You ready?” he asked
“Yup!” I cheered
We drove to Blaze excited and ready to perform. We headed inside to setup before we were called. Five minutes later we were being introduced.
“And now I want you to but your hands together for HEARTLESS!!!” The manager screamed into the mic as the curtains opened wide.

“We totally rock those songs!” Matt and Emma screamed in the car
I laughed at them as they pulled in next to my house. I was so busy having fun that I didn’t notice that my parents were stomping up to the car with dangerous looks on their faces. My dad tapped the window and everyone in the car froze. I turned and waved at my dad as his face turned a bright red. I turned back to my friends and they each had a look of apology on their faces. I smiled reassuring at them and followed my parents into the house. My mom pointed to the chair in the middle of the living room and I obeyed. I was in the motion of opening my mouth when my mom cut me off.
“What did you think you were doing with those people?!?!” she screeched
“And why weren’t you in bed?” My dad questioned fiercely
“Answer us!!!” They both roared
“They’re my friends!!!” I shouted
“Those are definitely not your friends!” My mom laughed
“Yes they are!” I yelled
“You have friends.” She replied
“You mean those snotty rich kids? They were NEVER my friends!”
“I can’t believe you lied to us! And what is that thing you’re holding?” said my father
“It’s my guitar…” I mumbled
“WHAT!!!” They screamed
“Yeah I learned it a while back from my friend Matt.”
“Oh dear god she’s going rogue!” my mother cried
“Not anymore.” My father replied
“You are forbidden from ever seeing your “friends” ever again. I will allow you to keep your guitar because it really isn’t a threat.” My father replied
“Bu-but dad!” I cried
My mother smacked me in the face and I looked at her shocked.
“You will listen to your father!” she screamed
I ran to my room way too upset about what just happened.

It’s been a week and my parents have subjected me to basically my room. Tonight was my piano recital so I’m pretty happy to get away from my parents. I got dressed into a long black dress with a red short-sleeved jacket. I went downstairs to wait for my parents. My mom came downstairs,
“What are you doing here?” she questioned
“I’m waiting for you guys.” I responded
“No you have to walk for exercise.”
“Just go!”
I stormed out of the house and walked towards the theater.
‘Stupid parents getting on my nerves!’
I almost slipped on some ice but regained myself.
'I so didn't want this life...'
In the distance I heard a car honking and screeching tires. I turned around to see a truck coming right at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
This just came to my head. I hope you guys enjoy it.