Moronic Robot

Moronic Robot

I was sitting on a bench near Domino high. I was tearing apart leaf and muttering about how stupid people are. My hikari, the pharaoh Atem, his little light, and the teachers at this ‘school’ place. I don’t see why I had to go to school. I’m a five thousand year old person. Yes I was trapped and now separate from my hikari’s body. It was interesting, being in a new body yet again, living again. After the plant is completely dismembered, I tossed it angrily through the air, the little pieces floating in the wind.

My life was going in way too many directions at once.

I grabbed another leaf and rip it to shreds, imagining the faces of all the people I hated. I finally finish with my little scene of voodoo and look up at exactly the wrong time.

“Lose something?” Yami Bakura says, leaning against a tree and waving a handle of leaf debris.

I glared at him and shook my head. He lets the pieces fly away in the breeze.

“So,” He says, moving in front of me, “Is that leaf supposed to be me?”

I looked down at the half-way ripped plant in my hands.

“Yes, Bakura,” I said both viciously and sarcastically. “This leaf is you. Excuse me while I go burn it.”

Bakura raises his eyebrows, “Was that comment really necessary Meanae?”

“Yes, yes it was.” I stab the leaf meaningfully.

“Stand up” He says looking at me in the eye.

“No thanks.” I replied while folding my arms. “I’m perfectly fine here.”

“Then I’m sitting.” He said as sitting next to me.

I move to the other side of the bench, leaving the leaf on the ground. He picks it up and looks at it.

He shrugs, “Good looking leaf.”

That had to be the stupidest thing I had ever heard. I turn my head and glare at him. I’m not going to talk to him. Let him be an idiot.

He started speaking casually trying to start a conversation, “Its warm today. The sky is cloudless. Hey look, a bird.”

I rolled my eyes as he continued. He was driving me insane. What a nut head. For being five thousand years old you’d think he’d be normal by now. God, he was pushing my common sense out the door. But Bakura keeps talking.

The funny thing was, I was into him thousands of years ago. He didn’t talk nor annoy me as much. He was the king of thieves and was attractive. Now I wanted to smash his millennium ring over his head!

Now, in the present time, I’m stuck in this world with him. These humans of now are interesting. Not to mention all of their tools, objects, and things that take ‘electricity’? I think that’s what it’s called. They have “lights” that turn on and off. We used to use flame for our light.

I miss the old ways. Not the sand storms though. Those drove me insane as much as Bakura was. I miss the old him. He was amazing. But that’s changed for now. I don’t like this one. Yes, he was terrorizing people and harassing Atem. I like that but now he’s terrorizing me. Oh Ra kill him please. Bring Ryo back, I like his innocent self.

“There are a lot of trees here, and the grass is long. We didn’t have grass like this unless it was in the oasis near the hideout. Do you remember? Hmm, maybe this is a sign of some sort of- “

That’s it.

I’ve had it.

I screamed and stood up, “Why are you such and idiot?!”

He sat there looking at me with no emotion on his face.

I kept with my ranting, “You just HAVE to ruin everything for me don’t you? My life has been and keeps going to the dogs. Now you sit here talking about…..about grass?! What are you, some kind of moronic emotionless robot?! Where is your ‘off switch’? Cause you sure as hell need to TURN OFF!”

Bakura stood up. I just glared at his albino looks. I think I missed the dark skin. Out of no where I still felt anger if not more. It was building and quickly. I was desperately trying to keep it from exploding out of me. He had to be the only person that could push every button but make me afraid too. He was strong. He was dangerous. He could kill with out no regret.

His voice was cold and stern, “Meanae…”

His eye drilling into my soul and I couldn’t look away if I wanted to. I couldn’t do anything. I was pinned in my spot and by my emotions.

He reached towards me and I flinched. I remembered the past.

He wrapped my arms around my waist with shocking gentleness. He muttered my name and I felt his lips press against my own. My eyes widen in shock. I wanted to be angry but god damn it! His kisses were amazing. I missed them. No, I wasn’t supposed to like this.

But I really did like it.

He was warm, inviting. Only he was this comforting and gentle to me. The only person I knew that could have this affect on me. I stayed connected to his soft lips, unable to wrestle my thoughts to think clearly. I felt so stuck but I didn’t mind too much.

It finally ends by him pulling his lips away but me closer. My head was now resting in the nape of his neck. I feel his breathe on my cheek.

“So,” he whispers, “Am I still a robot?”
♠ ♠ ♠
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