‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White

Time to Break Up

Chapter 1

Mom died on Monday...She had cancer.

"We are done John Corenelius O'Callaghan!" I screamed loudly, grabbing everything that wasn't mine and throwing it down the stairs. He dodged everything that was thrown as he stood in the door way, catching socks, and jumping out of the way as a flashlight went straight towards his head.
"What the fuck did I do!?"
I stopped and glared at him.
"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" I Screamed once again, grabbing his precious guitar case and throwing it down the stairs, lucky for him it was empty.
John crossed the room and held his guitar tightly in his arms.
"Yes, I don't know what I fucking did wrong?!"
I felt the water pipes getting ready to blow and walked towards him watching him stand his grown, the cockiness that had disappeared a year ago, was back and it had to go.


He stood flabbergasted as I slapped him, I slapped him hard and I wanted to do it again.
"My mom just died you stupid, ignorant, disrespectful, conceited heartless ASSHOLE!" I cried shoving him out of our, what was our, bedroom, "I fucking get back from the fucking hospital, and you're here, having not answered my calls, fucking another girl!?"
John's face was stone, but a stone face full of anger, and sarcasm, "You're not giving me attention. I'm not satisfied with this relationship."

He did not just say that

"Well I'm sorry that for the passed year I've been going in and out of the hospital worrying about my mother. I've been worrying about myself too!"
John rolled his eyes, and grabbed a sports bag and began shoving his belongings that hadn't flown down the stairs into it.
"Why the hell would you be worried?" John snapped as he shoved around me.
I almost cried, "What if I'm sick too?"

"You'll manage," John murmerd shoving past me and walking down the stairs, me trailing behind him, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"What happened to the old John?" I wondered sarcastically, tears still falling, "Did fame get to the wittle baby? Or did the idea of being like everyone else get to your head??"
"Just Shut Up, Andrea. You do not know anything." John growled, walking around the living room of the apartment looking for his car keys and grabbing his jacket, "And you never will."
"Oh I do know everything," I sighed, taking a seat on the last stair step, "But, what I don't get is if you haven't been satisfied with this relationship, why have you stayed in it for so long?"
John shrugged and opened the front door, "You helped me for a while. Gave me what I wanted, but I don't need you anymore."
♠ ♠ ♠

So... i didn't get my twelve comments for the last chapter of the Prequel :[
but i wanted you to guys to start reading xD

update 1/2