‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White


Chapter 10

"I feel like we're in an episode of the Hills."

I chuckled at Nat's words, and glanced around 'Cherry' the nightclub we were currently at. We had two more weeks until the start of Warped, and we wanted to celebrate it well.
I glanced up, as the boys of a rocket to the moon walked towards our table, I blushed and glanced down at my cocktail, Nick had caught my eye, and winked.
Nat chuckled from my side, but squealed as Garret and Kenny walked towards the table, carrying beers.

"Heylo boys!" I chuckled snagging Kennedy's beer, watching as he glared at me before rolling his eyes. I chuckled kissing his cheek, and sipping his beer.


The group and I laughed loudly, as a very drunk, and already plastered Halvo jumped into my lap, and grabbing my beer.
"May I help you sir Halvo?" I chuckled drinking my beer and wrapping one arm around him, he turned to look at me, "I am very well ma'am, just hyper, and I want to get drunk-"
"You're already drunk you bafoon."
I smiled as Nick came and stood infront of us, his arms crossed, a small smile playing on his lips.
Halvo shook his head, "Man, you suck. We were ready to go to Vegas and get married."
I laughed, and stared at Halvo through my bangs, he had a pout on his face, and his brown eyes were starring at me intently, "Well Halvo, maybe in a few years we can runaway and elope." I kissed his cheek, and saw him make the 'L' shape with his fingers, motioning it at Nick, who shook his head.
"But, I think a certain Kimberly would like to runaway with you," I spoke glancing at his girlfriend who was standing behind Nick, shyly.
"KIMMMEH!" I jumped and groaned as Halvo screamed in my ear, and jumped off of my lap towards his scared looking girlfriend.

Nick shook his head, and took a seat next to me, I bit my lip nervously as Nat, Kimmy, and Amber (Jared's GF) all winked at me. Glarring at them I nervously layed back on the black leather lounge chair.
No more then five minutes, Nick's arm was around my waist and I was shyly holding his hand, our fingers intertwined. We both faced opposite sides of the couch, him talking to the guys, me talking to the girls. Occasionally, we would glance at each other.
"You guys need to go out already," Amber whined, making me blush, "You guys look totally cute!"
Rolling her eyes Nat spoke, "I told her! But has she listened, no she has not."
Slapping her hand away as she tried to pinch my cheek, I took another sip of my drink.
"When are the other's getting here?" I said looking around our group, noticing several of the ARTTM boys were missing, the majority of the Maine, Vinny, Peter-
"You mean John?" Nat rolled her eyes, causing the other girls to chuckle.
Rolling my eyes, "I guess. We made up, I think, were trying the friend card. . . and I just want to see what's going to happen."
Kimmy nodded understanding and looked behind me, her eyes growing wide, "This is totally going to turn into an episode of the Hill's."
Taking a deep breath, I turned around and saw John and Sara walking towards us, the rest of our friend's trailing behind them, a look of disgust on their faces, at the couple before them.

"That fucking prick," Nick snarled from next to me as he eyed his bestfriend and the date.
I stared at Nick, taking his hand in mine, trying to calm his anger. But mostly mine. He stared at me, and smiled slightly.
"I don't want you to get hurt again. I won't let it happen" he spoke softly, leaning his forehead against mine. Never pulling my gaze from his, "Good thing I want you to protect me."

John's eyes met mine, and he smiled and began making his way towards us, his hand in Sara's, bringing her along. The girl's next to me stayed silent, and sized up the new girl.
Boob ahoy dress, hello boob job.
"Hey Dre, ladies, Nick." John said smiling.
I grimaced as Sara stared at me, a blank expression on her face.
Against my will, and with some nudging from Nick in my side, I stood up and hugged John, who whispered in my ear, "be nice."
I raised my eyebrow at him, and pulled away, "I'm always nice. . . Hey Sara."
She smiled, genuinley, and enveloped me in a hug, catching me off guard, and causing my to freeze. "How are you?" she asked sweetly.
I swallowed my curses, and glared at Nick, mouthing 'She doesn't recognize me.'
Nick's eyes widened, and he chuckled, causing John to glare at him, as he whispered to Nat and the girls.
"I''ve been good," I said biting the inside of my cheek.
Sara smiled once more, keeping it on her face, as she moved to John's side, and I took my place my Nick's.
"she's an idiot." Amber gushed as Sara and John walked towards the bar.
I shook my head, as did Nat as she spoke, "She's not. . . she found a way to get John."

"What's you're name again?" Sara asked me as I stood infront of the full length mirror.
I pursed my lips, and stared at her, feeling Nat's gaze on my face.
"You honestly don't recognize me, Sara?" I said, trying to sound as nice as posisble.
She shook her head, glancing at Nat who was red in the face, holding back laughter.
"No, i really don't."
"I'm Andrea." I said, watching her eyes grow wide, and her face flush, "You hooked up with my boyfriend, while my mother was in the hospital. . . does it ring a bell?"
Nat dragged me full force out of the bathroom, back towards our table, where she flung me on the couch, and made John sit next to me, after talking to him quickly.
"You didn't tell her," I snapped at him, watching him watch me, "She had no idea who I was."
John ran a hand over his face, "She's kinda. . . she puts the bad things behind her."
I bit my toungue, "She has nothing bad to put behind her!"
The group was watching us, all looking terrified, waiting for the time bomb, which was me to go off.
"I have to put shit behind me, I mean, I have to put the pain behind me. The only thing she has to put behind her is hurting me. . . but it get's covered up . . . I mean, she got you."

"Drama, Drama" Nick sang as we drove to my mother's house. I stayed silent, and glared at him.
"I mean, if I hadn't asked you." Nick stated, "I would've thought you still liked-
"Never will like John again." I snapped, watching him flinch, I grabbed his hand, "were only friends. Frenemies. . . Friends."
"Were working on it." I sighed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't judge me, but my guilty pleasure is to watch the 'hills'. . . it's just so entertaining. . . so thank you MTV for inspiring this chapter :]

so i'm on summer break now, so that means updates won't be so delayed. . . but comments will only make them come out faster.

big drama coming in the next to chapters, and im really excited!

4 comments for next update please

PS please check out my New Alex Gaskarth story : The Mixed Tapes
