‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White

Chasing the Sun

Chapter 11


"Nat, grab the buns and all that shit!" I ordered my best friend, while glancing at the watch on my left wrist, "We have a five hour drive ahead of us!"

Fourth of July.

Well actually no. This was our early fourth of July celebration. Warped Tour
happened during the day celebrating our Independence, so with fireworks not at our disposal, we decided to celebrate it early. We would head to Lake Powel, and to the house boat. Like we always did, like I had been for the 20 years of my life.
This year would be different though.

I froze on the last step of the front porch, and saw Nat waving her hands like wild, her voice, her yelling mute to me.
First fourth of July without mom.

"oh my god."


I jumped snapping out of my daze, feeling the white glass plate holding the watermelon slip through my grasp, I watched in horror as my mother's plate hit the cement path way, shattering into a million tiny red pieces. Pinkish- red dripping off of the shards.

I looked up and saw everyone's eyes on me as my first turned pink and my eyes began to water. I saw three figure walking towards me. I averted my gaze, and got on my knees, ignoring a sudden pain in my right hand.
I picked up the little pieces of glass, but quickly dropped them feeling the tears stream down my face.

"I've got it John," Nick spoke.
I gasped hearing his voice, and saw a sad look on his face.
"It's okay, Nick." John said stubbornly, "Just let me-"
"Go to Sarah, John." I hear Nat snap, and I turned to her graciously.


Nick washed my bleeding hand under the sink, and I winced as he gently removed the piece of glass that was embedded in my palm.
"It doesn't look that deep," Nick said, turning off the faucet and drying my hand delicately.
I nodded but did not say a word as I sat on the bathroom counter. I watched him carefully, as he wrapped my hand in gauze after putting disinfectant on the cut.
His brows met together in concentration.
He stopped when he was done and looked up to meet my gaze.
Meeting my eyes, I saw his cheeks flush red. He shook his head chuckling nervously, before he helped me off of the counter.
"You okay now?" Nick asked, his hands on my face, cupping my cheeks, his thumb wiping away a tear.
I nodded, but felt the tears wanting to start again, I quickly shook my head.
"I don't want to go," I whispered staring intently at his brown eyes, that were searching mine.
"You don't have to," Nick said, frowning slightly.
"I do," I whined, gently hitting my head against his chest.

Nick chuckled before forcing me to look at him.
"Then let's go,"
"I can't." i laughed.
Nick instantly started laughing, "C'mon, you're mom would want you to go,"
I sighed, I was being stupid. Wasn't I?
"rawr," I sighed, "Fine, let's do this."
Nick chuckled, opening the bathroom door as we exited, his hand met mine, and felt my face burn as I let it open, and allow his fingers to intertwine with my own.
I turned to look at him, curious, I chuckled to see him blushing.
"Hey Dre?"
I looked at him as we walked down the stairs.
"I'm glad you through a balloon at my balls," he chuckled, "and that you opened the door during your scary movie."



I laughed loudly from my perch on my towel at the bow of the house boat, I cringed as I watched Jack and Pat wrestle around before Halvo fell into the water, belly flopping.

I was surrounded by family. My warped family. My Arizona family. That was it. And that was all I needed.
"Hey DRE!?"
I squealed as Alex G. enveloped me in a hug, his girlfriend Lisa behind him.
"Hey guys," I said, getting off of the towel and enveloping Lisa in a tight hug, ignoring Alex completely.
"How've you been?" Lisa asked me kindly. I merely shrugged, "I'm hanging in their-"
"All with a little help from her friends." Nick sang as he walked passed us, winking at me before he tackled Jack back into the water.
"SO. . .you and Santino?" Alex said wrapping his arms around, and we walked into the cabin, where Kennedy was feverously cutting onions, and Jared and his gf Amber were slicing tomatoes.

"No.' I said simply, as we sat in a booth, Lisa staying behind in the kitchen as Alex sat across from me.

The open window let in a nice breeze from the lake, and the roaring of jet ski's
made me smile as the Forever the Sickest kids boys raced on them

"You didn't answer-" Alex started, but I instantly cut him off.
"Liste bro." I chuckled, and he laughed, "We're friends. I feel something for him, and I know he does for me too. . . but I'm not ready yet."
Alex nodded, and smiled, "Well if anything happens, I approve."

I smiled, but frowned as he got out of the booth to go to Lisa.

You're not the person I need approval from


I clung to Travis's back tightly as the red head went speeding through the water.
"FUCK YEA!" Travis and I screamed loudly, as went around the boat, laughing as our friends through water balloons and wet us with water guns.
To the side of us I saw Pat, Kyle, Danny, and Caleb on little floaties a few feet away from us.
Travis was looking in the same direction as me, "Ram 'em?" he questioned.
I smirked, "Ram 'em."
Travis and I screamed loudly as we headed towards our soon to be fellow tour mates, watching in amusement as they jumped out of their floating animals, screaming loudly, fear etched on their faces.

"hey Dre,"

I looked to my side and smiled when I saw Nick.
The sun had set about two hours ago, and the fire work spectacular as lit by ATL and FTSK began. I could barely make out his face, but everytime a fire ball exploded Nick smiled widelys.
I chuckled, causing him to look at me and wrap his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I blushed and put one of my arms around his waist as we sat on the wooden floor boards of the deck. The dangers of the tour above us on the roof of the boat, lighting the fireworks, and screaming every five seconds.

I looked around me, leaning my head on Nick's chest. I smiled seeing Nat and Garret cuddled together, Pat next to them snapping pictures, a look of awe etched on his cute face.
Alex and Lisa, were a few feet away from us, they're hands linked as the watched the show leaning against the railing.
Jared and Amber were no where to be scene, and I made a mental note not to sleep in the master bedroom at the bottom of the boat.
John and Sara-
John and Sara.
I smiled seeing him on one of the lounge chairs, his back against the rest, and Sara against his chest.
He caught me starring, and I saw him offer a small smile that didn't reach his eyes. I offered a small wave, and turned back to Nick to see him with his eyes closed, his head nodding to the side.
I giggled and poked his cheek, causing him to jump and stare at me in shock for a few seconds.
"You're terrible."
"No I'm not," I stuck my tongue out at him.
He smiled gently starring at my eyes, "You're right."

I felt my heart flutter, and watched as he pressed his forehead against mine. And suddenly it was just me and him. Him and I. Whatever.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alex giving me the thumbs up, while Lisa smacked him. Garret and Nat looked happy, as did Pat.
The couple behind me. I didn't know.
Nick gently placed a kiss on my cheek, and looked behind me very quickly.
Looking at the face for the approval I desperately wanted and needed.

I met the green and brown eyes of the guy who had held my heart.
He nodded, hesitantly, and smiled.
I grinned.
Turning back around I stared at the eyes that now held it.
♠ ♠ ♠
been feeling weird, and my arm really hurts, got a blood test today; and i think the nurse did something wrong, because my vein is really visible, and the spot on my arm is slightly swollen..
it hurts to bend so i wrote this chapter one handed, cause i needed to get it out!
cuteness? i think so :]

so lemme know what you think! BIG DRAMA next chapter, well i guess, maybe its just DRAMATIC, but i can't wait!
comments please