‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White

Made for Each other

Chapter 13


With my cup of coffee ready, and the majority of the mess room set up at the first venue of Warped Tour here in sunny Carson California. I made my way toward's my silver bus, where it was time to awaken the rest of my crew.
Smiling as I entered the venue, I wave out our Canadian bus driver Phil, who winked and gave me the blow horn.
Smirking I continued down towards the bunk area, were I quietly opened the sliding door, and turned on the lights. The curtains of the crew bunks were closed, except for mine and a couple other's.
Taking a deep breath, I pressed the top of the blow horn, satisfied with the loud noise it emitted, I started yelling, "GET UP! GET UP! IT'S 5:30 AM, THE BANDS WILL START ARRIVING SOON, THEY'RE ALREADY SETTING UP, LET'S GO START COOKING! COME ON COME-"

I glared as a pale hand covered my mouth, and turned to only come face to face with an annoyed looking Nick Santino.
"You invited me as a guest on your bus," he yawned, "but you're so fucking loud."
Kissing his lips, I smiled, "That's what she said."
Nick rolled his eyes, and took my hand as we exited the bus, heading towards the venue, where the early risers of my crew, were busy plugging in ovens, toasters, and juice makers.
"So this is where you hung out during the years?" Nick spoke walking with me, behind the tables.
"Yup," I chuckled standing on my tiptoes and wrapping my arms around his neck, as he held my waist, "I was too cool for you."
"I'm sure of it," Nick smiled, kissing my gently, causing me to giggle and smile, I closed my eyes as he deepened the kiss. My bottom lip was sandwiched between his, and his top lip with mine, as we kissed, I felt his tongue gently nudge at my lips begging entrance. Breathing through my nose, I smiled kissing him deeper-


Nick and I jumped apart jumping, as we caught sight of Alex and Lisa a few feet away from us. Lisa, had angry look on her face, but smiled cutely at as, while her boyfriend rubbed his arm frustrated while glarring at his girlfriend.
Rolling my eyes, I stared at Nick, and gave him a quick peck on the lips, before heading towards the tables which held the food, "Okay, people, the majority of the buses are here, so be prepared, so some of them will be diva's like Alex-"
"-And some of them like to go cut in line and steal food like Alex-"
"So let's make this fun!" I finished my speech, and walked back to Nick, who was smirking, "I like a women who's in charge."
"You better." I laughed.
. . . <3. . .

Walking through the sea of buses, I came face to face with John and Sara who were sucking face, like it was no-ones business. Well, it wasn't.
"Ewwey," I teased, "get a room love birds."
This earned a glare from John, and 'shy'? smile from Sara.
"Hey, Dre, what are you doing?" John muttered coldly, placing an arm around Sara, who blushed, causing me to roll my eyes, "Hey JohnO, I am exploring if you must know, Nick's on stage, and its too hot to mosh."
He nodded knowingly, watching me with carefull eyes.
"You want to come and explore with me Sara," I asked kindly, causing her to grin, and John's mouth to hang open. "Yea, I would like that, later baby." Sara spoke happily, kissing her beau on the cheek. As we walked I smirked at John, "You better close your mouth unless you plan on catching some bugs."

"I really like how you and John act so civilized," Sara stated as we paid for our lemonades, and made our way to find some shade.
I shrugged, "It's worth it, he's a great guy. And he'll always, sorta will be my friend."
Sara chuckled, "That's good."
Walking still, we passed Nat and Amber who gazed me quizically, only causing me to shrug.
"So, are you going to be here all tour?" I asked her, once we reached a table. She shook her head, drinking her beverage, "Nope, I'm only staying until the New Mexico show, then I'm heading back home."
Hmm. . . three in a half weeks.
"Oh, how come?"
She shrugged, biting her lip nervously, "Eh, family business, and other businesses, if you know what I mean."
She blushed and giggled as I studied her face, "What?"
"So you sell, drugs, and weed and all that huh?" I whispered, as she nodded casually, "Yup, helps pay for things."
"How long have you been doing that?" I asked leaning back in my chair, my heart beating rapidly in my chest."
"Hmm. . . about a year, I met John through my job, about 6 months in-" she stopped talking, and blushed, "But, you knew that."
Nodding, I tried to smile, and chuckled dryly, not that she could tell the difference
You're the drug dealer.
So. . . John was cheating on me longer then expected.
You're both liars. Made for each other.
But, I shouldn't give a shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
pretty lame filler, and i hate it with a passion. . . try and convince me otherwise? haah
four comments for next update
