‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White

The Right Girl

Right Girl
Chapter 15

John's POV

Holding my nose tightly with a paper towel, as Sara did her best to control the bleeding, I glared daggers at my ex-girlfriend who was being held back across the room, her fists clenched, and covered in my blood.
"I didn't hit him!" she declared, causing me to scream in frustration, "I fucking high-fived his face! I was aiming for his hands, but it's not my fault he's fucking retarted."
Nick was standing infront of her, trying to make eye contact with her, but the beast had other things on her mind. "Babe, what did he say that made you hit him?"
It was my time for justice. I didn't say a thing.
No, I didn't say a thing and the bitch hit me.
"He didn't say anything," she muttered shamefully, causing Nick to face palm, in exasperation, "Babe, you can't just go around hitting people-"
"EXACTLY!" I screamed at them, my voice instantly causing Dre to shoot out of her seat, and start to charge towards me. "NICHOLAS SHUT UP!"
Garret snickered from next to me, as his girlfriend snapped at me. And handed me an icepack. Nat did her best to calm her angry friend, who was screaming strings of curses in my direction. Starring sideways at Sara, she gave me a sad look, but also looked as though she was holding back laughter. "Baby," she whined, holding back a chuckle, "What did you say?"
"Nothing!" I groaned in frustration, face palming, but grimaced as I hit my nose, "I just stared at her innocently as she walked passed-"
"INNOCENT MY ASS!" Dre screamed loudly, and I smirked triumphantly as Nick carried her away, down the steps and off of side stage. She hung limply, but gave me a glare that told me she would get back at me later.
Jared and Pat walked towards me chuckling lightly, "Dude you are so lucky, that Nick was here and prevented her from beating you into a pulp."
"I would've hit back," I murmured angrily as Peter screamed that we were on in five minutes. Pat stared at me in shock at my words, "You can't hit a girl!"
Garret and I chuckled, "Dude, it's not a girl, its Dre. She's beast." Kennedy, rolled his eyes at me, but I saw his eyes widen as he looked over my shoulder. Garret and I continued to laugh, until a familiar voice cleared their throats behind us. Turning around with a smile still on my face, I froze when i saw Nick, starring at me looking unamused, with an eyebrow raised.
"She said you whistled at her, called her fat, Oh, and said that she was a bitch." Nick snarled at me, and I grimaced as I saw his fists clenched at his sides.
"Well, she tripped me when I walked in-"
"Because you whistled at her, and then called her fat." Nick snarled, while I rolled my eyes, "If she goes bullemic on my ass, John, I swear its on your head."
Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my guitar from the stand and elbowed my way around him, "Relax. Dre, has the highest self esteem known to human kind. Not an ego, she just knows who she is, and that's all. Nothing will bring her down."
Nick shook his head, and motioned towards the other side of stage where I saw Dre huddled on the floor, with Nat, Sara and Jess from the summer set. Garret, Jared, Kenny, and Pat muttered under their breaths and split, heading towards stage.
"You fucking made her cry." Nick said angrily, "Don't act like you know her. Because its clear that you don't. You don't know her at all."
Scoffing I glared at him, and took a step towards him, "What you've been dating for a few months, and you know everything about her? I was with her for two fucking years, so don't lecture me."
Nick scoffed, and poked my shoulder, "Yea, half of which you were too stoned to realize how good of a person was right infront of you. Oh, wait Sara was infront of you."
I snarled and shoved him violently, before he shoved me back, and we stood face to face, inches away from each other.
Around me, I heard feet shuffling and then hands on my shoulders pulling me back. Nick was held back by Dre, her back to me, a hand on his chest, another holding his cheek. Halvo and Justin were on either side of Nick, starring at me in shock, and anger.
"You need to chill, both of you." Peter said standing between us, his face was red, "Now, the Maine, get on stage."
Getting shoved roughly by Peter, I headed onstage, but not without starring at Dre once more. Her eyes were red, as was her nose. Nick and now had sunglasses on his face, but I knew he was starring at me. His eyebrows burrowed dangerously close.
Dre stared passed me and at the kids that were infront of us. Sighing, I let the pit in my stomach built up once again. Grabbing my mic, I put on a false smile.
I did the wrong thing to the right girl
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry that I've been gone, and haven't updated in such a long time. A writers worst nightmare happened to me. All the chapters I had written that would follow this update are all gone, because my Word App. freaked on me :[
i through a fit, and so I now have to write everything all over again!
comments to make me feel better?
feedback has stopped, but for more updates, they will need to start picking up again