‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White

A lifeless Ordinary (Need a little Help)

Chapter 16

Normal POV

I sighed as Nick held me tightly as we layed on the grass, at the park across the street from our venue. The weather was surprisingly nice in Dallas Texas, no sweltering heat; it was still hot, but their was a slight breeze, a warm one, but it didn't matter. It was relaxing.
"How are you feeling babe?" Nick murmured in my hair as I sighed deeply staring up at the clear blue sky, hearing our friends laughing around us. I turned on my side, where I could see him perfectly, "I'm feeling well surpisingly." Nick chuckled and gently kissed my nose, causing a small giggle to escape my lip. Nick rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around me, and rolled us over, so I was laying ontop of him; blushing down at him I leaned down to kiss him, holding his cheeks in my hands sofly, I sighed when I felt his hands slide under my shirt, where he gently caressed the exposed skin.
"Uh, guys?"
Nick groaned as I chuckled and pulled away, sitting up so I was straddling him, I gazed sideways at Pat who was rubbing the back of his neck while he stared at us sheepishly, blushing madly.
"Whattup Patty Cakes." I smiled at him, trying to ease the awkwardness. I frowned however when he didn't smile, "What's wrong?"
Nick sat up, "Dude what happened?"
"John and Sara-"
"What happened?" I whispered softly, feeling my stomach drop. Pat shook his head, "No, no-ones dead or anything, they just- Oh Come on,"

Reaching the venue, we walked through the sea of buses, Pat leading the way, talking on his cellphone. "What do you mean, she's leaving?!" Pat shrieked, coming to a stop, causing me to walk into his back. "So, okay, she packed her bags, and is leaving?. . . .Well good, he didn't need her-"
Turning to Nick, I gulped, "Poor John?" Nick chuckled uncertain at my question, "I think so."
Turning to Pat, I saw he was walking again, towards our circle of buses, where he squeezed between two, and as we followed, I heard John screaming.
"You fucking bitch! It's okay to fuck me up, so then you can go fuck some guy behind my fucking back?!"
"Hey, don't you dare fucking turn this on my JohnnOh!" I heard Sara shriek, "You get fucked up on your own. You ask for shit, and I give it you. Noone forces you!"
I watched in shock as Sara stormed onto the Maine's bus, shoving Garret to the side, while Nat glared at her. "What the hell is going on?" I said, causing all eyes to turn to Pat, Nick and I. Nat shook her head, while John glared at the bus.
"John found Sara fucking some guy behind the bus," Kenny spoke softly, as the bus door slammed back open and Sara stormed out, rolling her suit case, and her bag on her arm, her blonde hair bouncing. John glared at her as she walked passed him, towards us, where the gap was. Nick and Kenny moved, but I didn't.
"I'm sorry about this, Dre," Sara sighed, "He's just so fucking stupid-"
Sara stared at me in shock as my hand ran across her face. The stinging sensation in my hand gave me strength, as she glared at me, her face now bright red, not just her one cheek.
"I don't care what you call me, call me a bitch, whatever, it doesn't matter." I hissed at her, watching her cower back, "He's not fucking stupid. You're fucking stupid, selfish, evil, manipulative. He was kind enough to invite you on tour, and into all of our lives-"
"NO ONE ASKED YOU, YOU CUNT!" Sara screamed in my face.
"I'M NOT DONE TALKING, SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I screamed right back at her.
"What you were doesn't even count as a relationship; you guys were fuck buddies, and he was your drug client. That's it-"
"LISTEN, LITTLE MISS BITCH, AND LISTEN GOOD!" I screamed back," Get out of here. Don't call, don't come back, don't you dare sell drugs to John, or any of my friends anymore, ever again! And don't call him stupid, because only I can, because he is my stupid! Noone elses!"
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry its so short :[

why hello their!
I'm sooo sorry that I haven't updated in soo long, I blame writers block, and failing applications on computers :[
So i'm back, and it feels good!
Sooo comment comment commment!

Please, please, check out my new story, its still in the writing process, but it would give me some hope if it got some early feedback, if it sounds interesting :]
Bring on the Day