‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White


Chapter 18

Dre's POV

Groaning, I let my eyes flutter open and smiled as I met Nick's sleeping face. Gently pecking his lips, as he stirred, I hopped out of my bunk, thankful that the majority of the curtains were either closed or empty; I didn't want anyone to see me in my birthday suit.
Stretching, and fitting into my clothes I walked towards the front lounge, but froze when I saw who was sitting their; all of their faces worried.
"What's going on?' I asked cautiously as the watched me. The Maine's face was full of worry; A rocket to the moon's angry; We the King's sad; and Corey from A Skylit Drive, looked guilty. Looking at all the faces of my friends, I realized one face was missing.
"Where's John?" I whispered, collapsing in the empty seat next to Cory, who whimpered at the sound of John's name. "He's missing, we don't know where he is; he's not answering his phone; but we do know, that his wallet is gone."
"He's buying drugs," I stated the obvious, "When was the last time you saw him?"
Peter shook his head, and ran a tired hand over his face, "At the bonfire last night, he was talking to some guy, at around 9pm, and then they left. He hasn't checked in or anything, hell, we already missed our noon show."
I groaned and gazed at Garret and Jared who were glarring at the floor, "Never thought this would happen."
Shaking my head, I gazed at Cory who was seated quietly, "What do you know, Corry?"
"He asked me where I had gotten my weed, and my other shit," he stated bluntly, "I told him, but warned him to be careful, knowing full well what he was capable of. He seemed to listen, and to understand; Well, he's not here right now."I watched sadly as the small guy, covered his face with his hands.
"What's going on?"
Glancing at the bunk door, I grimaced as Nick walked in, his shirt hanging open, showing his tats. "John's missing." I stated simply, watching his face change from worried, to confused, to pissed in a matter of seconds.
Peter groaned, "Okay, he's going to have to come back sometime; they're wasn't enough money in his wallet to begin with,"
Nodding, "Peter; Nat and I will stay on the bus, if he comes in we'll call you guys; their's a better chance of him listening to me-"
"No," Nick stated simply, his eyes closed as he sat next to me, "You're not going to be alone with him."
"Nick, you know he won't listen to anyone but me." I stated taking his hand in mine, but flinched, as Nick pulled away from my touch.
"Dre, you don't know what state he'll be in. What if he hurts you?" Nick asked, letting his eyes open as he searched mine for the answer.
"He won't," I whispered back.
Not physically. Mentally, and emotionally; maybe.

Nat and I lay still in Garret's bunk as we waited; as we had been for the passed two hours. "Have the guys found him, or anything?" I whispered, as Nat looked through her phone. She shook her head, Cory said he found the guy who sold John the drugs though." And I stared at her with interest, "And?"
"The guy lost John, at around 2 this morning." Nat sighed, "He doesn't know where he is?"
We both froze, as the bus door opened, and we heard someone stumbling around the front lounge, mumbling loudly. Nat stared at me with wide eyes, as the bus area door opened, and the sweet, sickly, skunk like smell filled our noses. Through the little crack between curtain, and the wood of the bunk, I saw John stumbling around looking through his bunk, throwing out sheets, pillows, and clothes.
'Go, and call Garret.' I mouthed to Nat, as the back lounged door slammed shut. Nat's eyes went wide and she shook her head, as I jumped out of the bunk. She gripped my arm and tried pulling me out of the small hallway. I shook my head, and quietly pushed her out. "Go, outside and call them."
Nat sighed agitated once, and then left.
Taking a deep breath, I made my way towards the lounge door, where I took a deep breath but froze as the door slowly opened.
"Dre, what are you doing here?"
I looked over my ex boyfriend, frowning at his red eyes, whiteness under his nose, and small bruises on his slightly muscular arms.
"Uhm, just chillin' on the bus, and waiting for you," I murmured nervously, watching him watch me. I nearly cracked, when I saw his eyes flash with sadness, then quickly to jealousy, "Why, did Nick leave you already?"
I bit my tongue, not wanting to anger him, "No, just wanted to get away."
"hmm," he hummed, and went back into the lounge, and I quickly felt my phone buzz in my pocket; from Nick Were in the front lounge, scream if he duz anything
Pocketing my phone, I followed John, gnawing on my bottom lip as he watched me nervously. "Can I help you with something?" he asked looking at me annoyed.
"Uhm Yeah, actually, where were you last night, I was looking for you," I lied smoothly.
John scoffed, but froze as he heard something from the front living area. "Sure, are you expecting anyone up front?"
Shaking my head, he rolled his eyes at me, and tried to shove passed me, and I saw his red eyes flash dangerously. "Okay, whatever. Can you move?"
Shaking my head, I stood my ground, "John, where were you?"
"Why do you care?" he hissed at me, causing me to move back and hit the bunk door.
"I can care about you John, and I do."
He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, now move."
I cringed as he opened the door and froze in his tracks, and his body begin to tremble slightly.
"Oh, no, you're kidding me," he laughed sardonically, and took a step; making Peter, Nick, Garret and Halvo stand up. He glanced back at me, meeting my sad eyes, "I appreciate your concern, but you're all fucking over reacting."
"John, Cory, told us that you left, with some dealer, we're not going to not over react." Peter stated firmly, his arms crossed. "Yeah, I left, to get away from what happened from Sara."
Nick shook his head and glared, "John, you can't try and get away from everything forever."
"So it was necessary to fucking ambush me?" John said loudly, "Okay, hell maybe it got out of hand, but I can fucking handle it."
"No you can't John!" Peter snapped, "We missed a fucking show, you're not doing great on stage, you're not being yourself."
John scoffed once, "Well, we all know who to blame."
I felt my stomach drop, as he glanced back at me, and I stared back down at the floor.
Nick growled, "Don't you dare blame this on her."
"It is her fucking fault." John said, and from in front of me I pictured him rolling his eyes.
"No its not, You screwed up what you had." Nick snapped standing up and shoved John aside and took my hand to sit on the couch next to Nat while he stood, "And I'll never understand why she still gives a damn about you, no matter how many times you screw her over."
"Whatever, Santino." John snapped.
"John you're ruining everything, that you worked so hard to build," Peter spoke softly, his voice still harsh and stern, "We know your hurting, but are you really going to keep living in the passed, and throw everything away?"
"Oh you know I'm hurt?" John laughed, "Well that's fucking observant of you."
"John, knock it off." Nat grumbled glaring at him.
I closed my eyes, as John started yelling, causing Halvo and Nick to start. The ringing in my ears, started growing louder.
"Stop it! Stop it!" I yelled, opening my eyes. "John, were all here because we care about you, we want to help-"
"No don't, don't you fucking start!" John yelled at me, making me flinch as he pointed his finger at me, "You are beyond pathetic! You try so hard to get people to love you, that you can't help anybody."
"That's enough, John!" Peter roared.
"No, fuck." John rolled his eyes, "You fucking screwed me over; we were going to be friends. Hell you screwed me over my my best friend, and you literally did, you'll fuck anybody not to be alone-"
"I can't do this," I stood up, ignored John's rants, and heard Nat and Pat's footsteps I left the bus.
"Yeah, Walk Away Dre!" John roared, "That's all you can do!"
♠ ♠ ♠
O_O' whoah

okay so PLEASE KEEP COMMENTING this will be the last update for a while if I don't meet my comment demands. But thank you to those who commented

This story will be coming to an end soon, and that will be it; but their are still a few more chapters so COMMENT