‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White

In Transit

Chapter 2



I turned to face him, and saw that he was laying in my direction his eyes closed.
"Mom's sick," I spoke softly, feeling tears fall down my cheeks.
I waited for a moment, to see John's reaction. He was still for a few moments, and my heart began racing.
Did he even care?

I took a deep breath and turned around, my back to him, and I then pulled the sheets up to my chin. I felt my tears continue to flow, and my nose began to run.
I sighed, and let my eyes close, and the image of my mother, with a scarf around her head filled my mind.
Slowly I let my eyes close, feeling heavier, I took a deep breath, and tried not to let my mind wander.
I felt a pair of thin muscular arms wrap themselves around my waist, and then I felt John's warm breath on my neck.

"Hey," he murmured, his voice strong, and sure.
"Yea," I said slowly opening my eyes, and turning to face him. His eyes were open, and awake. His face serious, a small sad smile on his lips.
"We will get through this," he said kissing my forehead, lingering, "And so will your Mother. She loves you, we love her, and we won't let anything happen."

Nat held me tightly, as the pastor began speaking in a monotone voice, as my mother's coffin was lowered into the ground. My dad stood next to me, his wife, my step mother on his other side. He hadn't said anything to me, since my mother had passed at the hospital a week ago.
"I'm Sorry," was all he had said. Nothing the day after, or the day after that, or even now.

"That asshole," I heard Nat murmur.
I glanced at her, seeing her shake her head as she stared towards the side of us, the side of the road, where a white van was parked, and five boys began walking towards us.
"How dare he," I heard Nat continue to murmur.
I shook my head, as she made a movement to go towards them, "Let him, he knew her."

The coffin was now in the ground. Burried five feet under. Their was no way of seeing her face again. Hearing her voice. Holding her hand. Her touch.
Nothing, ever again.
Nat was standing near the van her body half way turned to me. She sent me a warm smile, that I tried to return.
My straight line lips, began to frown when I only counted four boys near by the van.
The tallest out all of them were gone.
I shook my head and walked towards my mother's tombstone, and I stood infront of it once I reached it.
A single tear strayed down my cheek, and before i could do it, a long slender calloused finger wiped it away.

"You can't wipe everything away," I whispered harshly.
John didn't say anything. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw he was all dressed in black figure standing still his arms hanging behind him.
"I'm sorry, Dre. So fucking sorry." he whispered back to me.
I shook my head, "Sorry for what John?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I hissed as my drunk, plastered, high off his ass boyfriend entered our apartment, stumbling over the door matt, that read 'Welcome Home'.
John merely rolled his eyes at me as he crossed the thresh hold towards the kitchen.
"Leave me the hell alone Dre." he hissed at me, "Had the worst day of my life."
I bit down on my lip, and walked towards him, standing infront of him I grasped the front his shirt, seeing the faint pink tint, and the outline of lips.
He stared at me as I did so.
"Really bad day, huh?" I hissed, "Did she make you feel better."
"That's why I left, you bitch,"
I stared at him, my mouth slightly agape, "What did you call me?"
He rolled his eyes and stepped around me, taking a beer from the fridge, and left the kitchen, shock etched on my face, pain etched in my heart.

"Sorry for what John?" I hissed at him, turning to face him, more tears streaming down my face.
"For every-"
"Don't you dare say everything." I cried, walking away from him towards the van, so I could get Nat and go.
He gripped my arm pulling me to a stop, "Will you let me talk."
"NO!" I screamed at him, "I waited for you talk for two years!"
He was shocked at my sudden outburst.
"I don't need this right now. The only thing I want to hear out of your mouth, is that you're sorry for my loss. Nothing more. Nothing less. You and Me, that doesn't exist anymore. Were done."

I reached the van in a matter of seconds the dry Arizona Cemetery sand filling my sandals.
"You o-"
"Don't say anything." I sobbed, as Garret walked away from Nat's side as she began to question me. Garret pulled me into a tight hug. I didn't want him to let go.
Sobs shook my body, and Garret held me tighter.
"He'll come around Dre," Garret whispered into my now long hair, "He always does, you just have to wait."
I froze and pulled away at his words, "I'm not waiting for him ever again. There is nothing for him to come around and fix anymore. Everything's broken, and I will fix everything, by myself. Without him."
Garret stared at me emotionless, and I saw him look over the top of my head, anger flashing in his eyes.

I walked towards the others and heard their condolences. Pat hugged me tightly, promising he would take me out to icecream. Kennedy, hugged me and kissed my forehead. Jared, gave me a bear hug, as I let a chuckle escape my lips, shocking myself and everyone.
Nat and I bid farewell, and I stood to the side as she and Garrett shared a tender moment.
I watched as John approached the van. None of the other boys acknowledging him.
He stared at me, his eyes searching mine.
He then said,
"I'm sorry for your loss."
♠ ♠ ♠

Soo update 2/2 for today

for the next updates, i will NEED TEN COMMENTS so yea :]
what do you think?

major drama throughout this sequel, HELL YES...and thanks for those who commented when I hadn't even posted a chapter :] <3