‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White

Listen to Your Heart

Chapter 20

6 months

Walking out of my apartment door, I quickly locked it and made my way towards the parking lot that was below ground. Quickly hiding from the sun, I ignored the Arizona heat and hurried to my car, where once I made it in I blasted on the A/C and turned on the radio, while I waited for my car to heat up. Sighing I dug through my purse and pulled out the small white piece of paper that held directions to my current destination.
A house in a small neighborhood on the East Side of Tempe, where a music video for a old favorite band of mine, would be filming a music video.
Which of the few, I did not know.

John was out of rehab, the six months had flown by fast, we had contacted each other twice, during the half year he was gone; but I think it finally got through his skull, that it wasn't always about him.
He had gotten out three months ago, and I hadn't talked to him since. It hurt me, but maybe it was for the best, he was possibly trying to get far away from the roots that made him pull away from everyone.
I sighed and gripped the steering wheel as my tears of weakness threatened to spill down my face. What we had done, I thought would have brought us closer. I breathed in deeply as I let my hands wander up to my lips where I gently touched them, and grimaced as I remebered the feeling of his lips on my own. We never mentioned our kiss/make out session, during our few calls; and it hurt. He was over it.
I had been over us before, and he was stuck.
Now I was stuck, and he wanted nothing to do with me.

Pushing my car into gear, and driving out of the small gated apartment complex, I shoved my sunglasses over my eyes and began my lengthy drive. My mind on the directions, where I tried very hard to decifer the handwriting in my mind.
Nat? Garret? Pat? Kennedy? Halvo? Justin? Nick-?
I felt my heart drop as the name of the infamous fake ginger that had stolen his way into my heart, but I actually smiled.
Nick and I. Drea and Nick. Andrea and Nicholas.
It doesn't exist anymore.
I screamed in frustration as I hit the twentieth of my many long red lights as I drove through Down Town Tempe. My temper was rising, and I screamed as the light turned green, and fucker cut me off. "ASSHOLE!" I screamed while rolling down my window and flipping the silver ferrari the bird. I made a grab for the directions, but swore as the slipped through my grasp and out my open window. "NO!" I screamed as I hit the breaks at another red light.
11546 Bellingham. . .something.
"Shit!" I screamed slamming my hand on the wheel, and jumping as the horn honked and causing the car infont me to irk an inch. I let my mind go back to the address, and did my best to recollect what MapQuest had told me, and what street to turn on. As the red light changed, I crossed my fingers as I turned down a quiet street, and then onto another. Smoothing my hair as I gripped it, I squealed in delight as I spotted Bellingham. Gripping the steering wheel I pulled into a parking spot, and pulled out my phone and bag, before I locked up my car. Quickly texting Nat, I tried to listen hard for any sounds of familiar guitars, or drum beats, but was met with silence.
I jumped as a text vibrated in my hand, and quickly flipped open my phone: 11549. I sighed and looked at the house directly infront of me11349, and groaned, I had to walk atleast 3-4 blocks. It all better be worth it.

Walking, I got the occasional text from Nat, or someone, asking where I was. But all I would respond, that I was walking, walking in heels, and to give me time.
I froze however as I came up to a street, that was filled with trailers, a tour bus or two, band vans, and blocking my way in was a burly security guard with a white beard.
"Can I help you?" he asked me, annoyed.
I glared at him through my sunglasses, "Yes. I'm a friend and I'm here for the music video shoot."
"Okay, what band?"
"Band. What band invited you?" he asked with a quick eye roll.
"Uhhh, well, that's the problem you see, my friend gave me the address, and wouldn't tell me what band-"
"Right, okay, listen. I can't let you in. Call your friend, tell her to come get you." he said, "Or else beat it."
"Okay, god, get a job you're happy doing," I snapped before walking away and back towards my car, cell phone now out in hand.
"WHERE ARE YOU!?" Nat screamed as soon as she answered. I rolled my eyes, "The Jack ass of a security guard, won't let me in!"
"What?!" she shrieked. "That's sorta what I said!" I groaned, leaning against a single tree, "Can you come get me?!"
"I can't! I'm in costume, and shit!" she groaned, "Find a way in, you have to be here!"
"Sneak! Are you kidding! The guard could carry me to the police station."
"Good where the house with the bass and drum beats tuning and shit!"
"Great, very help full." I groaned snapping my phone shut.
I glanced around the curb and saw the guard no where in sight, but smirked as I quickly saw him, talking to another guy. Their was tape cutting of the street and sidewalk, stepping on the cement, I glanced up and down the walk, grinning when I saw noone was their. And just as Nat had predicted, I heard the beats of a bass drum and bass.
Taking off my heels, for the fear of the click clacks I walked down the sidewalk towards the music, careful not to be seen.
Grabbing a box full of hats and wigs, I held it up to my face and made my way through a gate that the music was the heard loudest.
Walking in, I was met with frantic photographers, and annoyed band girlfriends, who glanced at me confused. "Who are you?" one of them asked, looking at me surprised.
"Uhh, I'm Andrea, Nat called me-"
"SHE'S HERE!" the girl yelled once before snatching my arm and dragging me through the house, "Finally. I'm Tess, we've been expecting you."
"R-really?" I asked dumfounded.
"Yup," we stopped in a small kitchen, "Just go out their,"
"Who's the band-?"
"Can't say," she said with smile, "You'll be happy, though. I hope."
I stared preplexed as the girl left me, and headed towards the front of the house, with curious eyes, and body, I let my hand touch the door knob and pull it open, right as a female director yelled, "Okay, Action at verse!"
I froze as the door slammed shut behind me, and the voice I had no expected hear up close rang through my ears and the yard.
I let my mouth hang slightly open, as I stared shocked around the colorfully dressed yard, the circus people, jugglers, ect. And finally landed on the lead man himself.
"GIRLY, WHY ARE YOU SLAMMING DOORS DURING MY SET!?!" the director screeched at me, causing me to pull my eyes away from John, who was starring back at me with wide eyes.
"Dre." someone spoke loudly, causing the director to finally burst out in smile. "So you're Andrea?"
"Yes, and I have to go," I spoke as my hands began shaking, and quickly avoided John's gaze, as my heart beat rapidly, and I got butterflies, like a school crushed girl.
I pulled open the door, right as a girl in a frilly tutu raced after me, whom I soon recognized to Nat.
"what are you doing?" she said with furrowed eyes, as she searched my face as I raced towards the front door.
"Me? What am I-? What are you doing?" I asked as tears welled in my eyes, "You know how I feel, and you invited me here? When he clearly wants nothing to do with me, let alone us, as a pair!?"
"You're crazy Dre!" she shouted at me as I crossed the lawn, "I invited you here for a good reason!"
"Their are none!"
I kicked open the fence, and walked, carefully tripping over my heels, I regained composure, and began my walk back to my car.
About a block away, my feet gave way, and I stopped, throwing my bag on the ground infront of me, and I took a seat on someones lawn and shoved of my shoes. And out of the corner of my eye, I saw a character dressed in a white shirt, and black pants.
"What?" I asked loudly, "Want a hug hello?"
I watched John shake his head a come closer, where once close, he took a seat next to me,
"That would be nice, yeas."
I rolled my eyes, as he smirked and placed an arm around my shoulder, "Why did you run out?"
Shrugging him off I glared, "Why did you come after me?"
"Same answer that you're going to give me." he said smiling at me, trying to meet my gaze.
"And what's that?" I sniffled, meeting his eye liner covered eyes. He wiped a tear from under my eyes, and smiled, "I don't want you to get hurt."
"Well, you're here-"
"Yeah, because I care enough, and I don't want you to get hurt. I'm never going to hurt you again."
Turning fully to face him, I knew my face was bright red, and my eyes filled with tears,
"What?" I want this, I've wanted to hear this for so long.
"I messed up, and lost time with you. I ruined something we worked hard to build, and I want to build my part back up."
"Oh John!"
We both chuckled as I tightly wrapped my arms around his neck, as he tightly held my waist. "I screwed up a year ago, no more then that, and I want to make it up, and have more time with you." he whispered in my hair as tears streamed down my face and onto his neck. "Thank you," I sighed, closing my eyes.
"were too young this is never gunna work, that's why they say you're going to heart, but i know something they don't. . . Don't listen to the voices in your head, listen to your heart." he sung softly in my ear, as I kissed his jawline gently, then reaching the corner of his lips.
"I love you Dre."
Smiling I leaned on my tip toes, and pressed my lips to his gently, sighing I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, feeling what I did the first he said those words, and the first time his lips touched mine, "I do believe I love you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
AH. EHH, it was to cheesy romantic, but hey, its a love story :]

SO, indeed that was the last chapter, but the epilogue will be out soon. Well it has been quite a wild ride, and I enjoyed writing it and hearing your comments, they made this whole endeavour a whole lot more, well exciting.

got very emotional at the close of writing this, it was the first story I actually fought through to finish

At the moment I do not think I sequel is in the making, and I don't think it will be happening

Am I going to write another John O'Callaghan story? Or maybe a Nick Santino story? For both of those questions. . .YES
I don't know when, but possibly when I finish my other stories, so keep checking in for posts!

Thank You All