‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White

Brick by Boring Brick

Chapter 3

There was a soft knock on my door, and I lightly lifted my head from my pillow and tried to smile as Nat and Garret slowly walked in.
"Hey There," Garrett smiled, walking towards my side of the bed. John's side had been left untouched. Sadly, my emotion's had gotten the best of me last night. I missed him, I missed the fucking prick. His scent lingered on the pillows; ax, his pine green deodorant, his shampoo, and even the sweet sickening smell of marijuana.
"Hey," I said sitting up, tieing my long hair up in a bun in the back of my head. I pulled the sleeves of my sweatshirt down my arms, and patted the bed for him him and Nat to sit.

"How has being a hermit been treating you?" Garret asked bluntly, earning a smack in the back of the head from Nat.
I rolled my eyes, and glared at Nat, "I thought you were supposed to be taking care of me, not gossiping about me."
Nat blushed madly, and I chuckled, causing her to immediately stop, and Garret to stare at me like I had two heads.
"What?" I asked starring at them incredulously.
Nat stared at Garret, who stared back at her, "You laughed. You legit laughed."
I rolled my eyes, "I can laugh. I'm not a robot, or John who just can't express himself kindly-"
I took a deep breath.
Garret stared at me sadly, "Well, that's why you're the better person."
He stood up, and gently kissed my forehead, before walking towards my door, "I'll be in the car babe,"
Nat nodded at him once.

"The guys are all chewing John out," Nat spoke softly as we walked down the stairs, me trailing behind her in a 'Get Low' booty shorts, and my Arizona State Sweatshirt.
"Especially Garret and Pat. Pat liked you allot, says that you didn't treat him like an idiot. Garret, well you're like a sister to him."
"Well, tell him he doesn't have to worry about me now," I snapped walking towards the fridge and pulling out some apple juice, "He was John's friend first, he can go comfort the ass hole now-"
"Dre, he doesn't want to." Nat whined, "None of the guys want to."
I set my glass into the sink once I was finished, "Well that's not my decision, that's there's all alone."
Nat shook her head, "Pat says hi,"
I smiled as she showed me her phone, Tell Dre i say hi and miss her the most : 3
"Well, you better tell Garret, that to keep in mind and to tell the other's that if they mess with my Patty, They'll be hearing from me soon."
"Hahaha," Nat chuckled, "Allright chick, see you later."
As she headed towards the front door, as Garret honked his horn, I headed to the living room, pulling the lounge chair blanket with me, "Hey! When you two come home, don't be so loud okay.....USE PROTECTION!"
"SHUUUT UUUP!" Nat sing-songed, as she shut the door."

I sniffled as the ending credits of Step Mom appeared on the tv screen.
God, movies make life seem so ridiculously easy, its unfair. They make us prepared for the obvious, telling us to remain calm blah blah blah. It's complete and utter bullshit.
I threw off my blanket, and made my way towards Nat and Garret's room, where Garret had a whole collection of horror movies.
I pushed open the door, and cringed at the unmade bed. Walking towards the sliding closet.
Pushing aside his magazines, and Nat's shoes, I found the movies, glancing at them quickly I settled with 'the messengers"

'holy shit holy shit holy shit.'
I watched as Kristen Stewart, the actress in the movie walked into the old barn that she had seen the women dissapear into. I held the popcorn bowl tightly in my lap as I stared wide eyed at the screen. I watched as she walked towards the haystack, cringed, as you saw a pale leg. She walked closer towards the haystack, and just as she peared over the edge, before you could see the kid in hiding-


I screamed tossing the popcorn bowl into the air, I stared petrified at the tv, watching the pop corn fall around me.
My heart was pounding. My ears were ringing, my hands sweaty.

ding dong

I slowly got up off of the couch, with the blanket draped around me I made my way towards the door.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Uhmm...Nick, who's this?"

I opened the door, and came face to face to a tall red head. He grinned down at me, while I stared at him with wide eyes.
"Uhm...can I help you?" I asked, confused.
"You don't remember me, Dre?" he said with a lopsided smile.
"Uhh...No?" I asked truly confused.
"Warped Tour, last year, water fight." he said smiling still, "Hit some guy in the balls with a water balloon? Ring a bell."

"Okay, they're behind the bus," Garret spoke seriously, as we hid behind our own silver tour bus. He was sweating, his hair dripping wet, he looked exhausted. And yet, he held a extremely excited face.
"You're wrong," John spoke rolling his eyes, "They're going to ambush us from behind.
Nat and I glanced at each other, before our boyfriend's began bickering.
I screamed as water hit my face, and the back of my head.
"AGH!" John screamed from next to me, "MY GIRLFRIEND HAS BEEN HIT!
I laughed loudly as John tackled one of my attackers, and chortled as Nat and Garret attacked Alex and Vicky T. from Cobra.
All was left was this scrawny red head, who seemed to be just as tall as John, and bore a less intimidating, smug smirk on his face.
"I'm Nick,"
"I'm Drea."
"You're kinda short,"
"Well you're a beast."
"gee thanks" he laughed, "so I guess I have to attack you now, huh?"
I pouted playfully, "You don't really to."
"Yeah, you seem cool. Pretty cute too," he said smiling widely.
"SHE'S TAKEN SANTINO!" John screamed from behind us.
Nick snapped his finger, "Dang, I wanted to take you to get ice cream,"
I laughed, but instantly stopped as he lifted his water gun, but I was too quick for him, pulling a giant water balloon out of my bag, I launched it at Nick, but it traveled south.
Way, too south
I watched in amusement as Nick grabbed his groin, and fell to the ground.
Arms wrapped themselves around my waist, and I smiled as John kissed my neck, "That's my girl."

"Hey, Nick," I smiled, letting the tall boy into the apartment.
He smiled lightlly, and walked in after me, he followed me into the kitchen.
"Want anything to drink?" I asked smiling up at him.
"Nah, I'm fine thanks," Nick said looking over my head, and my heart stopped.
"Uhm, is John around, last I heard he was here, living with you, Gare and Nat?"
I bit my bottom lip, and grimaced, "Not anymore,"
Nick's face flushed, "Oh shit! I'm sorry I didn't know! I thought, cuz you guys were so great, that you would've been married by now or something, or eloped! I should probably stop talking now,"
I stared in awe at the boy before me, he had said, all he had said in one breath. Well the boy was a singer.
"Yeah, sorry about that." I mumbled, leaning against the kitchen counter, arms crossed tightly, "He still has to come and get the rest of his crap,"
Nick followed my gaze towards behind the couch where several cardboard boxes were neatly stacked up, dented and with shoe prints, but stacked.
Nick smiled, when he noticed, "Well, I'm sorry I bothered you." he added, his face turning a bright pink, so did the back of his neck.
"It's okay," I smiled, "I was watching a movie,"
"Oh?" Nick questioned, "Is that why you screamed? What were you watching, anyway?"
I motioned for him to follow me towards the living room, he cringed at the sight of the pale, asian looking kid paused on the screen.
"The messengers?" he questioned looking down at me, "Brutal."
I rolled my eyes, and we stood their for several awkward seconds.
"Well, I better go," he spoke quickly, "I have to meet John."
I nodded but cringed at the name none the less.
"Hey," I spoke, causing him to look at me, surprisd, "tell Johnny Boy to pick you up here, he has to get his stuff...and you could finish the movie with me?"

What the fuck are you doing girl?

Nick smiled at me, and nodded eagerly, "Yea definetly, lemme call him."
I nodded and he walked towards the kitchen. I mentally slapped my self at my actions, and began cleaning up the popcorn that littered the hard wood floor.

He was definetly good looking. I wouldn't deny that. But, he was John's best friend.

"hey, man." Nick spoke into the phone, and I leaned over the couch, and saw him leaning against the kitchen counter, "I didn't know you broke up with her."
John spoke.
"You're a fucking douche!"
John spoke.
"Are fucking kidding me!? You're so insensitive!"
I cringed at that.
"Yeah, I'm here. Come get me. Some of your shit is here too."
John Spoke.
"Whatever you idiot, were gunna talk in the car. Lates."

I heard a car honk outside, and I glanced outside the window recognizing John's black truck.
"Well, he's here," I murmered, and I cringed when heard the car door slam shut.
Seconds later Nick was walking over to open the door. And in the door way stood John.
He was wearing a black wife beater, the collar low enough to see his tattoos.
I stared at him from my spot on my couch, and watched him wince when he met my gaze.
"H-Hey Dre."
"Hello." I said sternly.
Nick looked nervously stared between us, his eyes wide and just nervous, but then he decided, "I think we should go,"
I smirked as John sighed, defeated, before he made his way towards the side of once was our couch, before he grabbed on of the three boxes. As he did I stared at him.
He was pale, dark circles around his eyes, he look thin, but not as bad as he had when I had first realized it.
But first off he looked sad.

As harsh as it may seem, I'm glad he feels what I'm feeling.

But in truth, no one deserves it. Not even John O'callghan.
♠ ♠ ♠

Too Soon?

Thank you all for the comments :]

but seriously, four stars with just two chapter up!? you guys are truly amazing.

i've decided that for each update, there will need to be NINE COMMENTS, and then i'll post the next chapter!

thanx my lovelies