‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White

The Dream is Over (Sexual content... ;-)

Chapter 4

John's POV

"This isn't working out," I spoke sternly, as I stared at the busty blonde infront of me.
Sarah and I. Well, we didn't have anything. Never did. Never will.
I will never love her. She will never love me.
I love what she does. She loves what I do.
The only thing we managed to do, as one, was to hurt the one person I truly loved.

"What are you talking about John?" she drawled, trying to be seductive. But instead making me want to vomit. I was leaning against the headboard of my bed, Sarah crawling towards me, before she was straddling me completely. I tried starring her directly in the eyes, but failed. Her low cut blouse, exposing the majority of her cleavage and her lacy red bra and also a titty tat?

Sarah chuckled and lifted my chin with her finger, and brought my lips to hers. She pulled away seconds later, "You were saying?"
"Saying what?" I smirked flipped us over.


"Fuck" I groaned.
My hand grasped the sheets, as Sarah moved around underneath them. I threw my head back in pleasure, as Sarah chuckled, sending me completely over the edge. I stared at the ceiling, the white fan spinning in rapid circles. Almost exactly how my life was at the mome-

"Oh, god. Ughhh, f-fuck"

I inhaled sharply, as I felt the tightening knot in my stomach let loose, my fists clenched once or two more times before I completely relaxed. I closed my eyes tightly before opening them, and lifting the covers, to see Sarah kissing her away up my chest.
I smirked down at her as she layed on me, her chin on my chest, where she placed gentle kisses.
"You tired baby?" she chuckled, kissing my neck, causing me to shiver. Her hand traveled south once again towards my-
"babe, I am actually tired," I said chuckling.
She pouted, her pouty lips, "It's early though,"
I gently shoved her off of me, refraining myself from rolling my eyes infront of her, "We'll continue this later, okay?"

You're just a good fuck Sarah.
Not like Dre. That was love.

She rolled over, her back to the bunk wall. Her eyes were slightly closed, as she squinted in the dim light trying to see me. I smiled. I could see her clearly.
"Hmm?" she hummed, and I felt her move around, wrapping my arms around her holding her tightly.
I didn't say anything, instead I gently kissed her, smirking into the kiss as I caused her to moan. I quickly silenced it, by touching my tongue to hers. She quickly pulled away and giggled at the soft noise our lips made when they pulled apart.
I chuckled and held her close as she rolled ontop of me her lips kissing my forehead gently, my nose, my cheeks, my lips, then my neck.
I held my breath as she gently nipped at the skin below my ear, causing me grip her waist tightly, and flip us over.

She was smirking at me as I hovered over her.
"I have taught you well,"
"Taught me well what?" she said, continuing to smirk. She smiled playfully as she pulled my down gently by the neck, reconnecting our lips.
"The signature smirk," I said smiling, leaning my forehead against hers.
"yup, I guess you have. . . Now, if you don't mind, would you hurry up and put on the stupid safe piece of rubber on your-"
I silenced her as I laughed, and gently pecked her lips.

I leaned outside our bunk, and stared right and left. All the lights were off and all the curtains of our friends were closed. I let my hand travel to the bunk drawers that were located on the side. Struggling to find the handle, I gasped as I felt Dre poking my side.
Pulling open the drawer and grabbing our neccesities, I put my head back in the bunk.
"Yes I am." she smirked with no shame.
I chuckled gently, "That's my girl."
She rolled her eyes, "creeper."
"but I'm your creeper."
She nodded as she touched her lips to mine, and like her touch always did to me, I felt the butterflies in my stomach, and the sparks flying.

I let my hands wander towards the side of her shirt and I gently began to pull it up. Dre sat up to get it off and I quickly threw it behind me.
In the darkness of the bunk, like always when we made love, her face was pink.
"Babe, I don't know how many times I have to tell you." I said, as she worked on getting my boxers off, "You're gorgeous."
She chuckled, "Thank you. . . But I always get nervous around you, because I want to be perfect for you."
"You don't have to."
"I do. Because I love you." she whispered.

I smiled and gently kissed her lips, as I pushed inside her, causing her to gasp slightly.
"I love you. .. so fucking perfect,"
She wrapped her arms around me neck pulling me closer to her, my hands were on either side of her head.
I sucked on her neck as I quickened our pace, she was trembling, her eyes closed tightly shut.
"John," she murmured into my chest, trailing small kisses.
Her eyes were open, and she was smiling up at me biting her lip, her hair sticking to her sweaty forehead.
I groaned as I felt the familiar tickling sensation in my stomach. Dre held me closer and I felt my eyes roll back as she relaxed, and moments later I collapsed ontop of her.
She reached her hand up, and pushed my bangs out of my hair.
"John," she whispered, her voice soft, delicate, loving.

I cringed as Dre's voice grew annoyed, and as I glanced down at her her face was contorted in confusion.

The whole scene changed, and I felt my self gasping for breath. I was at home. Sarah ontop of me, my breath ragged, as I gripped Sarah's hips.

"John?! How could you?!"
I looked to the side, and in the door way stood Dre, her eyes red and puffy.

You Prick.
You ass hole.
You insensitive-

My eyes snapped open, as a voice yelled in my ear. I looked to my side and saw Sarah starring at me in frustration, "Wake up!"
I sat up, holding my head. My breath was ragged, my heart pounding, I blinked my eyes, and felt tears fall.

I turned annoyed at Sarah who was laying under the sheets stroking my arm.
She huffed, "Your phone has been ringing non-stop."
I grabbed some boxers and jeans, and stood up off of the bed, grabbing my phone as it continued vibrating, I shoved my clothes on, and left my bedroom door, and a surprised Sarah.


"Yo, Man what's up-?"
"I didn't know you broke up with her."
I gasped at his voice, and froze half way down the stairs. I cleared my throat.
"I did, so what?"
"You fucking douche!"
I rolled my eyes, as I passed Garret and Nat in the kitchen, who both stared at me looks of disgust in their eyes.
"What ever man. I just got laid, I'm happy. So don't bring her up."
"Are fucking kidding me!? You're so insensitive!"
I cringed at that, and slumped against the fridge, as Nat and Garret left the kitchen whispering to each other.
"Okay, where are you? You at her place aren't you?"
"Yeah, I'm here. Come get me. Some of your shit is here too."
I sighed, "I'll be there."
"Whatever you idiot, were gunna talk in the car. Lates."

I watched as Nick walked up the stairs towards the guest room, passing my bedroom where Sarah was most likely asleep.
I didn't follow him up there, or go to Sarah.
I walked towards the front door, walking past Nat and Garret who were walking in.
"Where are you going man? It's 3 in the morning!"
"Fuck off, Garret." I muttered harshly as I headed towards my truck.
"Whatever asshole...I don't give a shit. Don't get arrested."
I slammed the car door, and turned on the car light, pushing shit off of the seat, and looking on the floor, I pushed aside my old cast, and grabbed my two best friends.

I drove, and I drove and I continued to drive.
I was two miles of Tempe when I pulled over to the side of the road.
I got out of the car and walked towards the trunk, where I jumped into it.
I opened my little baggy.
I pulled a couple rolled up bills.
I place my magazine on the truck's bottom.
I dumped the sweet white powder.
I breathed in deeply, before my nostril touched the bills.

"This is for you Dre. I'm going to be fucking happy!"
♠ ♠ ♠

: [ sad?

That was my first time writing a 'vivid' / 'descriptive' sex scene. . . what did you guys think?

But what do you guys want to read about? More from John's POV? More Sexy time? lol- More Drama? More about Nick? You guys tell me, and I will try to oblige :]

So my comment request hasn't been getting fulfilled, but I keep updating because I know you guys love it so much ahha.....
But please, atleast 6-9 comments for the next update, okay?