‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White

Something Left to Give

Chapter 4

Dre's POV

"Well, Miss William's we have your mother's will, and in a letter left to us, she stated that she would like to have you, her mother, and your father present." The lawyer glanced up at us over the rim of her small framed glasses, "I assume you're all here....uhm but who are you?"
I glanced to my side and smiled, as Nat offered a small wave, "She's my besfriend, therapist, and support group....whatever I get I'm splitting with her."
From my other side, I heard my grandmother and father gasp.

"You cannot be serious Andrea!? Why on earth woul-"
"Ma'am," the lawyer spoke fixing the brooch on her navy blue coat, "What she does with her share is completely up to her. I'm sure you wouldn't want her telling you what to do with your share."
Nat snickered from behind me, earning her a slap in the knee from me, which shut her up instantly.

"Well, shall we start with the reading of the will?"
I nodded hesitantly and glanced at my father. He was seated next to Gran, and I'll admit he looked rather lost, with out my stepmother seated next to him. She was the backbone.
"Well, left to Christina Xavier," the lawyer spoke, addressing my grandmother who was leaning eagerly foreward in her chair, "You have been left, one gold necklace, and several family portaits, all from Clarissa."
I smirked as the eager face that was on Gran's face seconds before, dropped, and her mouth was slightly agape, "That's it?!"
I wanted to jump the old women, and strangle her.
The old Hag is richer, then my mother and I were!

I took a deep breath, and smiled as the lawyer glared at Gran over the top of her thin rimmed glasses.
"Well, shall we continue?" the lawyer spoke, every word layered with sarcasm, "Please, let me know if you would like me to go any slower."
Gran pursed her lips, and glared at the lawyer before she waved a hand, "Continue."
Nat yawned loudly from behind me, and moments later I heard the steady sound of her breathing. She was asleep.

"Mr. Edward Williams?" the lawyer spoke, for the sake of this, I'm going to call her Barb.
"Mr. Edward Williams," Barb spoke, shuffling papers around on her desk.
"Your ex wife left you her wedding ring, family portaits and $50, 000 dollars from her catering company. . . I trust you will use it well?" Barb spoke, eyeing my father intently.
For once my dad didn't look strong. Serious. Anything a man should look like.
"Yes, I will," he whispered, taking the ring from Barb's hand as she leaned foreward.

"And now, Andrea, I presume?" Barb spoke smiling kindly at me before she flipped to the final of the paper's on her desk.
"Your mother has left her house, her two cars, all expenses paid for. . . the boat house in Lake Powell. . . Oh, and of course to know suprise, the catering company."


I jumped, but remained silent, at Nat, Gran's and Dad's outburst at the news.
I didn't expect it, but it was always in my mind to have the company handed down to me.
Before mom died, we both often questioned what I would end up doing to be successfull, and happy.
I smiled at the thought.
I guess I found it.

"She can't have it!" my father yelled causing Barb to stare at him in shock, with wide eyes.
"And why can't she?"
My father glared at Barb, his lips pulled into a tight line, and as he spoke you could instantly tell he was talking through clenched teeth, "Because, she doesn't know what she wants. She hasn't gone to college, and besides she doesn't deser-"
"I do too, know what I want," I spoke harshly, glaring at my dad.
"No you don't,"
"You don't know what's going through my head." I snapped.
I felt a hand on my on my shoulder, "relax, he's wrong. you're right."
I nodded, and shrugged Nat's hand off of my shoulder.

My father was glaring still, his eyes set on mine.
"I didn't know what I want. But I do know. And I hope you're pissed off about it." I spoke starring straight into the eyes identical to mine.
The ones I've learned to loathe. To hate. To blame.


"I can't believe he said that to you!" Nat exclaimed as we left the building, "He doesn't know you."
I stayed silent, as we walked down the many flights of stairs, to reach the lobby.
"I can,"
"Can what?" Nat asked starring at me curiously.
"Can believe that he would say that to me," I sighed, "He blames me, for everything. For encouraging mom to do the company... but you know what? It shouldn't matter to him because what's done is done, and I know what I want to do now. My mom knew all along what I wanted to do."

Nat didn't say anything as we walked out of the lobby, the hot Arizona sun hitting us powerfully, as soon as we set foot on the cement.
I froze, and held my hand up to silent her, as a white van covered in sharpie markings and five familiar figures standing infront of it came into view.
"Why are they here, Nat?"
"I called," Nat stated staring at me intently as we continued walking, her shoulders running into mine occasionally to guide me.
Nat didn't cower down at my tone, as I had expected her to, "They wanted to support you."
"Sure, all except one."
"He's trying Dre."
"I'll reconcile things with him. . .not 100% but I will eventually. . . But I will never foregive him."
Nat sighed, but nodded understanding, "Why though?"
I breathed in deeply as my gaze met John's. He didn't flinch out of it, and neither did I.
"I thought he loved me. . . But why cheat on someone who you supposedly love?"
♠ ♠ ♠

I don't like this chapter . . . but please comment, i worked hard on it haha
So thank you lots to all of my readers, and commenters, even the silent ones. :]

The feedback has been really bad lately, So if really don't get comments, this story will be on permanent Hiatus. . . I will most likely be posting chapters for a while no matter the comment count, but not for long