‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White


Chapter 6

John Ohh POV

I watched unamused as Garret and Nat quietly bickered with Dre, on how she had to sit next to me in the van. The sitting situation was like how it had been when we toured with the van, before we got the tour bus.
The days of the fifteen passenger van were the best.
I stared out the window, trying to subtle as I watched the three continue to bicker. I was glad my ray bans were dark, because as soon as I had begun to watch Dre intently, she had stopped talking, glared at my window, and pointed at me.

"You two need to give it up! I have, nothing's going to happen! I'm never going to want to be with him ever again!" she shrieked loudly.

I cringed at her words. Each one thick with malice, and her eyes showed no sign of remorse. I turned away from the window and stared at my lap, flexing my fingers, I slowly began to feel hot. And suddenly I was angry.
Instantly, just like that. With a few words, my temper flared, and my world began to spiral.

I watched as Dre slammed open the sliding door, causing Pat and Jared to jump and stare at her in shock. She manuvered her way over my legs, before she took a seat, as far as she could from me.
I felt a pang in my chest at that move.
She really did hate me.

Garret was the last to climb into the van, as he did he stared at me intently, his eyes narrowing.
Under his gaze, I began to sweat more. My ears were pounding. It was hot, too fucking hot.
"Ken, man, turn on the air?" I questioned speaking rapidly.
I need to get home. I need to get home now.
From the rear view mirror I saw the majority of the van passengers, minus Dre, who's eyes were shut, stare at me with knowing glares.
"John, it's not hot, just chill." Jared spoke stiffly, watching my every move from the first row.
I nodded, but flipped him off when his back was turned. Kennedy, turned the car on, and slowly began to pull away from the curb. Everything was going in slow motion.
The people on the street were walking too slow. The car was going too slow.

I glanced down at my lap and saw my leg shaking. I was jittery. I was angsty and I wanted out.
I stared out the window as we pulled up to a stop light. It was so fucking hot-
"Okay, fuck!" I yelled, causing everyone to jump and glance at me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dre. Her eyes searching my face. Concerned?
I shouldn't even give a fuck anymore.
I glared at her.
I was like this because of her.
But I was happy I was like this, I had no control. And noone could control me.
I know I have a problem.
I don't care.
I need to get high.

"What is the matter with you?" Pat spoke sternly, turning around from the Passenger's seat.
"nothing," I snapped quickly, I stared at the lights infront of us, then at the cross walk lights. I had about five seconds to get out of the van. I glanced at my watch, it was 3:30.
I had about 20 seconds to get out of the van, and ten minutes to race to the bus stop and head down town, to meet Sarah.
She had everything at her apartment.
She was my doctor.
My drug dealer.
My comfort.
My partner.
My other half? Maybe.

I glanced at Dre. Her light eyes still searching, her lips were chapped and as she opened them:
"John? John I-"
"I'm out of here."

With an adrenaline rush, I jumped at the van door, and flung it open.
With mixed, and confused yells from my van mates, "JOHN?!"
I jumped out and booked it across the street.
Not looking back.
Not regretting.
Never looking back.
But regretting everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to those who commented, and also to those who bother reading the madness that comes out of my mind :]
it's really appreciated

If i get atleast 4 comments for this chapter, I will update immediately after receiving the 4th comment

Updates might be a little less frequent without comments, and they might stop. . .
