‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White

Kill the Messenger

Chapter 7 written in notebook :]

"Oh No." Nat groaned as I walked down the stairs purse in hand, a big smile on my face, but it stopped at her expression.
Shock. Confusion. A smirk.
"What?" I asked her innocently as I walked down the stairs of my mother's home, towards the kitchen where I grabbed a mug, and began to pour myself some dunkin donuts coffee. Taking a sip I leaned on the counter and jumped at the sight of Nat watching me carefully.

"Okay, either you have a hot date, or its something to do with the catering company."
I instantly felt my cheeks burn at her words, and I stared down sheepishly.
"What are you-I have no idea what you're talking about." I smiled sheepishly, putting my mug into the sink.
Nat gave me a knowing look before she hopped onto the kitchen counter, "it's been two months," she said sadly, "I think it would be okay, if you started dating again."
"Coulda, woulda." I spoke starring at my feet, "But I don't have one."
Nat rolled her eyes at me, and followed me as I made my way towards the front door.
"I'm going with Phil, the Warped Manager to pick my bus. . .and Nick is coming with me,"
I heard her scream as I quickly shut the door.

. . . . . . . . . . .

My palms were sweating as i gripped the steering wheel. I turned right as the light turned green. I was headed towards Nick's current boarding house. . . John's house.
The boys of the Maine were living together. Garret of course, give some exception.
Moments later I was turning onto the boys street, and my heart began pounding, and I felt knots in my stomach.

I watched in shock as John went bursting through the van door, his hands shaking.

"What the fuck?!"

The other's all yelled at him in frustration as he ran across the street toward's Main Street's bus stop.
I leaned back in my seat and watched him dissapear form view.

"What the hell was that about?" Nat asked sitting up in her seat and looking out the window trying to find him.

I turned the corner onto the Maine's block, my hands felt sweatier and sweatier.
Pulling into a parking spot across the street, I smiled when I saw Pat and Kennedy n the front lawn, watering and cutting their dead and brown lawn.
At the sound of my car door slamming shut, the two boys glances in my direction and looking away, before doing a double take, and racing towards me.

"DRE!" Pat screamed before hugging me tightly.
"Hey Patty," I smiled kissing his cheek, and hugging him tight.
"Hey Girly," Kenney spoke hugging me as well and guiding me towards the house, "How've you been?"
"Ehh, could be better, but I'm hanging in there." I spoke honestly, as Pat wrapped his arms around me in a sideways hug, "But I'm happy to be getting my Warped bus today,"
Pat chuckled, and linked our arms, while he bounced happily.
Kennedy looked at me confused, "Then what are you doing here?"
"oh Uhmm. . . I actually came to get Nick."
Pat's grip on my arm stiffened, and he gazed at me, a look of surprise on his face, "Oh, so you're the Dre he's been talking about."
I chuckled, as Kennedy rolled his eyes, "How many Dre's do we know, that would fit her exact description?"

Pat blushed, and hung his head, while I glared at Kenny causing him to cower back.
"Yeap, that would be me Patty," I spoke giving his arm a squeeze, "So. . . uhm could you guys go get him for me? I know he's staying here so yea-"
"He's no here," Kenny spoke, in a distant voice, "He and John actually went out, but they should be back soon. . . You could wait with us?"
I smiled, glancing at Pat who nodded eagerly, "Okay, I will."

"You know, you're going to have to face John sooner or later," Patty spoke as he handed me a glass of soda, and took a seat with me and Kenny at the table, "We're all going to be on Warped and stuff,"
"I know, trust me." I muttered, "I just haven't figured out how to deal with him."

I watched as John's shadow dissapeared with him all together down the sidewalk. I was ready to tell him. Ready to tell him, I've moved on and that he could to. . . even though he probably did. But, that maybe we could give it a shot at being friends.

"He sure has," Kenny spoke angrily.
I looked up at his words, watching him as he put his head down shamefully.
"What do you mean?" I spoke sharply, while Pat glared at him, Kenny hung his head shamefully.
"He's still doing the drugs, isn't he?" I spoke in barely a whisper.
Kenny and Pat looked at the table shamefully.
I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, "I can't believe him."
"I can," Kenny spoke bluntly, "He hurt you, sure. But he still doesn't deserve to do this to himself."

I nodded slowly, "I'm sorry, I'm being selfish."
Pat offered me a sad smile and took my hand.
"But guilt and anger shouldn't result in the use of drugs. . . he shouldn't use them as an escape."
Kennedy nodded, "But. . . don't you feel guilty with what you're doing?"
I stared at him confused, and then taking a glance at Pat, who merely shrugged.
"What do you mean, Kennedy?" Pat and I asked.

"What are you're intentions with Nick?" he asked me seriously," I mean, do you like him, or are you just trying to make J-"
"John jealous?" I whispered, whispering his name even softer, "No, I'm not."

I don't think I am. I hope I'm not. . . . I've only talked to Nick, he can't be jealous of what doesn't exist.

Pat looked nervous, and caustiously looked between Kennedy and I, before he broke the silence.
"See. . . she's not doing anything. . . anything intentionally John! I mean, c'mon its Dre!"
Kennedy, sighed looking slightly defeated, but convinced, "I just- I don't know, honestly. When he went to pick up Nick from your house, he came back distraught and just weird-"
"He has no reason to act that way!" Pat exclaimed as I opened my mouth to say what he just said, "I mean, hello, he's with Sara."

I froze, the name ringing a sour bell in my memory.

"You're Kidding." I gasped, "Please tell me you're joking. . .Oh and don't tell me, she's his squeeze and his drug dealer!"
Pat nodded his head, while Kennedy remained still and silent.
Before either of us could open our mouths to respond to anything.
I heard the garage open, and a car door slam before we heard four different voices.

I stood up as the door by the kitchen opened and Garret, Jared, Nick and John walked in talking loudly, but it all stopped when they saw me.
"DRE!" I jumped and smiled slightly as Jared wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into a hug "What are you doing here, John's going to have a hemorhage,"
I winced at that, and looked over to see Nick smiling as he waved at me, I smiled and watched him blush.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw John watching me. Squirming under his gaze I turned my back towards him and made my way towards Nick and Garret, who were standing apart from us, watching quietly.
"Ready to go?" Nick asked me as I approached, he opened his arms, and I walked into them taking in his musky scent, of ax, and strawberries.
"strawberry shampoo?"
"Hell yea, loreal shampoo, parrot shaped bottle." he smiled, blushing as he did so.
"Well, it smells good," I smiled.

We both stood their awkwardly as the other's watched us curiously. Some happy, some confused, and some just looking plain angry.

"Shall we," I spoke softly, trying to get myself out of this house.
Nick linked arms with mine, and kissed the top of my head.

Please don't let John be looking

As we left I heard a door slam shut upstairs.
Knowing it came from John's room.
♠ ♠ ♠
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