‹ Prequel: I must Be Dreaming
Status: Complete. Hope You all Enjoyed :]

Black and White

The Resolution

Chapter 9

Dre's POV

"Did he say why he wanted to talk to you?"
I shook my heading, looking at Halvo as he balanced on his shopping cart, getting odd looks from fellow shoppers.
"He said he had to talk to me." I sighed, "I don't want to. . .but Hakuna Matata, no worries, and put the past behind you."
Halvo chuckled, as Justin nodded his head seriously, "But don't forget everything entirely, y'know?"
I nodded, "Yeah, I do."
I chuckled as Halvo broke into a run, and I saw a flash of orange before I was enveloped into a tight hug.
"Hey!" Halvo whined, "You can't use her as a shield Nick, "
I blushed furiously as Nick held me tightly, an exagerated look of terror in his eyes, and he stared at Halvo, "Dre protect me!"
I chuckled, trying to cover up my blushing by looking down as Justin and Andrew approached us, "I'm sorry Halvo, I'm not going to let you hurt my favorite fake ginger."
Nick gasped and loosened his grasp around me, causing me to pout and him to chuckle, before he let his arm hang around my waist, "I'm hurt Dre,"
I shrugged, leaning against him, feeling his fingers on my waist I smiled, "Well you're a red head you're irrsistable to me," I joked.
Halvo chuckled, "like Travis."


"Dre, I-I know you're never going to foregive me entirely, for hurting you," John spoke softly. My heart melted, he sounded sincere and honest.
"I know I shouldn't blame you for anything, a-and that I should just blame myself, for pushing you away."
I nodded, biting my lips as a tear streamed down my cheek. "I never will,"
John looked me in the eyes, "I know we have nothing, and that we may nev-"
"will never," I sighed, meeting his gaze.
He seemed to wince at my words, "We'll never have anything again," his voice cracked, "I know I pushed you away, I just, I need you back in my life-"
I shook my head harshly, "No John, I can't I -"
He held a hand up to stop me, "I still love you. . . a-and I know you don't love me anymore; and I will somehow have to get over you, even if it kills me. But I need you, even just as a friend. Please?"
I stared at him, his eyes glassy, his hands shaking, trembling violently. His lip trembling. My heart shattered.
"John," I started, "What you did, it broke me."

I watched his face change from sincere, to feeling shitty in a second.
"You have no idea," I spoke, "You had no idea, what was going on because you were never there."
John nodded solemnly, a tear streaming down his face.
"But, I'm going to give you a chance," I said softly, watching his face light up instantly, "You'll always have a place in my heart. But even building this friendship will be hard to build, okay? Because what you did will alway come between us, and will always hold me back."

John and I sat silently, facing each other at the dining table. I picked at my nails, while John tapped his glass softly.
"So," I spoke, trying to control my temper.
For what I was about to say was the only thing that still made be incredibly angry with myself and John.
He looked up at my words, "You're dating Sara?"
John flushed at my words, "Yeah. I am."
I nodded, "Don't hurt her. Or let her hurt you." I said trying to smile.
John seemed to take my hesitant smile, seriously, and grinned, "I won't."
I nodded, then Kennedy' voice rang in my voice 'he sure has'

"Hmmm?" I hummed looking at me smiling still.
"Uhm. . . you're still doing the drug's aren't you?"
He tensed as I spoke, and hesitantly nodded, "Yea?"
I took a deep breath, trying to refrain my self from screaming, "You have to stop."
He didn't answer but just stared at me.
"John you're killing yourself," I stated bluntly, trying to get the point across.
"It's good to know you care," John stated.
I rolled my eyes, watching him smirk knowing he had annoyed me.
"You're right. Why do I care?" I stated aloud.
John shrugged, and stared at his glass of water.
"John," I sighed, knowing that he was fighting a battle within himself, he had the
'I know what I'm doing. . . I think' look on his face.
He stared at me curiosly, "You know why I do them,"

Guilt filled my bones, and I instantly looked down, "But you don't have to anymore. I'm back. Not necessarly the way we used to be, but I am here."
John sighed agitated, "I-I know okay, it was hard-"
"Well it's not anymore John!" I hissed at him, "You just make everything so complicated-"
"I know," he smirked, "I'm-
"John Oh," I smiled, "I know"
He blushed.
"Promise me, okay?" I said taking his hand in mine, "Please?"
John pulled his hand away, "You touching my hand won't let stop loving you any easier."
I blushed, and put my hand in my lap.

"But, I will stop."

lying bastard
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm going to be starting and Alex Gaskarth story soon: comment and subscribe for what I already have? : ] The Mixed Tapes

What did you guys think? Too soon?? :/
So thank you lots to those who are commenting, makes very happeh :]

So i need suggestions? What do you guys want; Drama? Comedy? More Nick? More Halvo? More anybody, tell my what you guys want, and it may happen :]

4 comments for next update : ]
