Gone With the Sin

Gone With The Sin

Tonight was going to be my last night. I could feel it. Everyone around me had noticed me getting sicker and sicker, and now I could feel my time to leave coming and my minutes remaining getting less.

I sat in the only seat in the small hall as my favourite band ever played to me. Yeah, they knew I was sick, but they didn’t know what with and that I wasn’t going to make it through the night. Or perhaps they did know, just didn’t let on that they did. HIM played my favourite songs quietly and beautifully. I could feel my energy draining out of me as each song passed.

“I love your skin, oh so white...” Ville sung deeply and I sighed slowly. I knew this song was coming because he knew I thought it was amazingly beautiful, but it was still so heartbreaking for me. “I love your touch, cold as ice... And I love every single tear you cry... I just love the way you’re losing your life...” The band kicked in and he slowly took steps down the stairs, continuing to sing to me.

“Whoa my baby, how beautiful you are... Whoa my darling, completely torn apart...” he said as he made it to the bottom of the stairs. He kept on heading towards me slowly, walking to the beat of the music. “You’re gone with the sin, my baby, and beautiful you are... So gone with the sin my darling...” He had finally reached me and held his hand out to me. I took it, but couldn’t pull myself up. My energy was almost completely drained from me. He let go of my hand and put both of his arms around my waist and heaved me up off my seat.

“I adore the despair in your eyes...” he sung sweetly into my ear as I leaned into him. Me standing up completely relied on his body being there. I just simply didn’t have enough energy anymore, and it sucked. “I worship your lips, once red as wine...” Ville nestled his head into my neck and I did the same for him. He held me close and I attempted to tighten my grip around his shoulders. I’d liked Ville a lot since the day I’d met him and his beautiful lyrics and music had constantly continued to captivate me. But I’d never dreamt of the day that he would be holding me tightly before I lost my life...

“I crave for your scent, sending shivers down my spine...” he growled, sending shivers down my spine. “I just love the way you’re running out of life...” He gave me a small kiss on my neck, then started to sway us back and forth as he sung the chorus to me. I realised we were attempting to slow dance to one of my favourite songs, so used up the last amount of my little remaining energy to enjoy the moment and dance with him too. Linde played a sweet solo for the song as Ville whispered sweet nothings to me.

“I love you...” he whispered before the solo ended. I was so shocked I couldn’t reply to him, so he just continued to sing the chorus and dance with me. I felt the very last of my energy disappearing. I knew the end was near. I had to tell him that I loved him too. But I couldn’t. I’d never told him before, and he needed to know before I left him for good. “So gone with the sin my darling...” I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me away out of his arms...