Status: 10/27/10 - new chapter is up, but you guys probably hate me by now. :p



Paparazzo (pah-puh-raht-soh)
plural - paparazzi (pah-puh-raht-see):
freelance photographer who sells photographs of celebrities to the media, especially one who pursues celebrities and attempts to obtain candid photographs.

That was my job as defined by the dictionary. Taking pictures of celebrities, sometimes aggressively as much as I hated it. This was not my dream, but somehow, a chance encounter with one Joe Jonas was about to make doing this all worth while.

Authors Note: Pleaseeee give it a shot? :3
  1. chapter one.
    life as I know it.
  2. chapter two.
    Joe's POV
  3. chapter three.
    pretty as a car crash.
  4. chapter four.
    Joe's POV
  5. chapter five.
    let me know if I'm gonna be alright.
  6. chapter six.
    Joe's POV
  7. chapter seven.
    i had the best day with you.