Living Dead Next Door

I’ve Just Seen A Face

*New Vampire POV*

-the night before-

I checked my watch I stole from this rich guy I killed a few weeks ago, it was 12:45am and my jaw kept clenching and my eyes burned, I knew I was hungry and I needed to feed but I’m very picky at who I pick.

I was sitting on a branch in the forest, closing my eyes just breathing the air, then I smelt her, my eyes shot open, I grinned.

“Dinners ready” I chuckled to myself.

I could faintly hear her footsteps, she was walking alone, I had no idea what she was doing alone at this time but I didn’t care.

I shot off the tree and landed right behind her smiling, she turned around and jumped.

“Oh I’m very sorry, didn’t mean to scare you” I smiled again, trying to make her calm so she wouldn’t scream.

She sighed “that’s fine, I didn’t know anyone was behind me” I could see in her eyes she was still scared, I didn’t blame her, my eyes were bloodshot, she probably thought I was a drug addict.

I like making up excuses to people so they would help me, or least not be scared.

I thought for a second and grinned when I knew a good lie.

“Actually I was in the forest, looking for my younger brother” I looked into her eyes and sniffed, which made her think I had been crying.

“What happened to him?” Her eyes went from terrified to sympathy,

“He ran off an hour ago, I have no idea where he could be...what are you doing out so late, you shouldn’t be alone” I tried not to smile too much, didn’t want her to freak out.

“Oh umm...I was working at the hotel reception, only just finished” She smiled, avoiding my eye contact.

I knew I had to stop the small talk, get this over and done with, going to be a shame though, she’s beautiful.

I grabbed her chin gently, making her look into my eyes, I grinned, my fangs showing a tiny bit.

“You know, you really shouldn’t talk to strangers” I opened my mouth some more.

Her face went white, her jaw was shaking a bit, the pupils in her eyes were larger, she turned and started to run.

I laughed “They always run”

I stopped laughing and glared at her figure still running “I hate it when they run”

She was panting, her feet were barely touching the pavement she was running so fast, her head kept jerking behind her, I wasn’t there so she stopped to take a breath.

As she was panting two feet were standing there in front of her, she slowly got up and saw me there smiling.

“No, please, no, no” She was whispering, pleading, it was funny...pathetic.

I was grinning, glaring at her nodding my head.


I laughed “finally she screams” I grabbed her arm and snapped it.

She screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

“Oh come one, it doesn’t hurt that much, try being so hungry your eyes are burning, being so weak, the sunlight burning the flesh off your body” I hissed at her.

She was still screaming for help, trying to get away but I had ahold of her other arm.

I groaned “you do realise if you don’t stop screaming, I’ll break the other arm” I whispered into her ear.

I dragged her into the forest, and placed her up against a tree, she was still crying, her arm bleeding, I could nearly see the bone.

I stroked her face, her soft warm skin, touching my cold hand, her eyes an emerald green, her hair was blonde with pink through it.

I leaned in and kissed her neck, grabbing her hair gently, smelling her perfume, I groaned in pleasure.

I stopped, with her still pinned against the tree, “I'm Lothario...what’s your name?” I asked seriously.

She scoffed, still in pain, crying “please don’t do this, please” She begged.

I turned away, grabbing my hair and sighing, “Just tell me your name”

She burst out crying “My name is Emily, I am the oldest of three daughters, I live with my best friend, I moved out of home when I was 17, I have a dog named Patch, and my father died when I was 6” she said fast.

I smiled, moving closer to her “you’re lucky you have a family, I pushed off against the tree.

“I had a brother, and a mother and father, Dad” I laughed

“He was a drunk, hit us, we were all so scared of him” I turned around and faced her.

“When I was turned into this...this thing, I thought of it as a gift, an escape” I moved even close to her, feeling her breath on my face while she was panting with pain.

“So do you know what I did? As soon as he punched my brother knocking him out I lost control and I killed him, with my mother watching” I twirled her hair in my fingers.

“After that she was terrified of me, so I left, that was sixty years ago” I scoffed.

I smiled at her, kissing her neck some more, my other hand stroking her soft shaking arm, I looked at her once more, kissed her lips gently, I then moved to her arm, sucking the blood, I groaned and opened my mouth wide, m fangs sticking out as I lunged for her throat.

She screamed for a minute then passed out from all the pain and blood gushing out of her, it wasn’t long until she died, her bright emerald green eyes faded in colour, her warm blood trailing down my chin, after awhile her blood was cold.

I wiped my mouth, her limp body fell to the ground. I knelt down next to her moving the hair out of her face, closing her eyes as they were wide open the pain was still written all over her face, I left her body closer to the road so someone would find her.

Running away from the scene, I found the house that I declared my own, it was still finished getting built, there was a for sale sign outside.

I plonked down on the bed that was in there, getting out a book and reading, I checked the time, it was only 1:30am...this was going to be a long night.
♠ ♠ ♠
title is form the song ''I've Just Seen A Face by The Beatles'

please comment telling me if you like the story & don't forget to subscribe..
what do you guys think of the new vampire Lothario [pic of him in characters section] I did this chapter to show there's a soft side to him...
thanks for reading and to the people who subscribe you are are awesome =]

This is Lothario